Year 4 Art Evaluation

This half term, we have been inspired by the work of Henri Rousseau in making our rainforest pictures.

Now we need to evaluate what we have created.

Look at your work.

  1. Describe what you see.
  2. Tell me two things you have done well in your art work.
  3. What would you improve if you were to do this again?
  4. What techniques have you used?
  5. Is it clear that your art is inspired by Henri Rousseau?

82 responses to “Year 4 Art Evaluation”

  1. Kirtan P.

    1. I see a big tree a flower and a sloth, frog, toucan.
    2. I made the sloth look good and the waterfall.
    3. I would improve my grass.
    4. I used light and dark for the leaves.
    5. Yes because the tree doesn’t look real.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

      1. Kirtan P.

        Make it super funky.

  2. Aisha A.

    Describe what you have seen.
    I can see leafs and also I can see an river on my Amazon rainforest picture.
    I am well at drawing and telling information at art
    I would improve by putting an animal on my Amazon rainforest for an example the animal can be sloth toucon and also tree frog.
    I have used my knowledge on art by drawing the animal I have
    papered .
    Yes I also learnt all about Henri Rousseau.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

      1. Aisha A.

        I would give an advice which would be “Henri Rousseau is very famous and also he is n Artis”

  3. Ghazala H.

    Henri roussue is a painting and doing it lightly I try my best do it shading now I did it now we learned it and I did art all myself in shading.

  4. Yaseen E.

    Describe what you see.
    I can see a lake in the background.
    Tell me two things you have done well in your art work.
    Shading in the waterfall.
    What would you improve if you were to do this again?
    Not pressing to hard on the pencil.
    What techniques have you used?
    Shading ,outlining my drawing.
    Is it clear that your art is inspired by Henri Rousseau?
    Yes because he used different types of techniques.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

      1. Yaseen E.

        I would tell hime to say the different types of techniques he used in his art work.

  5. Minaal A.

    I would tell them to work hard and add more colours also make a few animals and for your leaves you should shade them you should make so many leaves so it looks like a rainforest and for your background you should just colour it all green like light green for the top and dark green for the bottom but for the light green you should press harder and for dark green you should press lightly.

  6. Meharunisa A.

    1) I see the diamond crystal waterfall.I see the green hearted tree.
    2) First I didn’t no how to create a Henri Rousseau art Secondly I improved my art work.
    3) I would improve my shading and not colouring roughly.
    4)I have used my technique by making sure it is not too much rough.
    5) My art is a bit clear.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Which parts of your work are similar to Rousseau?

    2. Meharunisa A.

      My animals are similar.

  7. Muhammad R.

    can see that I have done a lot of trees,waterfalls and lots more.
    My drawings were designed good and my colouring.
    I would improve my design on all of my animals and improve my leaves.
    I have used light pressure,heavy pressure, scrambling,sideways.
    Yes because we made the forest an Henri Rousseau’s art was mainly forests.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

  8. Sanad S.

    Describe what you see.
    I see a green leaf.
    I see Animals everywhere.
    I see branches all around the trees.
    Tell me two things you have done well in your art work.
    My best thin in my art work was that the background was pretty good for me.
    What would you improve if you were to do this again?
    I would improve my colouring,drawing and my animals.
    What techniques have you used?
    The technique I used was shading.
    Is it clear that your art is inspired by Henri Rousseau?

    1. Mrs Latham

      Which aspects of your work are inspired by Rousseau?

      1. Sanad S.

        My animals

  9. Tyson T.

    My animals are more realistic than His are.
    He has a different rainforest.

  10. Rayyana M.

    I see a toucan , 3 toed sloth and a red eyed tree frog.
    I have done well at the river and leaves.
    I would improve the animals and tree.
    I blended pastels for the red eyed tree frog and the toucan.
    Yes because it is funky.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Can you use a better word than funky to explain the style of Rousseau’s work?

      1. Rayyana M.

        A different word for funky is post impressionist

  11. Tyson T.

    My animals are more realistic than His are.

  12. Retaj I.

    1.Describe what you see?
    I see a blue river,green leaves and a thriving tree.
    2.Tell me two things you have done well in your art work?
    I have done my animals and my leaves well.
    3.what would you improve if you were to do this again?
    I would improve my river.
    4.What a techniques have you used?
    I’ve used my shading skills.
    5.Is it clear that your art is inspired by Henry Rousseau?
    Yes because we both used tropical rainforest animals and both are based on a rainforest.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

      1. Retaj I.

        To shade lightly on th leaves

  13. Eman A.

    Describe what you see.
    I can see animals that are all around the waterfall and rainforest.
    Tell me two things you have done well in your art work.
    I have made it look realistic and I used Henry Rousseau’s inspiration.
    What would you improve if you were to do this again?
    I would try and make it more realistic because my animals in my art work don’t look the same as the first time we did it step-by-step
    What techniques have you used?
    I have used my shading techniques.
    Is it clear that your art is inspired by Henri Rousseau? Describe what you see.
    It is not that clear that it is inspired by Henri Rousseau because he used more imagination then what I have used to create my art peace

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

      1. Eman A.

        I would give them advice to readership before they start planing their art work

      2. Eman A.

        I mean I would give them advice to reaserch before they start planing their art work

  14. Sumaya S.

    Nature and leaves in my work
    Sketches and drawing
    Do the same thing again like I did last time
    Sketches/ scumbling /light presser
    Yes because we both have weird art

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

      1. Andre M.

        I would tell them to think of a rainforest and try to input it to their drawing.

      2. Muhammad R.

        I would say to just try to think all about your art work and just try to answer it.

  15. Andre M.

    1. I see a rainforest with plants and animals thriving.
    2. I have done well in the colouring part of my art and also making it look like a rain forest.
    3. I would improve my trees because they don’t look tree like or part of th3 tree family.
    4. I have used my shading skills to blend in with dark green and light green.
    5. It is not so clear because for most of it there is only one part inspired by Henry Rousseau is a fern.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

  16. Ghazala H.

    I see some rainforest animals.
    Their is animals in the tree and I see so many leafs.
    You will try try again and draw good drawing.
    I used some mixed shading so it will be good.
    Yes because we learnt about Henri roussue and I inspired that.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

  17. Elham S.

    Describe what you see.
    I see levels animals a waterfall Rock fish and sloths are hanging on the trees .
    Tell me two things you have done well in your art work.
    I have improved my drawings by taking my time and persevering I’m never giving up.
    Sure I did it today I made sure my things were not messy or rushEd.
    What would you improve if you were to do this again?
    Are you my animal drawings and I would improve my leave and also my waterfall.
    What techniques have you used?
    I have used shading skills and lithely drawings.
    Is it clear that your art is inspired by Henri Rousseau?
    It’s it’s true because henri Rousseau isn’t alive anymore sadly!

    1. Mrs Latham

      Tell me a similarity between your work and Henri Rousseau.

      1. Elham S.

        My work and henri Rousseau’s work is similar because it’s like it have the same texture and some of the drawings are a little bit the same.

  18. Bakary C.

    I see leaves trees river and feathers.
    My art work is nice and funny
    I would love to add more colour.
    Straight and cross hatching.
    No because it is a normal rainforest.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

      1. Bakary C.

        Start with the big leaves and do the colouring at the end

  19. Tyson T.

    I see Sloths,Toucans and tree frogs in trees.
    I made sure I did not rush
    I also shaded carefully.
    I would make the animals bigger.
    I used pastels and I used a shading technique.
    My art is mostly inspired by Henri Rousseau.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Tell me a similarity between your work and that of Henri Rousseau?

  20. Aran K.

    1.I see a big water fall and some leaves.
    2.A water fall and the leaves.
    3.I would improve the animals and colour the tree brown.
    4.I have used shading skills and sketching skills.
    5.Yes because there are weird animals.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

  21. Romeesa T.

    I see animal in the rainforest and I see a rainfall.
    I have done my rainfall and leaves really well.
    I could improve on my tree frog and sloth again.
    I follow the step to make a hang sloth.
    My are is inspired by Henri Rousseau.

    1. Mrs Latham

      How is your art inspired by Rousseau?

      1. Romeesa T.

        We have look at his work . We went on a information text all about him and his live were he live.

  22. Aro M.

    1.Describe what you see.
    I see a tree frog a Tucan and a sloth. A river
    2.Tell me two things you have done well in your art work.
    My sketching and background
    3.What would you improve if you were to do this again?
    I would improve my colouring.
    4.What techniques have you used?
    I have used sketching and blending.
    5.Is it clear that your art is inspired by Henri Rousseau?
    Yes it is because it is based on his artwork

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

  23. Ismael K.

    1. I see animals that have different types of colours.
    2. I improved in art by taking time and shading.
    3. I would still take time and shade it lightly.
    4. I would use shading technique and texture technique.
    5. No because I did the art myself.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Tell me a similarity between your art work and that of Henri Rousseau.

      1. Ismael K.

        The similarity with my art work to Henri Rousseau is that I shade like him ,I do different coulors like him.

  24. Saffa M.

    I saw animals and plants and a waterfall
    Drawing the background and the waterfall
    I would improve the animals
    I have used sgraffito light pressure and hard pressure
    Yes it is because it is about the rainforest and his style is that

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

      1. Saffa M.

        I would say to them to take there time and not to rush and be worried if you done something wrong

  25. Minaal A.

    Their is lots of greenery in there.
    A few animals.
    The river looks smooth and cold.

    I worked hard on my animals the animals I made where a sloth toucan and a tree frog.
    I shaded the leaves and grass.

    I would add more trees and leaves.

    The techniques I’ve used are shading and drawings.

    It’s kind of like Henri Rousseau.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

  26. Sania K.

    I see an endless green forest full with beautiful leaves with a wonderful warterfall.
    Two things that is done good is the sloth and the warterfall.
    I would improve the toucan .
    Techniques I have use at scrum billing hard and light .
    It’s in the middle of the Henri Rousseau style .

    1. Mrs Latham

      What do you mean it’s in the middle? Can you give more details?

      1. Sania K.

        I mean that the animals are not Henri Rousseau style and the type of trees on the top .

  27. Umar S.

    I can see animals on the background.
    I have used oil pastels and I draped it carefully.
    I would improve my cutting because I have left some white space.
    I have used my oil pastel technique like scumble.
    I is not that clear that my art has been inspired by Henri Rousseau.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What do you mean by draped it? Add more detail.

      1. Umar S.

        Sorry I made a spelling error in my typing. I meant cutting.

  28. Ahmed B.

    A flowing river. a water Fall and animals
    Added animals and add a water fall
    Add more animals
    Add more scrafeeto or blending
    Yes because it is a jungle theme

    1. Mrs Latham

      How does blending help your art to be more aesthetically pleasing?

  29. Hasbia D.

    Describe what you see.
    I can see animals, the river ,leaves, trees, and branches.
    Tell me two things you have done well in your art work.
    Two things I done well in my work is the animals and the laves.
    What would you improve if you were to do this again?
    If I would improve my work I would add more rainforest animals and a water fountain.
    What techniques have you used?
    I have used my shading skills and my pastel skills.
    Is it clear that your art is inspired by Henri Rousseau?
    My art was inspired by Henri Rousseau because he used rainforest animals and the trees.

    1. Mrs Latham

      Great stuff. What advice would you give to someone doing this task?

      1. Hasbia D.

        I would tell them to keep looking back at his work and getting inspired. Also I would tell them to get key ideas.

  30. Umama H.

    1.Describe what you see.
    I see a nice waterfall a sloth swinging from vines a scarlet Macaw in the tree and a red eyed tree frog.
    2.Tell me two things you have done well in your art work.
    My animals and the tree.
    3.What would you improve if you were to do this again?
    I would make my colouring more better and realistic.
    4.What techniques have you used?
    I have used shading and sketching.
    5.Is it clear that your art is inspired by Henri Rousseau?
    Yes because it is set in the Amazon rainforest and it includes animals.

    1. Mrs Latham

      What advice would you give to someone who was doing this task?

      1. Umama H.

        They should use different teqniques unlike I did.
        Make it look realistic like Henri Rousseau work.

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