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Year 3’s Multiplication and Division Problems

Today you have been solving Multiplication and Division problems. Now it’s time to create your own! Comment below a Multiplication and Division problem, afterwards have a go at solving one of your friends problems by replying to their comment!

98 responses to “Year 3’s Multiplication and Division Problems”

  1. Aiza B.

    If Miss Holland has 10 🍭 and Miss Shurgal has 15🍭 how many sweets do the have altogether? They share the sweets with 5 children , how many sweets do they get each?

  2. Amina J.

    A chocolate machine makes 8 chocolate bars and Sentoria needs 16 for her children . There are 2 children. How many chocolates for each child?

    1. Miss Redhead

      Well done can you write another?

  3. Amelia A.

    A shopkeeper has 20 costermers every day each costumer gives him £10
    How much does he get in 3 weeks

    Lost boys have 4 sweets everyday. In 12 weeks except Saturday and Sunday how many sweets do they get.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Now solve this and explain your working out.

    2. Amelia A.

      1. He gets 210 sweets in 3 weeks
      I know this because 21 times 10 is 210
      2. 48
      I know this because 12 times 4 is 48

  4. Nihal P.

    Mo has 20 seeds and madeeha has 6 seeds

  5. Delilah R.

    Lilly has 10 sweets she gave 5 to her friend how much does she have left?
    Leah had 9 cars she got 10 more toy cars how many does she have left?
    Bob had 10 cakes he bought 12 more how many cakes does he have left
    Rola abthe muhammedk and me

    1. Miss Redhead

      This is not a multiplication or a division problem this is addition and subtraction. Please try again.

    2. Delilah R.

      Johnny has 6 cake he gives 2 to people how much does each person have?

      1. Miss Redhead

        Better. Can you tell me if you will use multiplication or division to solve this?

  6. Hussein H.

    David has 10 bricks Mike has 21 bricks John has 23 bricks.
    How much do they have in total?

    1. Miss Redhead

      This is not multiplication and division – please try again.

  7. Sara K.

    Tom had 64🚙cars he shares them with 8 friends . How many cars does each friend get?

  8. Meena B.

    Annie gets 4 packs of pencil in each packs are 5 pencils?
    How many pencil all together?
    multiply 5=?
    4 multiply 5 = ?

  9. Mustafa A.

    Today it was ketons birthday there are 24 children how many has keton shared to the children there where 50 chocolates.

    1. Osas O.

      You can’t divide 25 by 50

      1. Osas O.

        I mean 24

  10. Alinna A.

    There are 35children and there are 3 crayons in each party bag how much would Mrs Walker need?

  11. Yunus H.

    Every bags have 4 each

  12. Zaynab M.

    There are 3 adults and 40 children How many are there all together?

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      This isn’t a multiplication or division problem. Try again!

  13. Welat M.

    I have 40 broad heath jumpers I give away 32 how many jumpers do I have?
    Nma Sayda Yoshita Lawan and Muhammad D

    1. Miss Redhead

      Not a multiplication and division problem this is addition and subtraction, please try again.

      1. Welat M.

        I have 10 pounds me and Tom shared it how many do I have how many does Tom?

        1. Miss Redhead

          Solve it – tell me how you did it?

  14. Muazzan M.

    Mrs Begum has 90 crayon and she puts 10 in each pot.How many pots does she have?

  15. Ramandeep K.

    There are 30 children and 5 packs of pencils in each. How much packs would miss Walker need?

  16. Hussein H.

    Tom has 10 sweets and amira Has 20 sweets and Sam 25 sweets.
    How much do they have in total ?

    1. Miss Redhead

      This is an addition problem not a multiplication or division. Please try again.

  17. Yunus H.

    I have 16. Bags of sweets and Joshua has 36 bags of sweets who has the most sweets

  18. Arifa H.

    There is four pots but there’s 8 flowers and Annie needs to put the flowers in groups. How many in each pot?

  19. Adam O.

    I have 10 packs of pens there are 10 in each pack how many are there all together?

  20. Harrison S.

    There are 2 adults and 5 children. A pack of crayons has 5 crayons in each box. Each adult has 5 boxes of crayons. How many do each adult have all together?

  21. Osas O.

    I have 12 bags each bag has 4 sweets in it. My friend has 6 bags each bag has 5 sweets in it.
    How many sweet altogether?

      1. Mrs Begum

        Well done Aryan .

  22. Nihal P.

    Nihal has 60 pens and Keyan has 12 pencil cases. How many pencils can they put in each case?

    1. Aryan M.

      It is not in 7x table

  23. Aryan M.

    I have 52 sweets and 4 sweet bags. How many sweets can i put in each bag?

  24. Miss Redhead

    Miss Redhead’s example.
    A cupcake tray makes 8 cakes. Miss Redhead needs to bake 32 cupcakes. How many cupcake trays does Miss Redhead need?

    1. Osas O.

      4 is the answer to your question 32 divide by 8 = 4

  25. Zahra N.

    Mrs Begum has 24 stickers to give to 2 groups. How many stickers does each group get?

  26. Anish B.

    Anish has 27 sweets altogether. He shares them with 3 friends, how many sweets do his friends get each?

  27. Myiesha S.

    Mo has 5 packs that have 4 seeds.
    Madeeha has 2 packs that have 3 seeds. How many seeds do the have altogether?

    1. Osas O.

      26 is the answer 5×4 = 20 3×2 = 6 20+6 = 26

  28. Joshua C.

    Mrs Begum has 10 packs of 5 sweets and Miss Holland has 8 packs of 5 sweets. How many sweets altogether?

  29. Rehyan M.

    Miss Holland has 5 bags of sweets and Mrs Begum has 4 bags of sweets. Each bag has 4 sweets . How many sweets do they have altogether?

  30. Inder S.

    Tim has bought 44 🚗 cars and puts 4 in each box. How many boxes does he need?

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