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Year 3’s English Home Learning 10.03.23

Good morning Year 3! Today you will be applying your knowledge of playscripts to write stage directions and dialogue using the correct punctuation. Let’s recap first!

What are stage directions? Stage directions are instructions in a play which show the actors how to act.

How is dialogue punctuated? No inverted commas are used in playscripts, instead speech happens after the characters name and a colon : is used. Look at the example below for further help.

Activity 1: Finish the dialogue below using adverbs in the brackets to describe how your character is delivering the line.

Comment your work below using the correct punctuation, e.g. .,( ):

I will be checking your work throughout the day so please comment below if you are stuck. Have a good day everyone and stay safe!

27 responses to “Year 3’s English Home Learning 10.03.23”

  1. Nabiha I.

    Activity 1:
    Grany :Grany quitly lurks behind Ben,starting as he eats a spoonfull of cabage soupwith a grimance on his face .(attentively)”How is your cabage soup Ben “,? (unhappily)” Verry good “, said Ben.

  2. Yasmin A.

    I have completed my English work

  3. Hamza M.

    Granny quietly lurks behind Ben,staring as he eats a spoon full of cabbage soup with a grimace on his face .
    Granny: (attentively) How is your cabbage soup Ben?
    Ben: (helplessly) It’s good .
    Granny: (excitedly) Oh well I should give you more I guess?
    Ben:(immediately) No thanks, I’m a bit cabbaged up.
    Granny:(calmly) There are some cookies in the jar,do you want to have some?
    Ben:(energetically) Runs towards the kitchen and instead of cookies ,he found shiny jewels in the tin.

  4. Hishaam G.

    I done my Eenglish work on a paper

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Thatโ€™s okay Hishaam. Please could you bring this in Monday so I can have a look ๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Hishaam G.

    I have done my Eenglish work

  6. Havin A.

    Gran stares at Ben having a spoon full of cabbage soup with a grimace on his face
    (Attentivley) How is ur cabbage soup said Gran happily
    (Worriedly) g.great said Ben its really nice
    (Excitedly ) oh goody squeaked Gran I have some more in my pan
    (Disgustedly ) wow more I’m in heaven.. said Ben sadly

  7. Tinuola T.

    I am doing everything on a piece of paper

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Thatโ€™s okay Tinuola. Please can you bring this in Monday so I can have a look ๐Ÿ˜Š

  8. Rayan M.

    Granny quickly lurks behind Ben, staring as he eats a spoonful of the cabbage soup with a grimace
    on his face.
    Granny (attentively) how is the cabbage soup Ben?
    Ben( softly ) It’s fine, grandma it tastes lovely.
    Granny ( gently ) Oh its that so!
    Ben ( clearly ) YEP!
    Granny ( quickly ) I’ll make some more cabbage soup for you then.
    Ben ( quietly ) I don’t want any more.

  9. Ilyas K.


    Ben: (suddenly) No! Gran Stop!
    Granny: (nervously) Ben. What are you doing here?
    Ben: (loudly) I found the jewels in the biscuit tin. What are you doing?
    Granny:(quietly) Get back and be quiet someone will hear you.
    Ben: (shockingly) Are you going to steal those jewels from the shop?
    Granny: (carefully) Meet me on Sunday morning watch out so nobody sees you.

  10. Ilyas K.

    Granny: (attentively) How is the cabbage soup Ben?
    Ben: (quietly) It’s quite nice Gran.
    Granny: (gently) Would you like some chips and fish fingers instead?
    Ben: (excitedly) Yes please! Can I help peel the potatoes?
    Granny: (immediately) Of course you can. Let’s get started.
    Ben: (energetically) Yes!

  11. Esa A.

    activity 1
    Granny:( attentively) How is your cabbage soup Ben?
    Ben:(calmly) it is good grandma I like it.
    Granny:(passionately) oh, if you like it have some more then.
    Ben:(clearly) Not right now; may be later.
    Granny:(gently) ok that is fine.
    Ben:(loudly) I am going to sleep because I feel tired.

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Good job Esa! Try to remember that you start dialogue off with a capital letter, even after a stage direction. Have a go at the challenge for me Esa? The scene of Grannyโ€™s robbery using stage directions and dialogue.

  12. Hadiya M.

    Activity 1:
    Granny quietly lurks behind Ben,staring as he eats the spoonful of cabbage soup with a grimas on his face ( attentively ) How is your cabbage soup Ben? Ben: ( Nervously ) good nearly finish it is amazing.
    Gran: ( excitedly ) good because I have more waiting for you!
    Ben: ( nervously ) yay more.๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
    Gran: ( normally ) good to here.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Šand
    Gran: ( excitedly ) let’s play scrabble after you finish.
    Ben: ( Nervously ) ok sure why not hehehe.๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Hadiya! Next step: Try and use alternative adverbs than โ€˜nervouslyโ€™.Remember to always start dialogue off with a capital letter, even after a stage direction. Try and have a go at the challenge for me? Write a scene for the picture of Granny stealing, using stage direction and dialogue ๐Ÿ‘โ˜บ๏ธ

  13. Rexford A.

    Stage direction tells how the actor has to act
    A dialogue punctated is a play script no inverted commas used
    Granny lurking behind Ben,staring as he eats the spoonful of cabbage soup with a grimas on his face.Granny: (attentively) do you like your cabbage soup Ben? Ben: (neversouly) yes gran it’s amazing as he secretly tips it away! Gran: (excitedly) Let me get the pot and pour some in the bowl! Ben: (clearly) Maybe later gran. Gran: (suddenly) let’s play scrabble! Ben: (awkwardly) Umm sure I guess…

    1. Mrs Farooq

      Excellent work Rexford and great use of adverbs! You have correctly written out a playscript including character names and stage directions.
      Challenge – act this scene out with a parent/sibling/friend and use varying tones to your voices.

  14. Eva T.

    Ben:(Nervously)โ€the cabbage is great โ€œ
    Granny:(nicely)โ€Oh good โ€œ
    Ben:(quietly)โ€that is disgusting โ€œ
    Granny:(excitedly)โ€Another spoonful thenโ€

  15. Toleen S.

    Activity 1
    Granny quietly lurks behind Ben staring as he eats a spoonful of cabbage soup with a grimace on his face.
    Granny: (attentively) how is your cabbage soup?
    Ben: (disgustedly) amazing yep it’s uhh fine.
    Granny: (delighted) good,good
    Ben:( relieved ) few I’m done bye!
    Granny (pleased) no take another plate of my scrumptious,delicious cabbage soup.
    Ben: ( annoyed) no Thank you granny,oh umm uh let’s play wholly game of scramble instead.

    Granny: (happily) I’m gonna smash this 321 .
    Ben: (nervously) STOP don’t do it granny these are expensive,gold jewelery.
    Granny:(quietly) what are you doing here.
    Ben:(knowingly) I saw you with the jewels there in the gold,shiny biscuit box.
    Granny:(secretly) meet up at sunday.
    Ben:(exitedly) ok bye granny.

    1. Miss Holland

      Great effort Toleen! Remember to always start dialogue off with a capital letter, even after a stage direction. Next steps: Set the scene of Granny’s robbery. Write 3 sentences describing the scene and what Granny is doing.

  16. Eliza N.

    What are stage directions?
    A stage direction is written for actors to help them get a understanding of what to do on stage on where , how and what tone or action they should be doing when performing .
    Activity 1- Finish the dialogue below.
    Granny quietly lurks behind Ben, staring
    as he eats a spoonful of the cabbage
    soup with a grimace on his face.

    Granny : (attentively) How is your cabbage soup
    Ben? (Nervously) Itโ€™s lovely Gran thanks.
    Granny: (immediately) Ahh good shall I get you another bowl Ben?
    Ben: (Anxiously) Maybe later Gran.
    Granny: (Excitedly) Oh well , shall be play scrabble then?
    Ben:(Hesitantly) Umm if you like?

    1. Miss Redhead

      Some good stage dirextion Eliza, make sure you start them with a capital letter. I like the use of the word ‘attentively’ can you tell me what this word means?

      1. Eliza N.

        Attentively means listening carefully or giving careful attention like listening to a story.

        1. Miss Holland

          Great definition Eliza!

  17. Eesaa A.

    Ben:(Awkwardly)Yeah itโ€™s really good.
    Granny:(Happily)Oh goody Iโ€™ll make more.
    Ben:(nervously) I feel a bit cabbaged out,is there anything else but cabbage.
    Granny:(sadly) There is a tin of biscuits in the cupboard.
    At this scene you see a suspicious granny looking at jewellery in a black suit looks like when no one is watching she is going to steal it right away.Granny:(suspiciously)Iโ€™m going to steal this jewellery when no one is watching.I can do this. It is so weird why a granny is doing stealing.it looks like she is taking necklaces from a jewellery shop.There is a dark scooter ๐Ÿ›ต for a granny.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Some great stage directions here Eesaa.

      Look the the line: Oh goody I’ll make more. What punctuation could you add here to improve it?

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