Complete 2 out 3 pieces of homework.


What word in the text means old?

How did Zeus feel and how did you know?

Why did Baucis think they were Gods?

Why did Zeus send a flood?

What does entwined mean?


Explain what happens when you multiply by 10.

Mrs Khaliq says that 67×10=6700

Explain her mistake. What should she have done?

148 responses to “Year 3 Week 1 Homework”

  1. Zahra N.

    Mrs Khaliq is Wrong because it makes 670. I know this because 670×100=6700.

  2. Aqsaa F.

    10 facts about Romans
    1. Rome was founded by two brothers nursed by a she-wolf.
    2. The Ancient Romans worshipped a lot of different gods and goddesses.
    3. Sometimes the Romans would flood the whole Colosseum or Circus Maximus for a boat battle.
    4. Ancient Rome is underground.
    5. Vestal virgins were chosen when they were less than ten-years old.
    6. Two hills of Rome have given their names to words related to their roles in Ancient Rome.
    7. Romans used to eat dormice and other weird foods like flamingo.
    8. And they used to eat dinner lying down on couches.
    9. Ancient Rome used to be covered in graffiti, just like today.
    10. Romans used to wash clothes in urine!

  3. Hussein H.

    Miss Khaliq is wrong because she is doing 67×100 well it is supposed to be 67×10 I know this because 67×100 = 6700 and 67×10 =670.

  4. Aqsaa F.

    Explain what happens when you multiply by 10.

    Mrs Khaliq says that 67×10=6700

    Explain her mistake. What should she have done?

    Mrs Khaliq is wrong because she added an extra 0 – 67 ×100 is 6700 not 67×10 is 670.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      A great try. What happens to a number when you multiply by 10?

  5. Aqsaa F.

    What word in the text means old? Elderly

    How did Zeus feel and how did you know? Zeus feels Angry and upset when no-one gave them shelter and food by causing a terrible flood.

    Why did Baucis think they were Gods? Baucis and her husband gave Zeus and his son jug of wine to drink but later that everning, Baucis noticed that the jug had been refilled again she turned to her husband and told him that the men must be Gods.

    Why did Zeus send a flood? Zeus punished those who had refused them food and shelter by causing a terrible flood.

    What does entwined mean? Two or more things that twine together.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Good girl Aqsaa. What does twine mean?

  6. Hussein H.

    1. The word that means old is elderly.
    2. Lewis was angry because the other people didn’t give his son and him shelter but the old couple gave him shelter.3. Good couple thought that they were gods because the wine jug has been refilled when it was empty.
    4. Zeus got revenge by flooding all the other peoples house because they didn’t give him shelter.
    5. Entwined means bundled together.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Hussein. What is a refreshment?

  7. Aiza B.

    when you muitiply by 10 it ends with a 0

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Why? What happens to the number?
      Remember to answer the question fully.

      Mrs Khaliq is correct/incorrect. I know this because…

  8. Khadeeja M.

    Explain what happens when you multiply by 10.
    When you multiply by 10 the number gets bigger by 10 and ends with a 0 because you are adding 10 each time.
    Mrs Khaliq says that 67×10=6700
    This is the incorrect answer 67*10=670 Mrs Khaliq done this 67×10=6700 you would have to add two zeros to the ten like this 67*100=6700.
    Explain her mistake. What should she have done?
    She should have done this 67*10=670

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Superstar! What is 370 divided by 10?

  9. Myiesha S.

    What word in the text means old?
    the word in the text that means old is eldery.
    How did Zeus feel and how did you know?
    zeus felt angry because when he and his son were looking for shelter but they got turned down but he also felt relived.
    Why did Baucis think they were Gods?
    that baucis noticed that they had refilled up the wine.
    Why did Zeus send a flood?
    zeus send a flood to all the people that turned him down.
    What does entwined mean?
    entwined means when wind or twist together.
    no mrs kaliq is incorrect 67×10 is not 6700 it is 670

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great English work Myiesha.
      Why Am I incorrect for the Maths question? What happens to a number when you multiply by 10?

  10. Sheik A.

    When multipleing by 10 it always ends in a 0.
    Mrs Khalifa ad 67×100= instead 67× 10= I no this because 67×10=670

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Why does it end with zero? What happens to the number?
      Remember to answer the question itself.
      For example: mrs Khaliq is correct/incorrect. I know this because….

  11. Amirah T.


    What word in the text means old?
    The word in the text that means old is “elderly”.

    How did Zeus feel and how did you know?
    Zeus felt mad because nobody gave them food or shelter. I know this because Zeus punishes them by sending a flood destroying all the homes in the valley.

    Why did Baucis think they were Gods?
    Baucis thought they were gods because after the men had drunk their only jug of wine, the next day they found their empty jug of wine full.

    Why did Zeus send a flood?
    He sent a flood because none of the villagers gave them food or shelter when they were disguised as humans.

    What does entwined mean?
    Entwined means when something is tangled together.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great job Amirah! What is a refreshment?

  12. Amirah T.


    Explain what happens when you multiply by 10.

    When you multiply by 10 you are making the number 10 times bigger, and you just add a zero at the end. For example, 8 x10 = 80, I added a 0 to the end of the number 8 and it got 10 times bigger.

    Mrs Khaliq says that 67×10=6700.

    Explain her mistake. What should she have done?

    Mrs Khaliq’s mistake was that she added two zeros at the end of her answer.

    She should have put one 0 at the end because in the 10 times tables, you add one 0. For example, 67 x 10 = 670. You have to add one 0 to the end of the number 67, not two 0.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Super explanation Amirah! What is 370 divided by 10? How do you know?

  13. Joshua C.

    You add a 0 when you multiply by 10.
    Mrs made a mistake because she’s supposed to add 0 only 1 zero.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Why? Prove it! I disagree with you Josh.

  14. Yahya K.

    Mrs. Kaliq is wrong because she put too many zeros. She should have put only one zero to make 670.

    1. Yahya K.

      1. Elderly
      2. Zeus felt annoyed because the people wasn’t offering food or drink.
      3. Baucis thought they were gods because the jug was refilled.
      4. Zeus sent a flood because he was angry.
      5. Entwined means connected

    2. Mrs Khaliq

      Why? I disagree! What happens to a number when we multiply by 10?

  15. Sheik A.

    The word in the text that means old is elderly.
    Zuas feels fearless because he looks fearless.
    Baucis think they were god

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      A good start but please complete this and one other piece of homework.

  16. Muhammad I.

    1. Old means elder person, old object and something has been there for long time ago.
    2. Zeus felt angry because when his son were looking for shelter nobody helped them, but when the older couple helped they got very happy.
    3. Zeus sent flood because who ever refuses him and his son food and shelter they will get punished.
    4. Entwined means when you do something together.

    Maths –
    she accidently put an extra 0 ,but the answer is 670.

    10 facts about Romans
    1. The romans speak Latin.
    2. They use to have bath’s together.
    3. The romans believe in different gods and goddess.
    4. Popular entertained shows that the romans watch was the gladiator fights.
    5. The roman armies were very strong and well trained.
    6. The romans had lots of land.
    7. All the romans who were rich they had serveants.
    8. They still use same roman roads as before.
    9. The romans ate alot with there fingers.
    10. They mostly ate cereals and legumes.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done! For your maths question prove the answer is 670. I still think I am right!

  17. Osas O.

    1. The word in the text that means old is elderly.
    2. Zeus feels annoyed because the people refused to help him.
    3. Baucis thought they were gods because the last jug of wine they had was refilled.
    4. Zeus sent a flood because he wanted to punish the people who did not help him.
    5. Entwined means to wind or twist together.
    Mrs Khaliq is wrong because it is
    67×10 so 67+67+67+67+67+67+67+67+67+67 =670 not 6700

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Osas. What other method could you use to help you when multiplying by 10? Your method looks a bit tricky and confusing.

  18. Mohammed K.

    When you multiply by 10 the answer gets 10 times bigger. Mrs Khaliq is incorrect because when you multiply by 10 you only have to add 1 zero.
    1. The word that means old in the text is elderly.
    2. Zeus was feeling angry. I know this because he caused a flood to punish the people.
    3. Baucis thought that they were gods because the jug had been refilled when it was empty.
    4. Zeus sent a flood to punish the people who refused them food and shelter.
    5. Entwined means twisted to together.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Zayd! What should have Mrs Khaliq’s answer be?

  19. Joshua C.

    Roman people fight for Rome to protect the city. A long time ago Rome got attacked by Germany and Rome was destroyed.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      A good start Joshua but please remember the homework states to find 10 facts and not 2!

  20. Hamsia D.

    Explain what happens when you multiply by 10.
    When you multiply a number by 10, you make it 10 times bigger.
    Mrs Khaliq says that 67×10=6700
    Explain her mistake. What should she have done?
    Mrs Khaliq’s mistake was that she has made the number 100 times bigger instead of making it 10 times bigger. 67×10=670.
    What word in the text means old?
    The word in the text that means old is elderly.
    How did Zeus feel and how did you know?
    I think Zeus felt angry because he punished the people who refused to give them food and shelter by causing a terrible flood.
    Why did Baucis think they were Gods?
    Baucis thought that they God’s because he’s noticed the jug of wine was refilled.
    Why did Zeus send a flood?
    Zeus sent a flood because the people didn’t give him food or shelter.
    What does entwined mean?
    Entwined means to wind and twist together.
    I will bring my WOW work to school on Monday.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      I loved your WOW homework. What did you learn about the Romans?

  21. Afsa P.

    67 times 10 eqals 670 beacuse if you times 100 it will eqal 6700 but she is counting in 10 it will eqal 670.
    Facts about Rome
    The Romans invented loads of things.Rome is the capital city of Italy.Julias
    caester was a famous Roman.
    afsa 3red

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      A good start Afsa. Now complete your WOW homework. You need another 8 facts!

  22. Ramandeep K.

    Wow homework:
    •The Romans would have baths together…
    •The Romans Invented allot of things!…
    •The rich Romans had slaves.
    •We still use some Roman roads.
    •They worshipped allot of different gods and goddesses.
    •Ancient Rome is underground
    •The Romans spoke Latin.
    •Roman armies were very strong and well trained.
    •The Romans invaded land all over the land.
    •The Romans most famous form of entertainment were gladiator fights.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Ramandeep! When did the Romans invade Britain?

  23. Ramandeep K.

    what Mrs Khaliq done:
    67×10 =6700
    Mrs Khaliq added an extra zero. I know this because
    H T O
    6 7

    1. Ramandeep K.

      H T O. There’s my explanation what Mrs Khaliq should have done.
      67 When you multiply my ten it always ends with a zero, also when
      10 you multiply you just add a zero at the end like for example
      670. 76×10 = 760 .

      1. Mrs Khaliq

        Why do you add a zero? What happens to the whole number?

  24. Ammar W.

    What word in the text means old?
    The word “once” means old.

    How did Zeus feel and how did you know?
    He felt angry because everyone refused him food and shelter.

    Why did Baucis think they were Gods?
    Baucis thought they were Gods because their last jug of wine was filled again by itself.

    Why did Zeus send a flood?
    Zeus sent a flood because the villagers refused them food and shelter and he wanted to punish the villagers.

    What does entwined mean?
    Entwined means joint together.


    When you multiply bu 10 it always ends with 1 zero.
    Mrs Khaliq is wrong because she says 67×10=6700 however it should be 670.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great answers Ammar. What is a refreshment?

  25. Ahmad R.

    I now this is false because she add two 0 she should take away

    1. Ahmad R.

      Take away one 0 instead of two 0

      1. Mrs Khaliq

        What should she have done? Why do you add 0’s?

  26. Mohammed D.

    No because it should be 670

    1. Mohammed D.

      1. The word meaning old is elderly.
      2. Zeus felt relieved and thankful as he found one worthy of his kindness. I know this because he payed their kindness back by ensuring that they would never be parted.
      3. Because Baucis realised the jug was refilled when it was empty.
      4. He sent a flood as a punishment to those who never gave him food or shelter.
      5. When something is twisted together.

      1. Mrs Khaliq

        Well done. What are refreshments?

    2. Khadeeja M.


      Explain what happens when you multiply by 10.
      When you multiply by 10 the number gets bigger by 10 and ends with a 0 because you are adding 10 each time.
      Mrs Khaliq says that 67×10=6700
      This is the incorrect answer 67*10=670 Mrs Khaliq done this 67×10=6700 you would have to add two zeros to the ten like this 67*100=6700.

      Explain her mistake. What should she have done?
      She should have done this 67*10=670

      1. Mrs Khaliq

        Great job Khadeeja. What is 370 divided by 10?

    3. Mrs Khaliq

      Explain your answer please? Why should it be 670? Where did I go wrong?

  27. Muhammad Y.

    10 facts about Romans
    Romans have communal baths together.
    Romans have lots of land.
    Romulus and Remus we’re abandoned in a area which was called Rome.
    Romans enjoyed their delicious, scrumptious food.
    Rome was found in 753BC.
    The Roman Empire included the whole of Italy.
    A Roman legionary hurled his spear at the enemy and for protection they use a wooden shield ,metal helmet and armour
    The smart Romans builded aqueducts.
    Romans wear an amazing architects and engineers.
    Romans wore two woollen fabric sewn together on the sides and shoulders.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great job! When did the Romans invade Britain?

  28. Mopelola L.

    1. The word that means old is elderly.
    2. Zezus felt angry because when he and his son were looking for shelter they got turned down but he also felt relived because the old couple agreed to letting them stay.
    3. He thought they were God’s because the wine jug was refilled when it was empty.
    4. Zezus sent a flood to get revenge on all the people who turned him down.
    5. Entwined means bundled together.

    Mrs Khaliq is wrong because she added an extra 0 to make 6700 the real answer is 670.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      What happens to the number when you multiply by 10? Why do you only add one 10?

  29. Muhammad Y.

    When you multiply by 10 it always ends
    with a 0.
    Mrs Khaliq done 67×100 not 67×10 I know this because 67×100 is 6700 and 67×10 is 670.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      What happens to the number when you multiply by ten? Why are you adding just one zero?

  30. Zahra N.

    The Romans invented loads of things.The Romans most Popular form of entertainment were Gladiator fights.The rich Romans got Servents.We still use some Roman Roads.Ancient Rome is underground.They worshipped a lot of different Gods and Goddesses.The Romans live in Rome.Julius Caester was a famous Roman.The Romans would have baths together.Woman Romans would were Stola up to there ankles.

    1. Khadeeja M.

      What word in the text means old?
      The word elderly means old.
      How did Zeus feel and how did you know?
      Zeus was angry because they caused a terrible flood.
      Why did Baucis think they were Gods?
      Baucis though they were gods because the men’s refilled the jug.
      Why did Zeus send a flood?
      The people didn’t give him any food or shelter so he sent a flood.
      What does entwined mean?
      The word entwined means wind or twist together.
      I have completed my homework

      1. Mrs Khaliq

        Well done Khadeeja!
        What is a refreshment?

    2. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Zahra. When did the Romans invade Britain?

      Sp- Caesar

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