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Hi Year 3.

In Summer 2 we are going to be sharing the stories of Paddington by the author Michael Bond. Please read the extract below from the story ‘A Bear called Paddington.’

extract below from the story ‘A Bear called Paddington.’


What does it say on Paddington’s suitcase? (page 3).

List two adverbs that are used on Page 5.

Why was Paddington worried on Page 5?


Use a dictionary to create a glossary of the following words found in the extract.







Predict what might happen next to Paddington in the story. Give reasons from the text as to why you think this. Draw a picture of the scene.

I look forward to reading your responses!

66 responses to “Year 3 Reading challenge summer 2”

  1. Sumayyah A.

    What does it say on Paddington suitcase? It said voyage .
    the 2 adverbs are proudly and appealing .
    Why was Paddington worried? Paddington had no where to go .

    Retired -having left one’s job and ceased to work
    Stowaway – a person who stows away on a passenger vehicle.
    Battered – injured by repeated blows or punishment.
    Emigrate – leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another.
    Glimpse – a momentary or partial view.

  2. Erawyo P.

    It was old and battery on the side
    The adverbs on page 5 thy wosed where and whatever
    Paddington was worred about the bus

  3. Keaton O.

    What does it say on Paddington suitcase?
    Wanted on voyage

    2 adverbs

    Why was Paddington worried?
    Because he wouldn’t have a safe place to live.


    Retired having left a job
    Stowaway a person who stows away on a passenger vehicle
    Battered injured by repeated blows
    Emigrate leaves own country to settle permanently in another
    Glimpse partial view

  4. Aaron G.

    I drew my picture.

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