Year 3 Reading Challenge Spring 2 2022

Please read through the following text and answer the questions in full sentences below in the comment section.

Bronze What is plastic pollution? Give 3 examples of different plastic pollution. Explain why pollution is bad.

Silver What is meant by the term ‘microplastics’? Give two reasons as to why plastic is a useful material.

Gold Describe the recent discovery of the Mariana Trench. What good things are environmental groups doing to reduce the impact of plastic pollution?

Challenge Research an environmental group who are helping to clean up the ocean and describe what you have discovered in the comments below.

87 responses to “Year 3 Reading Challenge Spring 2 2022”

  1. Aiza B.

    Don’t throw trash in the ocean beacause animals can die.
    plastic is strong and durable and can kill animals.
    plastic are cheap to make and are common in every life.

  2. Rehyan M.

    Plastic pollution is when people throw rubbish/plastic in the sea causing fishes to be stuck or destroy there habitats. Example:plastic bags, plastic waste and plastic bottles.
    Micro plastic is when small pieces of dirt in the environment.
    Plastic is useful because plastic is made from natural materials like wood, coal and oil. Also it is useful because you can make it to different objects.
    The Mariana Trench is the deepest oceanic trench on Earth. More than 60 countries are are taking a next step to reduce plastic pollution by imposing bans or taxes.

  3. Ianis-Andrei D.

    Bronze :
    Plastic pollution is when the plastic is not thrown in the right places and reaches the oceans or other parts of the planet .

    Objects like plastic bottles, bags and food wrappers .

    It is bad because it affects us and the animals around us .
    For example a fish might think that a plastic bag is a jelly fish and die from eating it .


    Microplastics = verry small parts of plastic that are found in the ocean

    1. It can be used to make usefull objects like bottles, boxes and chairs
    2.You can reuse it .

    A plastic bag was found seven miles below the surface. It is thought to be the deepest ever recorded piece of plastic pollution.
    Environmental groups in the UK and around the world are organising beach clean ups.

  4. Amina H.

    Bronze :–
    Plastics, and especially single use Plasti are a big problem for marine life.
    1.Plastic bags wrappers/Plastic bottles
    3. Glitter
    Plastic in the oceans can be mistaken for food by different sea creatures.
    Silver :–
    The term microplastice means small Plastic parts that are harmful to our oceans and marine life.
    Plastic is strong and durable material.
    Plastic are cheap to make and are common in everyday life.
    The Mariana Trench is located in the Pacific ocean and is the deepest located on Earth.
    Environment group are organising beach cleans up,and campaigning for changes in how and why Plastics are used.

  5. Amina H.

    Pollution is bad because when people Drop it on the floor our planet is not clear and the plants will die.

    Pollution is bad because when you drop it in the sea fish might think that it is food

    Pollution is bad because

    1. Mrs Begum

      Good. How much plastic is estimated to be found in the ocean?
      Have a go at the silver challenge Amina.

  6. Amirah T.


    What is plastic pollution? Give 3 examples of different plastic pollution.

    1. Plastic bags
    2. Plastic bottles
    3. Plastic food wrappers

    Explain why pollution is bad.

    Pollution is bad because it hurts marine life, and it is bad for the environment and our oceans.


    What is meant by the term ‘microplastics’?

    The term microplastics means small plastic parts that are harmful to our oceans and marine life.

    Give two reasons as to why plastic is a useful material.

    Plastic is strong and durable so you can carry heavy things in plastic bags.

    Plastic can be recycled.


    Describe the recent discovery of the Mariana Trench. What good things are environmental groups doing to reduce the impact of plastic pollution?

    The Mariana Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean and is the deepest location on Earth.

    Environmental groups are organising beach cleans up, and campaigning for changes in how and why plastics are used.


    Research an environmental group who are helping to clean up the ocean and describe what you have discovered in the comments below.

    The Marine Conservation Organisation are dedicated to protect marine life and they educate the world about ocean life, Marine biology, Marine conservation and provide a sea ethic that the world should all follow.

  7. Sabiha K.

    Plastic pollution is when plastic is of correctly and ends up in oceans, and different water places. 3 explanations are plastic pollution are food wrappers, plastic and glitter. Plastic pollution is terrible because animals mistake it for food, absorb it, and suffocate as a result.
    Microplastics ate plastic pieces that are less than five millimetres across. The plastic helps protect and preserve food. Plastics are used in electronic equipment. A good explanation is a television.
    The Mariana Trench is the deepest area in the pacific ocean. A plastic bag was found in the trench nearly seven miles below the surface. It is thought to be the deepest ever recorded piece of plastic pollution.
    The environmental groups in the United Kingdom and around the world are organising beach clean-ups and campaigning for changes in how and why plastics are used.
    1 of the environmental group that is helping to clean up the ocean is Ocean Conservancy. It was founded in 1972 and is based in Washington DC. The group are trying to protect marine habitats and reduce the human impact on wildlife. To reach their goal, they are trying to educate the public about the human impacts on marine wildlife and they are recommending new public changes to keep the oceans as clean as possible.
    In 2016, they found and collected these top ten items in the ocean:
    1. Cigarette butts 1,863,838
    2. Plastic bottles 1,578,834
    3. Plastic bottle caps 822,227
    4. Food wrappers 762,353
    5. Plastic shopping bags 520,900
    6. Plastic bottle lids 419,987
    7. Straws 409,987
    8. Stirrers 409,987
    9. Glass beverage bottles 390,468
    10. More plastic bags 368,655
    11. Foam containers 365,584

  8. Ravi P.

    I think Birds 🐦 think plastic is food for them that is who birds R.E.P so tick good cera of your birds at home 🏡 so they can stay save

  9. Hamsia D.

    What is plastic pollution? Give 3 examples of different plastic pollution. Explain why plastic pollution is bad.
    Plastic pollution is when plastic has not been disposed of correctly and ends up in oceans, rivers and lakes. Three examples of plastic pollution are plastic bags, food wrappers and glitter. Plastic pollution is bad because animals mistake it for food, digesting it and suffocating as a result.
    What is meant by the term ‘microplastics’? Give two reasons as to why plastic is a useful material.
    Microplastics ate plastic pieces which are less than five millimetres across. Plastic helps protect and preserve food. Plastics are used in electronic equipment. An example is a television.
    Describe the recent discovery of the Mariana Trench. What good things are environmental groups doing to reduce the impact of plastic pollution?
    The Mariana Trench is the deepest area in the Pacific ocean. A plastic bag was found in the trench nearly seven miles below the surface. It is thought to be the deepest ever recorded piece of plastic pollution.
    Environmental groups in the UK and around the world are organising beach clean ups and campaigning for changes in how and why plastics are used.
    Research an environmental group who are helping to clean up the ocean and describe what you have discovered in the comments below.
    One environmental group who are helping to clean up the ocean is Ocean Conservancy. It was founded in 1972 and it is based in Washington DC. They are trying to protect marine habitats and reduce the human impact on wildlife. To reach their goal, they are trying to educate the public about the human impacts on marine wildlife and their are recommending new public changes to keep the oceans as clean as possible.
    In 2016, they found and collected these top ten items in the ocean:
    1. Cigarette butts 1,863,838
    2. Plastic beverage bottles 1,578,834
    3. Plastic bottle caps 822,227
    4. Food wrappers 762,353
    5. Plastic grocery bags 520,900
    6. Plastic lids 419,987
    7. Straws, stirrers 409,987
    8. Glass beverage bottles 390,468
    9. Other plastic bags 368,655
    10. Foam take-away containers 365,584

  10. Vaneza S.

    All the extra plastic used all over the world is thrown in the ocean
    and it is bad.
    Plastic bags and plastic wrappers and even glitter is waste and it is
    thrown in the ocean.
    Sea animals can eat plastic by mistake and die so more plastic pollution more sea animals die.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done . How can we stop this?
      Can you tell me what microplastics is?

  11. Muhammed K.


    Plastic pollution is when plastic goes into the ocean. Three examples are plastic bag, glitter and food wrapping. Pollution is bad as the animals will try and eat it however will end up choking on it and eventually die.


    Micro plastic means very small plastic. Plastic is good as it is very strong and durable.


    They found a plastic bag seven miles under the surface of the ocean which is the deepest ever recorded plastic pollution. To help with plastic pollution, companies are aiming to recycle/reuse plastic.

  12. Delilah R.

    Oceana is an enviromental group that seeks to make our oceans as rich, healthy, and abundant as they once were.This is what they say.

    “The Problem

    “The oceans are vast, but they are not immune to human influence. We have already altered or destroyed marine ecosystems and driven million-year-old species to the brink of extinction. According to a study published in Science, less than 4 percent of the oceans remain unaffected by human activity.”

    I think if every one knew what plastic pollution does they might think twice and stop.

  13. Aiza B.

    throwing trash in the ocean is really bad beacause it can cause somthing bad like animals dieying or trapped.
    make shore you throw trash in the recycle bin so the trash dosen’t go in the ocean.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Remember to use capital letters please.
      SP dieying-dying
      Shore- sure
      Give 3 examples of the different plastic pollution?
      can you complete silver challenge to please?

  14. Delilah R.

    What is plastic pollution? Give 3 examples of different plastic pollution. Explain why pollution is bad.
    Pollution is bad because it damages the ocean and hurts the sea life.Animals can get trapped in bags and plastic can get stuck in there stomach .Turtles sometime think bags are jellyfish..Also plastic 8n the ocean takes 1000 years to decompose .
    Plastic pollution

    What is meant by the term ‘microplastics’? Give two reasons as to why plastic is a useful material.

    Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic that have come of other plastic .
    Plastic is useful because it is reusable like a lunchbox and it is durable and strong so can be used for a bat and ball set.

    Gold Describe the recent discovery of the Mariana Trench. What good things are environmental groups doing to reduce the impact of plastic pollution?
    Mariana trench is the deepest area in the Pacific. A plastic bag was found 7 miles below. This means that’s plastic can travel far and deep .
    Envoromental groups are helping to clean up the plastic from the sea and also to tell people to stop and explain the damage they are doing.

    Challenge Research an environmental group who are helping to clean up the ocean and describe what you have discovered in the comments below

  15. Ahmed O.

    What is plastic pollution?
    Plastic pollution is when marine life gets affected by plastic like plastic bags and plastic water bottles.

    Give 3 examples of different plastic pollution.
    Plastic bags, glitter and sweet wrappers.

    Explain why pollution is bad.
    It is bad because sea animals get affected because they eat it and cnat breathe, they swim into it and get tangled and can’t get away so they die.

  16. Ahmad R.

    Plastic pollution is when you put plastic into the ocean or seas. 3 examples of pollution are plastic bags, food wrappers and glitter. Pollution is bad because it can kill people drinking from the sea or ocean and animals in the ocean they will eat the pollution and die.

  17. Janelle O.

    They are rubbish
    They are plastics
    It is not good for the animals
    They are little miny plastics
    It is sharp for the animals
    The Mariana trench is located in the western Pacific ocean about 200kilometres. It is the east of the Mariana Island.It is the deepest ocean on earth.
    They are trying to help by getting the plastics of the water.
    It is not good for the environment.
    Animals won’t be able to be in the home.
    They are trying to help the environment.

  18. Khadeeja M.

    Plastic is bad for the sea because animals can get stuck on the plastic.
    Birds can choke if they eat it.
    Sea creatures can get trapped in it.
    The environment won’t be healthy.
    What is meant by the term ‘microplastics’? Give two reasons as to why plastic is a useful material.
    It is a useful material because it is light and cheep.



    1. Khadeeja M.

      Khadeeja M.
      20/03/2022 at 5:07 pm •
      Plastic is bad for the sea because animals can get stuck on the plastic.
      Birds can choke if they eat it.
      Sea creatures can get trapped in it.
      The environment won’t be healthy.
      What is meant by the term ‘microplastics’? Give two reasons as to why plastic is a useful material.
      It is a useful material because it is light and cheep
      Mariana Trench found a plastic bag for seven miles under the water 💧.
      The government is called Marine Conservation Society.

  19. Anish B.

    An plastic pollution is lot of plastics going into the oceans and disrupting the marine life.
    Three examples:
    – plastic bags
    – plastic bottles
    – food wrappers
    Microplastic are small plastic pieces less than 5mm long which can be harmful to our ocean and animals life. Turtle ,Fish and Birds get chocked on microplastics .
    Plastic is useful because it can be recycled .plastic is a very strong and durable materials.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done. What can we do to stop this pollution?

  20. Irfa M.

    What is plastic pollution?
    It is the accumulation of plastic is air or water that affect wildlife and humans health.
    microplastic have been discovered near the north pole.
    The great barrier Reef ,suffers from coral bleaching because of the pollution due to plastic.
    The marine trench near Japan is affected too.

    Pollution is bad , because some animals can swallow plastic bags and die.
    Plastic is not safe to eat anyway.
    It’s not food.
    It take 1000 years to decomposed.
    What microplastics means?
    There are plastic pieces that are less than 5 mm.

    Why plastic is useful?
    Plastic is a strong materiel.
    It is used in most of manufactured object ,like toys even clothes.
    It can be recycled most of the time. So it s important to use the recycling bin to dispose recycling plastic.

    Marine trench is the deepest point in the ocean and recently a plastic bag has been discovered 7 miles deep in the ocean.
    Environmental group are campaigning for changing the way we use plastic.

  21. Yoshita P.

    Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g. plastic bottles, bags and microbeads) in the Earth’s environment that adversely affects humans, wildlife and their habitat.

    Plastic pollution is like garbage thrown on the beaches islands that are washed and carried away in the sea rivers ponds which affect the sea life and also birds like sea gulls can get chocked up easily
    Plastic pollution in water causes water to get contaminated and sea creatures like fish get stuck and can’t get away
    Plastic pollution on land causes garbage to be accumulated and if not recycled properly will harm birds also big creatures like octopus their tentacles get stuck and they get hurt

    Micro plastic is small and less that 5 mm and they are small bits of plastic broken from big plastic materials
    Plastic is useful for crafting and also you can make plant pots and for storing food also it does not melt in the sun and can be picked up and put for recycling to help nature.

  22. Haarun M.

    Small pieces of plastic in the environment.
    Plastic is durable and can be recycled into other things.

  23. Safa S.

    Plastic pollution is bad because sea animals can choke, its not good for the environment and plastic waste a lot of money. Plastic pollution can be plastic bottles and plastic bags.
    Microplastic is and type of plastic in small pieces or sizes.
    Plastic is useful because its a very strong material and lasts long if you make anything for ot for example chairs, arts and crafts, water bottles etc.

  24. Osas O.

    Plastic pollution is when plastic builds up and hurts sea animals.
    Types of plastic pollution is coral bleaching , microplasts and discarding.
    Plastic pollution is bad because it can get stuck to sea animals and that would be bad.
    Microplasts are tiny pieces of plastic less than 5 mm.
    A useful material because it is very strong and it is waterproof.
    A plastic bag fell 36,000ft into the Mariana Trench.
    People are trying to keep the world safe by recycling and reusing their things and not dumping things on the ground.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done.
      What do you think we can do stop this pollution?
      What does biodegradable mean? How can this be used?

  25. Nihal P.

    Plastic Pollution is bad, it is when you dispose of plastics without recycling this. This could be leaving it on the ground for the wind to blow it into the water. Examples of plastic pollution are plastic bags, food wrappers and glitter. Pollution is bas because some animals may think it is food like the leatherback turtle thinking a plastic bag is a jellyfish.

    Microplastics is very tiny pieces of plastic. Plastic is a useful material because it is very strong and durable.

    The recent discovery of the Mariana Trench was a plastic bag, this made this discovery the deepest ever recorded piece of plastic pollution. Environmental groups are organising breach clean-ups and are working hard to change how and why plastics are used.

    The Ocean Clean Up is a non-profit foundation who are aiming to clean up 90% of plastic pollution in our oceans. They started this project in 2013 and are still working hard to reach their target.

    1. Mrs Begum

      well done Nihal. What would you do to stop this pollution?

  26. Nma M.

    Plastics, are also single-use plastics, that are a gigantic problem for marine life. This is because tonnes of plastic things go down in the ocean every year, month and day. Any type of plastic, water bottles, plastic bags, plates hair bubbles, and other things. Pollution is bad because 1. it can kill animals, and then by over then time, there will be no more animals because of all that pollution is making them suffocate and die easily.
    2. Pollution is also bad because it can trap baby animals underwater and haven’t lived for at least 11 years.
    3. Pollution is dangerous for the whole ocean as well, because it is a threat to our world and oceans. But there are good things happening. Silver:
    Micro plastics are generally smaller than 1mm. 1. The reason why plastic is useful because protects and preserves goods, while reducing weight in transportation, which saves fuel and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
    2. Plastic is useful because it can save our fresh, clean comely, beauteous air. It can also help with safe insulation. Gold:
    The Mariana Trench , near Japan , is the most deepest area in the Atlantic Ocean. Recently, a plastic bag has fell down (like the plastic bags in a shop or supermarket). Was found in Mariana Trench. And also close to more than 6 meters. It is now the most deepest ever known or recorded plastic bag in the whole entire ocean. And now in the deepest area of all Pacific Ocean has a supermarket or shops bag nearly on 7 miles down in the Mariana Trench and also close to Japan. (A country). Challenge:
    Big Blue Ocean Cleanup are one of the world’s leading ocean cleanup non-profits. They help keep the oceans clean, protect vulnerable marine animals, provide free educational resources , research ocean pollution for policy change and support the development of innovative technologies .

  27. Alinna A.

    1Animals can choke
    2 they could die to death
    3 bird might die

  28. Sayda A.

    Plastic Pollution is a big problem for marine life. It is when plastic gets discarded into the ocean. It can be caused by food wrappers, glitter and plastic bags. Some animals could be injured and die. The beautiful ocean will be dirty and some animals can become extinct.
    Microplastics are small pieces of plastic. Microplastics are useful as they could be used as medical supplies and contain medicine. They can hold in liquids such as a plastic water bottle or they can hold in shopping such as plastic bags.
    The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the pacific ocean. A plastic bag was found. People are recycling plastic instead of throwing them away and making them into useful things. People are also collecting plastic from others to make sure it goes to good use. Litter picking is another way to recycle plastic.

  29. Anaya R.

    Plastic pollution is plastic in the sea.
    It is bad because it can poison fish, make fish choke and a problem for marine life.
    Microplastic is extremely small pieces of plastic in the envirement.
    Plastic is very strong and durable.
    The Mariana trench, near Japan, is the deepest area of the Pacific ocean.
    Environmental groups are organising beach clean-ups and campaigning for changes in how and why plastics are used.

  30. Muhammed G.


    What is plastic pollution? Give 3 examples and explain why pollution is bad?

    Plastic pollution is the disposal or disregarding of plastic waste without using the correct recycling solutions provided such as segregated bins, and deposit return schemes run by large supermarkets such as Tesco’s , Co-op etc. An example would be finishing a bottle of water then throwing the bottle onto the ground rather than putting it into a recycling bin, spitting chewing gum onto the floor rather than disposing it into a bin and thirdly throwing a six pack of cola cans rings onto the floor.

    The above examples of pollution are bad because, they can find their way into our water streams where the abrasions and frictions can break the plastics down into micro plastics, these can then be ingested by wildlife and find there ways into the human food chain as a result. In the example of the six pack of cola can rings these can be deadly to wildlife as they get their heads stuck in them and can strangle themselves.


    What is meant by the term ‘micro plastics’? Give two reasons as to why plastic is a useful material.

    Micro plastics are generally defined as plastic pieces that are under 5mm small. The huge challenge these present when we look at recycling is how we capture these within our recycling infrastructures due to there size. Micro plastics are formed from the breaking down of larger plastic items , and additionally they are found in many cosmetic and beauty products in the form of micro beads within facial scrubs etc.

    Plastic is a useful material as it is regularly used within medical equipment , as it can offer sterile single use products . plastic is also useful with the construction industry as it is corrosion resistant and can be used for insulations such as cavity wall insulation.


    Describe the recent discovery of the Mariana Trench. What good things are environmental groups doing to reduce the impact of plastic pollution?

    The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the Pacific ocean, recently a plastic bag (retail shopping bag) was found 7 miles down below the oceans surface. This shows plastic pollution is escalating and reaching the most far fetched parts of our ocean. Environmental groups are raising awareness around the pollution of our oceans, they regularly organise beach cleanings, and encourage the avoidance of plastic bags and other single use plastic items. We are starting to see the impact of these changes feeding into our daily lives with supermarkets and shops now charging consumers for plastic bags in stores to drive a change in consumer habits and encourage them to re use bags. We are also starting to see the problem addressed higher up the waste hierarchy with recyclers working directly with packaging producers to ensure that packaging is fully recyclable.


    Exeter City and North Devon Council have been working with #netregeneration scheme. The scheme has been working globally to maintain sustainability within the fishing industry. The scheme looks to extend the product lifecycle of all plastic products to feed into a circular economy. What the scheme does is work with fishermen to collect end of life fishing nets and recycle them back into granules or pellets suitable for rotomolding, weaving and injection moulding into new products.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Fantastic MG! What does biodegradable mean and how can this be used to stop pollution?

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