Year 3 Reading Challenge Spring 1

We learnt about information texts last term, can you apply your knowledge to answer the questions below about this information text?

Read this information text and then complete the challenges. Answer in full sentences.

Bronze: What was the Roman Empire? Which two materials can a toga be made from? Describe what a Roman woman would wear?

Silver: Write 3 sentences about the Roman Empire using subordinating conjunctions.

Gold: Improve one of the sections by adding more adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions.

Platinum: Make a poster showing the information you have learnt from this text. Summarise your learning.

117 responses to “Year 3 Reading Challenge Spring 1”

  1. Rayan M.

    The Roman Empire was a group of land controlled by the romans.
    White wool or linen.
    Women in the Roman times wore a tuna and a dress over it.

  2. Ariyan S.

    1. The Roman Empire is the name used to group
    the lands that were controlled by the Romans.
    2. The toga was made from white wool or linen.
    3. Roman woman wore a long tunic down to their ankles and they would wear lots of jewellery.
    1. Rome is the capital city of the modern-day of Italy and it was the city at the centre of the Roman Empire.
    2. Roman man would ware a long robe called a toga made from white wool or linen.
    3. Roman women wore a longer tunic then men which went down to their ankles.

  3. Hammaad H.

    The Romon Empire was a groap of people who was named after Rome
    A toga can be made out of white wool and linen
    girls wore a long tunic and the rich women wore along tunic made with rich fabric

  4. Andreea-Maya M.

    1.The Roman Empire is the name used to a group of the lands

    2.The Roman men would wears long robe called a toga made from white wool or a linen

    3. The girls whould wear a longer tunic and
    Stola over thier tunic they asol wore lots of jewerlly

  5. Jad A.

    1.The Roman Empire is the name used to group the lands that were controlled by Romans, which includes parts of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
    2. Men wore a knee-length, short-sleeved tunic.
    3.women wore a longer tunic called a stola which went down to their ankles. They wore it over their tunic.
    There first king was Romulus.
    Romulus killed his brother.
    The capital city is Rome.
    These Romans were fast and speedy so they could catch animals these strong animals these Romans you would be scared they are the rawest meat they could find.

  6. Safa A.

    1.They you’d rome as there Empire.
    2. It can be made from fabric,cotton .
    3.Roman woman wore soft ,boring,mudi and uncomfortable couthing.
    They made super stray rouds.
    They fout huge battles .
    They were supper at fighting.
    G old
    They were supper ,amazing at fighting

  7. Mustafa A.

    1) The Roman Empire was a is used to group lands controlled by the romans.
    2)A toga is made from wool or linen
    3) women wore a long tunic
    The romans empire lasted for 2000 years
    The Roman Empire fought many battles
    Roman men and women wore tunics
    The Roman Empire controlled lots of land such as Europe and the Middle East.The capital city of Italy is Rome.

  8. Charis O.

    1.The Roman empier was a group of Land controled by the Romans
    2. Roman togas were made from white would or linen. Woman wore a an ankle length tunic . They also wore a stola over their tunic.
    The first Roman majestisc king was king Romulus.
    The Romans lasted 2000 years ago and they fought many,harsh battles.The Romans would be in this dark ,scary place where the Romans would fight.

  9. Tasneem S.

    1.The roman empier is a name of a group of land controld by the romans.
    2.A toga is made from wite wool.
    3.A roman woman would where a tunic and a stoola.
    Romes first king was Romules it was hard to be king at first because his brother Remus and him self
    had a figt
    The cappital city of Rome is Italy.
    This is how Romes name was Rome it was named after Romulus.

  10. Ebunoluwa I.

    The roman empire was remus brother .girls were a tunic and a stoIa.
    The Roman lasted for 2000 years.
    The roman empire lasted for 500 years.
    The capital city of Rome is Italy 🇨🇵

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Good girl Ebun, please complete the platinum challenge now.

  11. Rahim A.

    a Roman men would would wear a toga I think is made from tiny objects and wool
    Silver the Romans lasted 2000years they stayed here in 500 years and there was so many different cinds of mattireals that they built us roads in britin

  12. Muhammad K.

    A Toga can be used by wool
    The Romans wore a toga and a necklace
    The Romans lasted 2000 years
    The Romans fought many battles

  13. Aadam R.

    The Roman Empire was a tribe of people.
    A toga can be made from white wool or linen
    A Roman woman would were a stola over their tunics.

    The Roman Empire had extremely good strength.
    These Romans were no like any Romans they ate raw meat. These Romans did not like mammoth.

    These Romans were fast and speedy so they could catch animals these strong animals these Romans you would be scared they are the rawest meat they could find.

    I will do in a piece of paper.

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Aadam ⭐️ I am looking forward to seeing your Platinum challenge ☺️

      1. Ameera K.

        Broad Heath Primary School

        Year 3 Reading Challenge Spring 1
        MISS REDHEAD03/01/202384

        **What was the Roman Empire?
        The roman empire was the name used for the lands controlled by the romans.
        **Which two materials can a toga be made from?
        Toga can be made from white wool or linen.
        **Describe what a Roman woman would wear?
        Roman women would wear tunics with long dress on top of it and many colourful and shiny jewellery.
        1. The romans were really strong because they controlled many lands.
        3. Some roman women were rich so they wore many nice jewellery and silk.

        1. Mrs A Patel

          Some good fact about Romans, Well done Ameera, please try to complete the rest of the challenges.

  14. Nabiha I.

    1.The Roman Empire is a name used to group lands controled by the Romans.
    2.A toga is made from white wool and linen.
    3.A Roman woman woud were a long tunic and a dress coled a stoola.
    Romes first king was Romules it was hard to be king at first because his brother Remus and him self had a fight.
    The cappital city of Rome is Italy.
    This is how Romes name was Rome it was named after Romulus.

  15. First Romans got all of Italy then they got FranceNorth Africa Greece so much have a empire
    Woman’s in Roman times they wear a tuna under our their ankles

  16. Hamza M.

    1.The Roman Empire is the name used to group the lands that were controlled by the Romans,which includes parts of Europe,North Africa and the Middle East.
    2. A toga be made from white wool or linen.
    3. Women wore a longer tunic than men wich went down to their ankles.
    The Romans were a group of people who were named after the glorious city of Rome.
    However,many soldiers fighting in Roman army did not come from Rome itself. Instead,they originally came from one of the many countries which formed part of the Roman Empire.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done Hamza. how was the clothing different for important Roman men?

  17. Ranj M.

    The name Roman Empire gots it name by Romulus and because Rome controlled the powerful empire .
    The two Materials were wool and linen
    Women wore a longer tunic than men which went done to their ankles. They would wear a dress called a Stola over their tunics and some rich women were jewels on there dress with neckless.
    The soldiers are super professional because they march ten miles and are the most trained empire .
    They invaded Britain for are slaves because we have people and to get revenge because we teamed with the French empire .
    They take big bathes together the boys with the boys and the girls with the girls .
    The Romans we’re an professional group of people who were named after the important city Rome but sadly they forced to be put of the Roman Empire if they were not a solider they have to be something else if they were a solder they will not get married until 40 . However they came from lots of country’s mostly England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Some of Egypt 🇪🇬 And France 🇫🇷.

  18. Hadiya M.

    1) The Roman Empire was a group of people who were named after this important city.
    2) A toga can be made of white wool and linen.
    3) A Roman woman would wear a tunic down to their ankles. They wore a dress over their tunic a Stola that fastened at the shoulders.

    1) The Roman Empire started 2000 years ago.
    2) It lasted nearly 500 years or 660 years.
    3) The Romans built straight roads because they knew how to build straight roads only.

    Women wore longer tunics then the men in the Roman time. The tunic went down to their ankles.
    They put a long dress over their tunic that was called a Stola to fastened at their shoulders. Rich Roman woman would were long tunics made from very expensive silk. They also wore jewellery such as a brooches.

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Hadiya 😊

  19. Zakariyah T.

    The Roman Empire was the name the Romans used to call the lands they controlled.
    The toga was made out of linen and wool
    The women wore a longer tunic than the men.
    The Roman Empire was 2000 years and ended 500 years later
    Romans were forced to join the army but it was only men who were allowed to join.
    The Roman women wore jewelry because they wanted to show how much wealth they have.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done 👍🏼. Did all the Romans soldiers come from Rome?

  20. Hishaam G.

    I do my maths homework

  21. Hishaam G.

    1The romans where goup of people where parts of Euoup and North Africa and Middle East .
    2 Roman woman’s wore a toga what’s made out of expensive skill

    1. Hishaam G.

      3Roman wore a toga what a dress what goes down to your ankle

  22. Eva T.

    The Roman Empire was a group of countries that used to be in the Roman Empire.
    Many soldiers in the Roman army were part of the countries of the Roman Empire.

  23. Esa A.

    1. The Roman Empire is the name used to group the lands that were controlled by the Romans, which includes parts of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
    2. A toga can be made from white wool or linen.
    3.Women wore a longer tunic than men which went done to their ankles. They would wear a dress called a Stola over their tunics which fastened at the shoulders.

  24. Hishaam G.

    I did my Homework but it is not there it is my English

  25. Havin A.

    A Roman women would wear a tunic up to their ankles and special jewellery
    Silver: The Roman Empire was very hard because people had to be forced to work harder and harder.
    Romans used rectangular shields sometimes that protect them from harm .
    If Romans were naughty they would be thrown of a cliff to their death
    Gold:men wore a knee-length tunic with very short sleeves with a old cloak wrapped around the man’s body they would also were a toga made from white wool or linen.
    Platinum I made a poster

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done Havin good try. Can you improve 1 sentence from silver and use subordinating conjunctions?

  26. Jari V.

    What was the Roman Empire?
    The Roman Empire is the conquer and ruler of many lands, including countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
    Which two materials can a toga be made from?
    A toga can be made from wool and linen.
    Describe what a Roman women would wear?
    Roman woman would were a tunic with a stola over the top. Wealthy women would also wear lots of jewellery as well as brooches.

    Write 3 sentences about the Roman Empire using subordinating conjunctions.
    1. Romans had big baths houses as bathing was such an important part of their lives.
    2. The Roman Empire started in the 27BC and lasted 500 years.
    3. The Roman Empire ruled many lands although lots of ancient Roman was underground.

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Well done Jari!

  27. Kitan O.

    Man were a Knee length tunic and tunics
    Woman were jewellery tunics
    the Romans were named after the city rome
    Not all citizens in the roman army were Roman as romans controlled Europe , North Africa and the Middle East.
    Women wore jewellery because it showed their wealth.

  28. Hishaam G.

    Bronze 1
    The Roman Empire is a massive army
    parts of Euoup and North Africa and middle
    East .
    2 Roman woman’s wore toga what’s
    made from a expensive skill.
    3 Roman woman wore a toga’s what went down to there ankle.

    1. Carter D.

      Bronze: The Roman Empire is a group of people from Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
      Toga can be made from wool or linen.
      A stola

      Silver: The romans were a group of people who were named after this important city.
      Roman men and women wore different clothes.
      Soldiers in the Roman army didn’t come from rome.

  29. Yasmin A.

    The capital city of Italy is Rome.
    Roman woman wore a longer tunic than roman man .
    Roman empire started 2000 years and ended 500 years later
    Roman army were forced to go in the army.
    Roman men and women were forced to fight in the army.

    1. Halimah K.

      Bronze: The Roman Empire is the name used to group the lands that were controlled by Romans, which includes parts of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Toga can be made from white wool or linen. Women wore a ,on her tunic which went down to their ankles, they would wear a dress called a stole over their tunics which fastened at the shoulders.

      While the Roman Empire was ruling, it was in control of some parts of Europe.
      After the Roman Empire ended, It just remained as Italy’s capital city.
      When the Roman Empire was ruling, the men would wear a long robe called a toga.

  30. Mohammed K.

    The roman empire is a name used to group the lands that were controlled by the romans.
    The 2 materials they used for toga are linen and wool.
    The womens had a longer tunic than the mens.

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