To suggest improvements to a product.

Last week we made our pizzas. This week we are going to evaluate them.

Answer the questions below in full sentences.

Was your pizza the same as your original design? If not how was it different?

What did you like about your pizza?

What didn’t you like about your pizza?

What problems did you face?

How would you improve your pizza if you made it again?

93 responses to “Year 3 Pizza Evaluation”

  1. Maryam M.

    I liked my pizza 🍕 because it was Reilly yummy 🤤
    And my fstpp pizza wasd. bad.😡

  2. Aqsaa F.

    I was the same because it had the same toppings
    I like the pizze because l love the cheese
    I did’t like the tomatoes because tomatoes sauce
    It was hard roll it
    I want to in impoverished the toppling

    1. Miss Redhead

      How could you improve the toppings?

  3. Minhaj A.

    It wasn’t the same as my design because I asked for pepper but they didn’t put pepper on. I liked my pizza because it is a nice taste. I didn’t like it because it had so much cheese. When you roll the rolling pin I faced a problem. We could improve the pizza by putting more tomato passata.

    1. Miss Redhead

      What was the problem you faced with the rolling pin?

  4. Hamsia D.

    Was your pizza the same as your original design? If not how was it different?
    My pizza was the same as my original. This is because it was delicious and I liked the taste.
    What did you like about your pizza?
    I liked my pizza because the taste of it and the toppings on it were yummy.
    What didn’t you like about your pizza?
    I didn’t like the sauce on the pizza that much.
    What problems did you face?
    The problems that I faced were mixing the dough and rolling the dough with the rolling pin
    How would you improve your pizza if you made it again?
    Next time to improve I would make it more colourful and making it more yummy.

  5. Sabiha K.

    Was your pizza the same as your original design? If not how was it different?
    It was as different as I expected🧏🏽‍♀️🧏🏽‍♀️🧏🏽‍♀️.I was thinking 🤔💭of having only pepper.🫑
    What did you like about your pizza?
    I 👍 about my pizza 🍕 the cheese 🧀 and the pepper 🫑.
    What didn’t you like about your pizza?
    I 👎 like about pizza 🍕 was the onion🧅.
    What problems did you face?
    I faced sprinkling the cheese 🧀 because I thought 💭 I would get it on the table and I didn’t want to get to clean 🧼😶‍🌫️and get in trouble 👿.
    How would you improve your pizza if you made it again?
    I could improve my pizza 🍕 by adding extra cheese on my pizza!!! 🧀🧀🧀🧀🍕🍕.

  6. Lawan R.

    I would add more milk because it was too dry.I could put it in the oven for 2 more minutes.Have water with it when it becomes dry again.

    1. Lawan R.

      Lawan Muhammad D Yoshita

    2. Miss Redhead

      Or if it goes cold you could use the microwave.

  7. Madeeha T.

    I imagined it differently when I saw the pizza.
    I liked the texture of the pizza 🍕 because of the cheese.
    I did like the pizza there was no bad thing in my opinion.
    I did not find much hard because I only sprinkled some cheese.
    I would improved mine by adding more topping.

  8. Mopelola L.

    1.Was your pizza the same as your original design?If not how was it different.
    Mo- Yes because we made a cheese pizza and in my design it was a cheese pizza.
    Muazzan- No because in my plan I wanted a mushroom pizza but I got a whole topping pizza and it was yummy 😋.

    2.What did you like about your pizza?
    Mo- I liked the cheese.
    Muzzan- I also liked the cheese.
    3. What problem did you face?
    Mo- Rolling the dough.
    Muzzan – Knedding the dough.
    From Mo and Muzzan.

    1. Miss Holland

      How could you improve your recipe?

  9. Nihal P.

    not that much
    The mountsring. cheese
    The pepper
    Spreading the cheese

  10. Osas O.

    It was not the same as our original design because we weren’t planning on using passata or butter so we expected for the taste to be a little bit different.
    We liked it because of the crunchy crust and the tastiness of the cheese and toppings.
    We did not like it because,our opinion is that cooked peppers are not appetising. It was hard because some of the cheese stuck together and some of the milk made a mess on the table.
    We would improve the pizza by adding not too much toppings because we added lots of different types of toppings making it, not taste that good.
    We would also not add peppers because we don’t like them.
    Sara and Osas

    1. Miss Holland

      Well done Osas and Sara, this is a thorough evaluation! How would you describe the appearance of your pizza?

  11. Welat M.

    My pizza was the same as the design. What I liked about the pizza was the toppings. What l didn’t like about the pizza is the base because it was cold. The problems I faced were rolling the dough.I would Improve by adding less cheese 🧀.

    1. Welat M.

      Welat Nma Sayda

    2. Miss Redhead

      Which toppings did you choose and why?
      What could you do next time if it is cold?

      Why would you add less cheese?

      1. Hussein H.

        No because Delilah Ayaan and Hussein doesn’t eat cheese.

        1. Miss Redhead

          So you three would like a cheeseless pizza? Is there another Italian dish you could make instead of pizza that you, Delilah and Ayaan would eat?

          1. Hussein H.

            Delilah would eat creme brulle Hussein would eat pasta 🍝 and Ayaan would eat lizana.

          2. Miss Redhead

            Delilah is this an Italian dish, I am unsure?

      2. Welat M.

        The toppings I used were onion, cheese and mushrooms.
        If it was cold, I would put it in microwave.
        Because it wouldn’t be oily.

        1. Miss Redhead

          If you could include any toppings in the world what would you have?

          1. Welat M.

            Tomato passata and more onions.

  12. Mohammed E.

    My pizza is pepper the same as my original.This is because pepper is my favuorite.

    I liked my pizza because of the pepper.

    I didn’t like the milk on my pizza.

    The problems I faced were the weighing.

    Next time to improve I would try my hardest and never give up.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How could you improve your pizza Mohammed?

  13. Hussein H.

    I did not like it because it was to thick and cheese 🧀.I liked the pizza 🍕 because it has mushrooms.I don’t like the cheese on my pizza.the problem that I faced was cheese.Next time to improve i will have less cheese.

    1. Hussein H.

      Delilah Robyn Ayaan

    2. Miss Redhead

      You used cheddar cheese, would a different type of cheese have made a difference?

  14. Joshua C.

    Joshua and Khadijah
    1. It was different because it had no pepperoni.
    2. I liked the scrumptious onion.
    3. I hated the pepper.
    4. To much people were pushing me to get their turn.
    5. By putting some chicken.

  15. Yunus H.

    I like about the pizza that it marvellous pizza it’s good food taste like pasta
    I hated about it that it smells Like cheese pizza and pizza 🍕

  16. Muhammad Y.

    My pizza was not the original design.It was different because the pizza we made had all the toppings.I liked the mushrooms 🍄 on the pizza 🍕.I didn’t like the crust of the pizza because it was to crispy.The problem I faced was putting the toppings on.If I done it again I would improve my pizza by adding less toppings and not make the crust to crispy.

    1. Miss Holland

      Well done Muhammad. What part of your pizza did you like best?

  17. Maryam M.

    My pizza was the same as my original. This is because there was pepper on it .
    I liked my pizza because it had peppers on it .
    I don’t like the red ones on my pizza .
    The problem I faced where cutting the vegetables .
    Next time to improve I would put more vegetables on it.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      What vegetables will you use next time?

  18. Lawan R.

    Yes it is like the design we want to see it.It was nice and cheesey.I didn’t like it because it was cold and dry. I would put a little more milk.

    1. Lawan R.

      Lawan Muhammadd yoshita

    2. Miss Redhead

      Why would you add more milk?
      What could you do about it being cold?
      What could you do to stop it being dry?

  19. Yahya K.

    Our pizza was the same as our design.
    Irfa liked the Passata and Yahya everything except the thickness.
    Yahya didn’t like the thickness and Irfa didn’t like the cheese.
    The problems we faced were the dough was too thick.
    We could improve our pizza by rolling it wider , spreading the toppings evenly and adding less cheese.

    1. Yahya K.

      Yahya Irfa

    2. Miss Redhead

      What was it about the passata Ifra liked?

      1. Yahya K.

        Irfa liked the passata because she likes tomato and it was with the pizza.

        1. Miss Redhead

          If you could add any toppings in the world what would you use?

          1. Yahya K.

            Pepper,onions and mushrooms

  20. Said M.

    yes my pizza 🍕 is the same as my original pizza This is because it was my same topping that I deliver I liked my pizza because it had cheese,tomato I did’t like the pepper on my pizza the problem that I faced was rolling the dough Next time to improve I would rolling the dough with the rolling pin

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How did you roll the dough this time Said?

  21. Khadeeja M.

    Was your 🍕the same as your original design?If not how was it different?
    It wasn’t the same because I didn’t put onion on.
    What did you like about your 🍕?
    I like the cheese.
    What didn’t you like about your pizza?
    I didn’t like the onion.
    What problems did you face?
    The problems I faced were spreading the passata.
    How would you improve you pizza if you made it again?
    I would improve my mixing.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How could you improve your mixing?

  22. Amirah T.

    No, my pizza was not the same as my original design. It wasn’t because on my design I had onion and pepper, but then I changed my mind.
    I liked the cheese and tomato.
    I disliked the hard, crunchy parts.
    The problem I faced was spreading the passata with a butter knife.
    I would improve my pizza by spreading the passata with a easier object.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      What object could you use Amirah?

  23. Zaynab M.

    My pizza was not the same as my original.This is because It had passata and cheese.I liked my pizza because it was good. I didn’t like the mushroom on my pizza.The problems I faced were to mix.Next time to improve I would like it to have more toppings on it.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Did your original design not have passata and cheese?
      What other toppings would you use?

  24. Mohammed K.

    My pizza was not the same as my original.This is because there was peppers on it.I liked the pizza because there was onions on it.I didn’t like the peppers on my pizza.The problem I faced was putting the flour in.Next time to improve I would put more vegetables on.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How did you overcome the problem?

    2. Zahra N.

      My Pizza was original.I liked the pepper on the Pizza.I didn’t like the Mushrooms on the Pizza.It was difficult for Me Putting the flour in.I would improve my Pizza by Adding More Ingredients on my Pizza and putting More Toppings.From Zahra and Rustum

  25. Mustafa A.

    My pizza i different from my original.This is because my pizza had all of the toppings .
    I did not like the passata on my pizza.
    I liked the toppings on my pizza because it had a lot of taste.
    The problem I faced was rollin the dough.
    Next time I will improve my toppings.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      What would you do to the toppings to improve it?

  26. Alinna A.

    My pizza was the same as my original. This is because I like the taste of it.
    I like my pizza because it was delicious 😋
    I didn’t like the pizza it was a little delicious 😋
    The problem I faced were put on the tomatoes 🍅
    Next time to improve I would put the tomatoes on probably next time.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      You didn’t like it because it was delicious? Does this make sense?

  27. Meena B.

    My pizza was the same as my original. This is because it had the same taste.I like my pizza because it was really tasty and colourful.
    I didn’t like the cheese because there was too much.
    The problem I faced was rolling the dough.
    Next time I’ll make my pizza even more delicious and colourful.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How will you make it more delicious?

  28. Adam O.

    My Pizza is the same as the original. This is because it had the same taste as my original.
    I liked my pizza because it tasted cheesy.
    I didn’t like the peppers on my pizza.
    The problem I faced was the rolling the dough.
    Next time to improve I would make it more cheesy.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How did you overcome your problem?

  29. Ramandeep K.

    My pizza was same as my original. This is because I liked the taste.
    I liked my pizza because it was yummy smelt good.
    I didn’t like the cheese that much on my pizza.
    The problem I faced was weighing the flour and butter.
    Next time to improve I would put less cheese and weigh out the flour a bit more carefully.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How did you overcome your problem?

      1. Adam O.

        By trying to roll the dough harder.

  30. Arifa H.

    Yes it was the same
    I liked the extra cheese on my pizza
    I didn’t like that it had extra flour
    I faced the rolling the dough and spreading the pasata
    I wouldn’t add extra flower and put even more cheese

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