What a week we have had! The children have been making, learning and listening to music. Their focus was the song ‘Ramesses the Great’ a song about the Ancient Egyptian Pharoah. Alongside learning the song, they have made their own raps, learnt about Egypt’s geography and learnt musical vocabulary.

Please see their wonderful work below:

36 responses to “Year 3 Music Week 2024”

  1. Maryam K.

    It was a bit okay but I am not still happy🥺😔

  2. Maryam K.

    It was really fun but I am not happy because I didn’t bring my costume 😭 👎

  3. Evie T.

    Well done 3R 3B and 3W. We all had a blast and cool costumes.


  4. Elim F.

    1) Last week I worked in groups and had fun in the green room

  5. Zakariyah A.

    All of the activities that I have done in the last few days


    Muad because he is my best singer

  6. Elim F.

    I liked working with Zak and Huzaifah 🤩

  7. Sanya S.

    1.) that we were singing!
    2.) mine
    3.)ramesses becaus i like it!

  8. Rayyan M.

    1. I liked to make songs and raps
    2. Domink’s rap was the best because he was brave and confident
    3. Dance monkey beacause I am good at singing it

  9. Aiyla S.

    1. I enjoy make in the raps
    2. Dominic’s
    3. Band4band because it is 😎 cool

  10. Iqra F.

    Me doing a teamwork with my friend
    Zak,Elim and Huzafa because when they fall that made me burst out laughing
    It would be and Ancient Egypt song We would dress in costumes And because then we can do it as a team and see is the rap good or not

  11. Dominik B.

    I enjoyed making the raps.
    I think Aylahs and Tala was the best.
    Come and get your love by Redbone because I like the film it is in.

  12. Huzaifah J.

    I have enjoyed when we all sang Ramesses the great
    Dennis and Aiyla because I liked their actions
    Maybe an another good Egyptian song

  13. Warizah I.

    It was good i like it because it was the best and it was my favourite

  14. Sulaiman A.

    This week was fabulous.
    3W was the best rap.
    Power in me because I love power in me and I always sing it.

  15. Hamasah Y.

    I am Enjoying Because dancing so much fun
    I Like Aqsa rapping
    I want to be a rapper

  16. Freya Mia S.

    Omg I loved this day but my friend Aqsa said I don’t like it…I LOVED IT!!

  17. Amelia R.

    I have enjoyed singing

    I think Zak s was the best

    Power in me because it is calm

  18. I enjoy the crom lab that most.
    I think Adyans rap is the best.
    The music I whad make is calm music because it is a really nice song.

  19. Aqsa S.

    I mean Aiylas rap was the best

  20. Aqsa S.

    I enjoyed chrome lab
    About India because I know how to sing in Indian

  21. Mustafa A.

    If we’re to make a rap Girl like you You’re my friend’s

  22. Shaheer N.

    I in enjoy 😉 the fact weeks I call it week of school and I have fun 🤩 so much more to do and then d o you have fun the Dane is funny a bit absolutely love it, I think I will go back on ,now it’s just the right time. But I like year 3.

  23. Jasmine P.

    1 choir children went to the royal Albert hall
    2 domink and slaman and Iqra
    3 about electricity Bea cause it will help people to save energy

  24. Tala I.

    Q1 I have enjoyed the rap that we made
    Q2 Aiyla group
    Q3 I’ll be there for the highs and lows because it my favourite song

  25. Dyako A.

    I liked this week because we sang a lot and I liked shayans rap and if I could make a music video for another song i would do a

  26. Amina I.

    The thing that I enjoyed is that there was no work

    The best rap was sanya’s

    Royalty because it’s my favourite song

  27. Orevaoghene O.

    Egypt Song is so. Good
    Besuase Sanya. rap. wus. To different

  28. Mustafa A.

    That we got to do no work
    Viva la Vida because i like it

  29. Dennis B.

    About doing the work
    It wil de anat my best friends

  30. Elisei-Ionut P.

    2.Dennis and Aiyla
    3.baby sharks because I love it

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