What a week we have had! The children have been making, learning and listening to music. Their focus was the song ‘Ramesses the Great’ a song about the Ancient Egyptian Pharoah. Alongside learning the song, they have made their own raps, learnt about Egypt’s geography and learnt musical vocabulary.

Please see their wonderful work below:

36 responses to “Year 3 Music Week 2024”

  1. Bilal U.

    I enjoyed my rap because it had a bow and arrow and I love bow and arrows.

  2. Emaan S.

    I enjoyed rap because it was a bit fun

  3. Liliana S.

    I have enjoyed the raping video
    Nathan,lily and Adam
    Counting stars because it is my fav

  4. Iqra S.

    Well done everyone 3r 3w 3b

  5. Nichollas B.

    I kinda enjoyed it but not that a lot.

  6. Aesha M.

    I enjoyed the rap because it had rhyming words like phaohoa and arrow.🤣🤣🤣

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