Year 3 Maths Challenge Spring 1


1.John buys a pen for £1.70 and a notepad for £3.20. How much did he spend altogether?

2. Ryan bought three cakes for 22p each. How much did he spend?

Explain how to solve these problems.



Explain how you know.


Imagine your family agreed to give you some pocket money every day for a month! You can choose from the following options:

  1. £10 every day
  2. £3 on the first day, £3.50 on the second, £4 on the third, and so on, increasing by 50p per day
  3. 1p on the first day, 2p on the second, 4p on the third, and so on, doubling each day.

Without doing any working out, which one would you choose, and why?

In a month with 31 days, how much money would you have by the end of the month, under each system? You may wish to explore using a spreadsheet…

In which months would option 1 be better than option 2?
If your family stopped your pocket money on day 8, which option would give you the most?
On which day of the month does option 3 become the most fruitful?
If you chose option 3, how many days would it be before you became a millionaire?

127 responses to “Year 3 Maths Challenge Spring 1”

  1. Dean-Junior L.

    Bronze .
    1, John spends ££4.90 because
    1 + 3 = 4 and 70 + 20 = 90 and you put them all together which makes £4.90 .
    2, Ryan spent 66p altogether because 22 x 3 =66p

    Silver .
    1, Waylon spent 48p
    Talia spent £2.40
    Together they spent £2.88
    Talia spent £1.92 more than Waylon.
    2, Lia spent £1.08
    Marcus spent £2.16
    They spent £3.24 altogether.
    Marcus spent £108 more than Lia

    Liam could have
    10+10+10= 30p three tens make 30p
    Liam could have 20+10+10=40 one 20 and two 10s make 40p
    The coins Liam has are 50p 20p 10p 10p 10p =£1

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Well done DJ. Please try the platinum challenge, I know you can do it!

  2. Mohammed K.

    1.Altogeather he spent £4.90 . I know this because you add £1.70 and £3.70 and the answer would be £4.90
    2.Ryan spent 66p .
    Waylon spent 48p on the raspberrys
    Talia spent £ 2.40 on the raspberries

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done for giving the Bronze challenge a go 😁

  3. Isaiah W.

    In my book!

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Well done Isaiah, I have marked your home work.

  4. Ameena I.

    £4.90 for a pencil the pencil was £1.70 and the notepad was £3.20.
    Ryan spent 66p on three cake .
    Waylon spent 48p
    Talia spent £2.40
    Together £2.88
    Talia spent £1.92 more then wayne

    £1.08 spent by Lia
    £2.16 spent by Marcus
    £1.08 spent £4.90 for a pencil the pencil was £1.70 and the notepad was £3.20.
    Ryan spent 66p on three cake .
    Waylon spent 48p
    Talia spent £2.40
    Together £2.88
    Talia spent £1.92 more then wayne

    £1.08 spent by Lia
    £2.16 spent by Marcus
    £1.08 spent more then Liam.

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Ameena for still completing your homework whilst you are poorly! Superstar 🌟

  5. Emil D.

    30p➗10p= 3 coins
    £1=100p 100 ➗5= 20

    1. £3.20+£1.70= £4.90
    2. 22+44= 66p

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Well done Emil, please complete rest of the challenges.

  6. Isaiah W.

    He spent 4.90
    He spent 66p

  7. Sumaya O.

    He spent £4.90 p because £1 +£3 =£4 and 70 p+20 = 90p and it all together it is equivalent to £4.90
    Ryan has spent 66p I know this because 22+22=44+22= 66pon cake 🎂.

  8. Adrian O.

    1. John spent £ 4.90 because £1.70 + £ 3.20 = £ 4.90.
    2. Ryan spent 66p because 22p + 22p = 44p and 44p +22p =66p.

    1. Walon spent 48p and Talia spent 240p.
    2. They spent 288p altogether.
    3. Telia has 192p more than Walon.
    4. Lia spent 108p and Marcus spent 216p.
    5. 324p altogether.
    6. Marcus has 108p more than Lia.

    1. Adrian O.

      10p 10p 10p 20p and 50p are the coins Liam has.

      1. Miss Jephcott

        Well done Adrian ☺️ Please have a look at Platinum for me and try and give that a go 😁

      2. Adrian O.

        1. I would choose option 3.
        2. After 31 days for option 1 you would have £ 310 for option 2 you would have £ 325.5 and for option 3 you would have £ 10,737,418.20.
        3. February.
        4. Option 2 because it would be £ 6.50.
        5. Day 16.
        6. Day 28.

        1. Adrian O.

          I would choose Option 3 because it will give me more money at the end of the month.
          Option 1 will be £310, Option 2 is £325.50 and Option 3 will be £10,737,418.20.

          Option 1 will be better than Option 2 in the month of February because Option 1 will give me £280 while Option 2 will give me £274.50 on the last day of the month of February.

          If pocket money is stopped on day 8, then Option 1 will give me the most money at £80 while Option 2 will have made me £6.50 and Option 3 would have been a mere £1.28.

          Option 3 becomes the most fruitful on Day 16 because I get more money at £327.68 while the other options are lesser even at the end of the month.

          I chose Option 3 because it will make me a millionaire on Day 28.

  9. Eva T.

    He spent £4.90
    He spent 66p.

  10. Safaa Y.

    1. 4.90

    2. 66p

  11. Safaa Y.

    Bronze: altogether it =4.90

    He spend 66p

  12. Faris B.

    1. £1.70 + £3.20 = £4.90
    2. 22p x 3 = 66p

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Please try the silver and Gold challenge Faris. I know you can do it.

  13. Javishan R.

    1) He spent £4.90 altogether as £3.20 + £1.70 = £4.90
    2) Ryan spent £0.66p altogether as £0.22p x 3 = £0.66p

    1) Waylon spent £0.48p on the raspberries as £0.24p x 2 = £0.48p
    2) Talia spent £2.40 on the raspberries as £0.24p x 10 = £2.40
    3) Altogether they spent £2.88 as £2.40 + £0.48p= £2.88
    4) Talia spent £1.92 more than Waylon as £2.40 – £0.48p = £1.92

    1) Lia spent £1.08 on the peaches as £0.36 x 3 = £1.08
    2) Marcus spent £2.16 on the peaches as £0.36 x 6 = £2.16
    3) Altogether they spent £3.24 as £2.16 + £1.08 = £3.24
    4) Marcus spent £1.08 more as £2.16 – £1.08 = £1.08

  14. Aadam R.

    John spends £4.90. I know this because I did 170 + 320 = 490.
    Ryan spent 66p. I know this because 22 x 3 =66.

    Waylon spent 48p and Talia spent £2.40. Talia spent £1.92 more.
    Lia spent £1.08 and Marcus spent £2.16 .
    They spent altogether £ 3.24 .
    Marcus spent more than Lia £1.08

    Liam has got all five 20ps . I know this because 20p x 5p = £1 so 20 5s =£1.

    I would have £10 every day and in one month I would have £310 option 1 i would give option 2 day 56 it would take to be a million air 3m days

    1. Nabiha I.

      1.He spend £4.90 because £1.70 + £3.20 = £4.90.
      2.He spend 66p because 22 + 22 +22 =66 and 3 × 22 = 66.
      1.Walan spend 48p because 2 × 24 = 48p and Talia spend £1.24 because 10×24p =£1.24 and alltogather it would be .48+£1.24 =£1.72.
      2.Marcuse spend 180p because 3×36=180 and 90+18 =180.
      Alltogather £1.70 because 30 + 40 = 70 and add £1 = £.70.

    2. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Aadam 🤩

  15. Zainullah S.

    1. John has spend all together £4.90 because £1.70+3.20= £4.90
    2. Ryan has spend all together 66p because 22p x 3 = 66p
    1, Waylon spend 48p because 2×24p=48p
    2. Talla spend £2.40 because 10×24=£2.40
    3. Lia spend £1.08 because 3×36p=£1.08
    4. Marcus spend £2.16 because 6×36p=£2.16

  16. Siyam A.

    John has £4.90 in total.
    22px3=66p in total.

  17. Ebeid M.

    1.John spends £4.90 altogether because £3.20+£1.70=£4.90
    2.Ryan spends 66p altogether because 22p+22p+22p=66p

    Waylon spends 48pTalia spends 240p.
    Waylon and Talia spend 288p altogether.
    Talia spends 192p more than Waylon.

    Lia and Marcus bought these peaches. Peaches are 36p each. Marcus bought twice as many peaches than Lia . Lia spends 108p Marcus spends 216p .Lia and Marcus spend 324p altogether.
    Marcus spends 108p more than Lia.

    Three coins =10p+10p+10p=30p.
    Three coins=20p+10p+10p=40p
    All five coins add up to £1 are 50p+20p+10p+10p+10p=£1

    I would choose option 1 . £10 every day because january,March,May,July,August,October,December
    are 31 days so you will get £310 every month.

  18. abdelrahman

    1) He spent £4.90 altogether as £3.20 + £1.70 = £4.90
    2) Ryan spent £0.66p altogether as £0.22p x 3 = £0.66p
    1) Waylon spent £0.48p on the raspberries as £0.24p x 2 = £0.48p
    2) Talia spent £2.40 on the raspberries as £0.24p x 10 = £2.40
    3) Altogether they spent £2.88 as £2.40 + £0.48p= £2.88
    4) Talia spent £1.92 more than Waylon as £2.40 – £0.48p = £1.92

    1) Lia spent £1.08 on the peaches as £0.36 x 3 = £1.08
    2) Marcus spent £2.16 on the peaches as £0.36 x 6 = £2.16
    3) Altogether they spent £3.24 as £2.16 + £1.08 = £3.24
    4) Marcus spent £1.08 more as £2.16 – £1.08 = £1.08
    1) Liam could have 50p coin, 20p coin, 10p coin, 10p coin, 10p coin.
    2) His 3 coins for 30p are 10p+10p+10p.
    3) His 3 coins for 40p are 20p+10p+10p.
    4) All of his coins add up to £1. 50p+20p+10p+10p+10p = £1.
    Platinum: And if a month has 31 days then you will get £310. Option 1 would be better than Option 2 on January, March, May, July , August, October , December. This is because, these months have 31 days meaning you would get £310 in them.
    1) I would choose option 1 as you get £10 everyday which is quite a lot.

  19. Rayan M.

    1.John buys a pen for £1.70 and a notepad for £3.20. How much did he spend altogether?
    John has spend £4.90 because £1.70 + £3.20 = £4.90.
    2. Ryan bought three cakes for 22p each. How much did he spend?
    Ryan has spend 66p because 3 x 22 = 66p

    Waylon has spend 48p because 2 x 24 = 48p and Taila has spend 240p because 10 x 24 = 240p.
    They both has spend 288p because 48 + 240 = 288p.
    Taila has spend 192p more than Waylon because 240 – 48 = 192p
    Lia has spent 108p because 3 x 36 = 108p and Marcus spent 324p because 9 x 36 = 324 .
    They has both spent 432p because 324 + 108 = 432p.
    Marcus has spent 216p more than Lia because 108 – 324 = 216.

    Liam should have 10p , 10p , 10p , 20p and 50p because they all add up to £1 ,10 ,10 and 10 = 30 and 10 , 10 and 20 = 40.

    I think number 2 sounds good but number 3 is better than 2 because later on that year if I had a £1000 double it than it will be £2000.

  20. Jad A.

    1. John bought the pen for 1.70 and the note book for 3.20 so altogether is 4.90
    2. Ryan bought 3 cakes each cake cost 22p 22p × 3 =66p so he spent altogether 66p
    Waylon bought all of her strawberry for 2.88 but Talia has 5 times more strawberry as Waylon. Talia bought hers for £14.40p
    Lia bought hers for 1.80. Marcus bought his for 2.16
    Liam has 50p20p and 3 ten pence coins equals 30p

  21. Hamida K.

    Jhon has £4.90 altogether.
    Rayan spends 66p.
    I know this because first I looked at the numbers then added them and thats how I got the answer.
    1.Waylon spends 24p
    Talia spends 240p.
    2.Talia is five times more than Waylon.
    3.Marcus has 52p.
    4.Lia has 36p.
    5.They have 88p altogethor.
    6.Marcus is two times more than Lia.
    The coins that Liam has are 40p, 60p, 80p, 90p and £1.

  22. Sidrah S.

    1. £1.70+£3.20=£4.90
    2. 22p+22p+22p=66p I know this because I times 2×11 three times

  23. Ilyas K.

    Ilyas has completed bronze, silver and gold challenges in his homework book. Picture sent.

  24. Jebrin Y.

    1) He spent £4.90 altogether as £3.20 + £1.70 = £4.90
    2) Ryan spent £0.66p altogether as £0.22p x 3 = £0.66p
    1) Waylon spent £0.48p on the raspberries as £0.24p x 2 = £0.48p
    2) Talia spent £2.40 on the raspberries as £0.24p x 10 = £2.40
    3) Altogether they spent £2.88 as £2.40 + £0.48p= £2.88
    4) Talia spent £1.92 more than Waylon as £2.40 – £0.48p = £1.92

    1) Lia spent £1.08 on the peaches as £0.36 x 3 = £1.08
    2) Marcus spent £2.16 on the peaches as £0.36 x 6 = £2.16
    3) Altogether they spent £3.24 as £2.16 + £1.08 = £3.24
    4) Marcus spent £1.08 more as £2.16 – £1.08 = £1.08
    1) Liam could have 50p coin, 20p coin, 10p coin, 10p coin, 10p coin.
    2) His 3 coins for 30p are 10p+10p+10p.
    3) His 3 coins for 40p are 20p+10p+10p.
    4) All of his coins add up to £1. 50p+20p+10p+10p+10p = £1.
    1) I would choose option 1 as you get £10 everyday which is quite a lot. And if a month has 31 days then you will get £310. Option 1 would be better than Option 2 on January, March, May, July , August, October , December. This is because, these months have 31 days meaning you would get £310 in them.

  25. Shumiyah H.

    John byed a pen for £1.70 he byed a notebook for£3.20 altogether was £4.90
    Ryan got three cakes for 22p altogether are 66p

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Well done Shumiyah, please try the rest of the challenges. If you need help with silver and gold challenge, we can help you.

  26. Max P.


    Liam has

    3 coins he can do 30p
    2 coins he can do 40p
    ( I can’t do 40p from 3 coints)
    5coints he can do 1£
    50p.+20p+20p+5p+5p =1£

    1. Max P.

      I found my mistake
      50p 20p 10p 10p 10p
      3 coins 30p
      3coins 40p


  27. Max P.

    1) Josh spend all together

    1£+3£= 4£

    Ryan spend

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Well done Max!

  28. Sumayyah A.

    John has £4.90 altogether.
    Ryan has 66p.

    Waylon brought 2 raspberries that costs 48p and Talia brought 25 raspberries that cost £6.
    The total amount is £6.48.

    Talia spent £5.52 more .

    Lia brought 3 peaches at cost of £1.08 and Marcus brought 6 peaches at cost of £2.16.

    Liam has 50p,20p and 3 10pence coins.

  29. Rexford A.

    Jhon spent £4.90 on the notebook and pen Ryan spent 66p on the cakes I know this because £1.70 plus £3.20 equals £4.90. I know Ryan spent 66p because when you count in 12s once you reach 36 count ten 3 times and there you have 66p
    Waylon spent 48p on the rasberries and Talia spent 240p-£2.40 altog

    1. Rexford A.

      Altogether there is £2.88 Talia spent 1.92.
      Lia spent £1.13 on the peaches Marcus spent 216p-£2.16 altogether they spent £3.29 Marcus spent £1.03 more than Lia
      I know this because if you count in 20s you will know that 20×5 =100.
      I would choose 1p because parents need money for clothes food trips treats and so on so thats why I chose it and I wouldn’t need anything except food and clothes I would have 31p by the end of the month if they stop on day 8 I would oferr nothing because I am to young to be paying only because I don’t like giving cash physical so that’s why. Number three would be fruitful on day 10 option 3 you would become a millionaire on day 10,000

      1. Miss Jephcott

        Well done Rexford 👍🏼😊

  30. Musa B.

    John byed the pen for £1.70 he byed the notebook for £3.20 altogether it was £4.90
    Ryan got three cakes for 22p and one cake is for 22p altogether was 66p
    Waylon byed all of her strawberry for £2.88 Talia but 5 times strawberry as Waylon Talia bought hers for £14.40
    Lia bought hers for £1.08 Marcus bought his peaches for £2.16
    Liam has 3 of 10p=30p
    2 of 10 p 1 20p=40p
    It does not equal £1 3 10p is 30p 2 10p is 20p 20p and 30p equals 50p add 40p it is 90p so it is not

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Well done Musa, please try the Platinum challenge.

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