

Write instructions for making your favourite sandwich.


To design an Italian menu.

Homework must be done by Wednesday and you must do 2 pieces.

105 responses to “Year 3 Homework week 4”

  1. Ramandeep K.

    I have done my wow Homework and my English homework.

  2. Muazzan M.

    There are 48 sweets because 12×4=48
    I have left 8 buns because 12_4 = 8.
    There are 3 carriages for 12 people.
    Each person have 3 crayons because
    12÷4= 3

  3. Muazzan M.

    Instructions how to make jam Sandwich.
    Ingredients you need is :
    Bread , jam . knife ,
    First take two pieces of bread and put your 1piease of bread on your plate .
    Secondly take your knife and spread your jam on your bread and put your other slice on it and last cut from the middle .
    Finally enjoy your Sandwich.

  4. Ramandeep K.

    1. First, get two pieces of bread out of the bag.
    2. Then, spread the jam on the bread.
    3. After that, put the two pieces of bread on top of eachother.
    4. Then, cut your sandwich in half.
    5. Finally, enjoy

  5. Amelia A.

    Gold maths
    The third word problem can be used because we have 12 crayons and need to split them between four people so it’s 12 divided by 4=3

    The first problem I did 12 multiplied by four which is 48.

    The second one I did 4 multiplied by 3 is 12.

    The last one I did 12 take away 4 which is 8.

    First you get bread and jam and open the lid off the jam. Then you get a knife and scoop jam using the knife and spread it on the bread. Then you put the bread on the plate.

  6. Minhaj A.

    The first one is incorrect because it say there are 12 bags of 4 sweets in each and that show 12×4 and that = 48 also the question shows which one of this are 12 divide by 4 also that = 3.
    2.The 2 one is also incorrect because it shows 4×12 which is communitive to 12×4 and that = the same answer the same answer as the first one which is 48 which is written in the other way round which is called communitive.
    3.It is correct because it has the word share in it and that means divide and it is also in the correct order.
    4.It is sadly incorrect because it has the word give that means takeaway so it has less which is like division .Because in division it decease the number which means getting smaller.

  7. Janelle O.

    The first one is correct because the number says is twelve first.
    The second one is incorrect because it says four first.
    The third one is incorrect because it says the number four.
    The last one is correct because it says twelve as the first one.
    How to make a sandwich is first you take the bread and open it then take your jam and butter. after get a knife and spread the butter across the bread and the jam. finally put your bread on top of the other and take a plate and put your bread on the plate and serve it.The

  8. Safa S.

    1. First, get two slices of bread out of a whole meal plastic bag.
    2. Next, get a jar of Nutella (chocolate spread) and get a knife to spread the chocolate on the bread.
    3. After that, get some chocolate spread on the knife and spread it on the bread. Make sure you only spread the chocolate on 1 piece of bread.
    4. When, you have spreaded the chocolate on 1 slice of bread get the second piece of bread that you didn’t spread chocolate on then place it on top of the first piece of bread.

  9. Yunus H.

    Choclate sandwhich
    1. Choping board
    3. 2 slices of bread
    4. Chocolate spread
    5. A plate
    First get all your Ingredient together ,
    Next put bread slice on a chopping board .
    Then spread some chocolate spread on one bread .
    Put the other slice of bread on top of your chocolate bread .
    Then cut the sandwich in a half and serve on a plate .
    finally enjoy your chocolate sandwich.😊😍

  10. Amirah T.

    Good afternoon 😊
    Do you want a delicious snack?
    Follow these instructions to make a yummy jam sandwich!

    Equipment list:
    A bowl
    Margarine or butter

    1. First, grab two slices of bread.
    2. Next, set them down on your table.
    3. Then, turn one of your pieces of bread around and put margarine on it.
    4. Later, get the jam jar and the knife.
    5. After that,open the jam jar, get some on your knife and spread it on your piece of bread thoroughly.
    6. Next, take your second piece of bread and place it on top of the other one.
    7. Then, squeeze them together.

    8. Later, Place them on the cutting board.

    9. Soon, Cut them into triangles.

    10. Finally, enjoy!

    Did you like your sandwich? Now you know how to make a jam sandwich!

    1. Amirah T.

      8. Later, Place them on the cutting board.
      9. Soon, Cut them into triangles.

      Should read as follows:

      8. Later, place them on the cutting board.
      9. Soon, cut them into triangles.

  11. Yunus H.

    12 divide by 4 =3
    4 times 12=48 so it’ll be 48 sweets are there altogether .
    12 divided by 4=3 carriages are needed.
    12 divided by 4=3 crayons each person received.
    12-4=8 buns left for me.

  12. Amirah T.

    Good afternoon 😊
    1. There are 48 sweets altogether. I know this because 12 x 4 or 4 x 12 = 48.
    2. 3 carriages are needed for 12 people. I think this because, 4 x 3 or 3 x 4 = 12.
    3. Each person receives 3. I know this because 4 ÷ 12 or 12 ÷ 4 = 3. I worked this sum out by doing 3 x 4.
    4. She has 8 buns left. I know this because 12 – 4 = 8.
    5. Number 3 can be solved using 12 ÷ 4.

  13. Sheik A.

    Italy manu
    Olive oil
    garlic bread

    1. Zahra N.

      Firstly get two bread Slices.
      Next put the breads on the plate.
      Then get the Jam and spread it on the Bread.
      And put the other bread on top of the Jam.
      Finally enjoy your Jam Sandwich.

      1. Zahra N.

        Wow Homework
        To Design a Italian Menu
        Pizza,pasta,olive oil,Lasange.

      2. Zahra N.

        I have done all 3 pieces of my Homework.

  14. Sheik A.

    First get two slice bread.
    Next put the two slice of bread on the plate.
    Then get the jam and put it on the table.
    And then open the jam lid get a spoon fall of jam.
    Then spread the jam on the first slice of bread.
    Finally put the uther slice of bread on the first slice of bread.

  15. Myiesha S.

    First get 2 slices of bread out of the packet.
    Secondly place the bread on the chopping board.
    Then spread the the jam on the bread.
    after that place the second piece of bread on top of the other bread.
    after cut the bread in the middle and do the same again and there should be 4 pieces of bread.
    finally place your 4 pieses of bread and enjoy!

  16. Mustafa A.

    How to make a jam sandwich.
    Are you hungry? Why not make a jam sandwich. Get off your feet and make one!

    What you need:

    1. First get your 2 slices of bread.
    2. Then get your jam and your knife.
    3. After that get your knife and scoop some jam.
    4. Then carefully spread your jam across your first slice of bread bread.
    5. Put your second slice of bread on top of your jam bread.
    6. Finally cut your sandwich into pieces and now your can enjoy your jam sandwich in peace.

    The problems would be :
    1. A rollercoaster carriage holds 4 people. How many carriages are needed for 12 people?

    2. I have 12 crayons and share them equally between 4 people. How many crayons does each person recieve?

    This is because both of them you have to work out how many times 4 goes into 12.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Mustafa.

      CHALLENGE: Can you work out the answer for maths challenge?
      What operation does word problem 1 and 4 use? How do you know? Can you work out the answer for word problem 1 and 4?

  17. Hudayfa A.

    The one that said there are 12 dags of Sweets whith 4 Sweets In each dags.
    Garlic bread.

  18. Arifa H.

    The one that says 12 crayons shared between four is right because your sharing 12 in 4 and the division sign ➗ means share.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      How do you know Arifa? Is that the only word problem?

  19. Ahmed K.

    To make pizza you will need dough and make you pizza pattern dough then put all of you topping on the dough after place you delicious pizza in the oven
    Finally take you fabulous pizza out the oven and dig in

  20. Ahmed K.

    I have 12 buns and I give 4 to my brother you would have 8 left

  21. Alima S.

    Okay I will.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Make sure you do please Alima.

  22. Osas O.

    How to make a jam sandwich.
    First, get out all of the ingredients and equipment like the the jam, two pieces of bread , a plate, a knife and a chopping board.
    Next, place the bread on the chopping board.
    Then, spread the jam on the bread.
    After that, put the other slice of bread on top.
    When you have done that, get the knife and cut the bread in half or into four pieces.
    Finally pick up the bread and lay it on the plate.
    Now it is finished

    1. Osas O.

      The imperative verbs are get, place, spread, put, cut, pick up, and lay.
      Now I have finished my homework.

  23. Osas O.

    The top paragraph can be solved using 12÷4 because when you divide the second number is the amount of people you share what you have with.
    So the top paragraph means the same as 12÷4.
    And 12÷4 = 3.

  24. Khadeeja M.

    A will do my work

  25. Nicolas M.

    12:4=3 1- We have all sweets together 48 because is12x4=48. 2-The rolleacoaster need 3 carriages beacause 12:4=3. 3-Each person receive 3 creions beacuse 12:4=3. 4- I have 8 buns because 12-4=8. 😊

    1. Aqsaa F.

      The ingredients and equipment

      Chopping board
      Bread knife
      To slice of bread
      Flora buttery

      First you need a chopping board and bread 🔪knife. Next get to slices of 🍞 bread and spread with flora 🧈 buttery. Then spread some 🧀 grated cheese on top of the 🍞 bread and cut thinly slices of 🥒cucumber to put on top of the 🧀 cheese. After that, put the second slice of 🍞 bread on top.
      Finally cut your sandwich into half or into four pieces and lay it on the 🍽
      The enjoy your sandwich with cup🥤 of orange 🍊 juice 😋.

  26. Hamsia D.

    The second and third word problems can be solved using 12➗4.
    12➗4=3 so we need 3 rollercoaster carriages for 12 people.
    12➗4=3 so each person gets 3 crayons.

    How to make a Nutella sandwich.
    1. First, get two slices of bread out of a whole meal plastic bag.
    2. Next, get a jar of Nutella (chocolate spread) and get a knife to spread the chocolate on the bread.
    3. After that, get some chocolate spread on the knife and spread it on the bread. Make sure you only spread the chocolate on 1 piece of bread.
    4. When, you have spreaded the chocolate on 1 slice of bread get the second piece of bread that you didn’t spread chocolate on then place it on top of the first piece of bread.
    5. After, you done that get the knife and cut the bread in to 4 quarters so you can eat it separately.
    6. Finially, serve your slices of bread onto a plate and enjoy your sandwich!

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Hamsia. Make sure you read back your work to ensure it makes sense and you have not used the same word again and again.

      Looking at your maths challenge, what operation are used for question 1 and 4? How do you know? What is the answer for question 1 and 4?

      Sp- finally

  27. Aryan M.

    English how to make a jam sandwich

    1.Firstly wash your hands gently.
    2.Secondly grab the equipment list here.

    Cutting board

    3. After that grab 2 pieces of bread and nicely Place it on the cooking board.

    4.Now spread jam with a knife on one piece of bread.

    5. After that place the bread on top of each other.

    6. Finally put it on the plate and enjoy eating.

    Maths: Number 3 is correct because it says how many does each person have.

  28. Ravi P.


    i like me senwich
    wif mit salud and chiee. fen i eta me sanwich


  29. Ravi P.

    12;-4=3 maths


    i like me senwich
    wif mit salud and chiee.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      I think you have got a little bit confused Daniel. Try this again. Think back to when you made the jam sandwiches with Mrs Walker. What instructions did you have to give? Remember to use imperative verbs (bossy verbs) and time connectives such as first, next, after that.

  30. Joshua C.

    Number 1 is the best because it is showing how to do it.
    First get bread
    Next put jam on it
    After that fold it in half
    And enjoy.

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