Hello year 3,

this week for your homework you need to complete 2/3 activities. You can choose to post on the blog, do in your book or email a picture. Homework needs to be completed by Wednesday please.

Recently we have been looking at inverted commas. Can you use inverted commas and write up the conversation Ben, Granny and the Queen had in the Tower of London.


Complete fractions like an Egyptian activity on education city and tell us your score. You will need to search it in the search bar.

Answer this question:

Miss Redhead thinks that 1/2 is the same as 1/4. Is Miss Redhead correct?

Can you prove or disprove her thinking by drawing diagrams.

Use these openers to help with your reasoning

Miss Redhead is right/wrong because

I think she is โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ becauseโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

I know that โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.

Wow homework

In art we have looked at warm and cool colours.

This week we would like you to create piece of art using cool colours.

131 responses to “Year 3 Homework week 4”

  1. Meena B.

    Umm I did my homework and I canโ€™t see my homework I did on the blog.

    1. Mrs Walker

      I have see on piece of your homework Meena but the other piece isnโ€™t showing. Just check that you have submitted it.

  2. Delilah R.

    Granny whispers to Ben,3,2,
    when suddenly the Queen appears ,”what an earth are you doing here “gasped Ben and granny.”erm I meant what are you doing here at this time of night your majesty”?
    “Well let’s get to the point what are you doing here ?”
    “I can explain “said granny “I made up a storey to tell my grandson , because he thought I was boring and I was because i just ate cabbage and played scrabble ,that’s why I pretended I was the black cat “Ben gasped “pretended”!!”but what about all those jewels ” Ben cried”
    “Sorry Ben , they were just costume jewelery your dad use to play with when he was a kid ”
    The Queen thought for a moment , and said, ” what to do, the last time this happend the king let them free , so I shall let you free to”.Gran and Ben both said “thank you,thank you”

  3. Nihal P.

    Ben and Granny were trying to steel the Crown Jewels, then the Queen enters.
    โ€œAhemโ€ the Queen said loudly.
    Ben and Granny took a step backwards and bowed.
    โ€œWhat on earth are you doing here? I meant what on earth are doing here Maโ€™am?โ€ Ben asked.
    โ€œI have a Queenโ€™s speech to write, and for that I need a nice crownโ€ replied the Queen, โ€œMore likely, what are you doing here?โ€
    โ€œItโ€™s hard to explain.โ€ Granny answered.
    The Queen then said โ€œDo you have one of these? They give them to the elderly and then help comes. You better start explaining or itโ€™s clickerty clickerty, shooty shooty.โ€
    Ben then said โ€œI started thisโ€ฆโ€
    Granny then interrupted and said โ€œI pretended to be an international jewel thief.โ€
    Ben says โ€œPretended?โ€
    Granny replies โ€œMy grandson hated staying with me.โ€
    Ben interrupts โ€œNow I donโ€™t!โ€
    Granny says โ€œYou do because I play scrabble and make cabbage soup.โ€

    I scored 100% in Education City.
    Miss Redhead is wrong because 1/2 is not the same as 1/4. I know that because there are 2/4 in 1/4

    OOOO = whole
    1/2 = OO
    1/4 = O
    2/4 = OO

  4. Mopelola L.

    On education city i got 100%.
    I have done maths in my homwork book and i will do art.

  5. Myiesha S.

    mrs readhead is wrong because she did not look at the denominater because if she was looking at the deniminater she would have to see that the number denominater would be different.

  6. Hussein H.

    I scored 1000 on education city
    Miss Readhead is because I know 1\2 is bigger than 1\4

    1. Miss Redhead

      You have not used the reasoning stems. How can you prove this to me that I am wrong. What proof could you show me?

  7. Ramandeep K.

    I have done my homework in my book.

  8. Irfa M.

    I scored 100% in education city.
    I done my homework in my homework book.

  9. Lawan R.

    โ€œIn three, two andโ€ wispers granny
    โ€œExcuse meโ€ The queen came in and asked.
    โ€œhello your majestyโ€ bowled both of them saying it.
    โ€œWhat on earth are you doing here I mean what on earth are you doing your majestyโ€ Ben replied to the queen.
    โ€œNow I am going to put my crown onโ€ The queen told.
    โ€œNow what on earth are you two doing hereโ€ The queen was livid.
    โ€œIt is hard to explain.โ€ granny pulled a worring face.
    โ€œYou have to explain or if I click this button the NPCs will come so it could be clicky clicky shooty shooty.โ€ The queen terrifedly.
    โ€œMy nevfeu didnโ€™t like being with me because I was boring and I didnโ€™t play scrabbl with he actullay I was boring, you can lock me up in this tower if you wantโ€ sighed granny
    โ€œI donโ€™t think that now.โ€replying to granny.
    โ€œWhat to doโ€ queen sighed.
    โ€œI may let you goโ€ queen asked.
    and I did art

    1. Miss Redhead

      Look forward to seeing the art. Remember capital letters and full stops when you type. Queen should have a capital letter can you explain why?

  10. Ahmad R.

    I think she is incorrect because the denominator is not the same.
    I know that because one of them is 2 and the other is 4.

    1. Miss Redhead

      So if they are not the same, which is greater and how do you know?

  11. Amina H.

    Miss Redhead is wrong because 1/2 is not the same as 1/4.
    2 of 1/4 is same as 1/2.
    I’ll do wow work.

    1. Miss Redhead

      I need to see more reasoning, use the reasoning stems provided. How can you prove to me I am wrong.

  12. Muhammed K.

    miss redhead is wrong because 1/2 is bigger than 1/4. i think this because i drew a diagram and shaded parts and 1/2 was bigger. i know that because i looked at the denominator to see how many pieces there were and looked at the numerator to see how many is shaded.

    ben said “there are the crown jewels”.
    granny says “they are beautiful” while taking off her mask
    ben says “what is that for?”
    she says “it is for the lasers because if we touch it in 30 seconds the guard will arrive”
    the queen says “what on earth are you doing here?”
    granny says “we can explain”
    granny says “we were going to steal the crown jewels please don’t arrest my son arrest me instead”

    1. Miss Redhead

      Remember your capital letters and full stops. I can see you have tried hard with this.

  13. Yoshita P.

    I think Miss Redhead is wrong as 1/4 is not the same as as 1/2 as 2 of 1/4 make a 1/2.
    Yes I can draw the diagram to prove the same.
    I got 100% in education city.
    I have done my WOW homework as well.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Look forward to you showing me your diagram.

  14. Yoshita P.

    I think Miss Redhead is wrong as 1/4 is not the same as as 1/2 as 2 of 1/4 make a 1/2.
    Yes I can draw the diagram to prove the same.
    I got 100% in education city.

  15. Amina H.

    I have got 95% on educational city.

  16. Mahdi R.

    Miss redhead is wrong because half and quarter are different numbers so its not the same.

    1. Miss Redhead

      How can you prove this to me Mahdi?

  17. Khadijah M.

    Queen: Ahem!
    Granny: Y – your majesty.
    Ben: WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING HERE! I – I mean what on earth are you doing here maโ€™am.
    Queen: One has a queens speech to write, and I find it easier, when wearing the right sort of hat. Now, what are you two doing here?
    Ben: It was my idea to steal the Crown Jewels.
    Granny: No itโ€™s not your fault dear, my grandson Ben, I heard home saying how boring I was.
    Ben: I – I donโ€™t think that now!
    Granny: Oh I know dear but the truth is, I am boring all I do is eat cabbage and play scrabble!

    1. Miss Redhead

      You were asked to use inverted commas. When should you use inverted commas?

  18. Haarun M.

    I got 100% on education city.

    I think miss redheads wrong because 1\2 is the same as 2\4.

    1. Haarun M.

      Ben and Granny reached up to tower of London
      “Wow that’s a amazing thing ever”softly said Granny
      “What the earth are you doing here?” Asked the Queen
      “Stealing “answer granny
      “Hurry before boomy boomy clickey clickey”hurryed the Queen

    2. Miss Redhead

      How can you prove this?

  19. Adam O.

    1) Miss Redhead is wrong because 1/4 is less than 1/2, to be correct we need 2/4 then they would be equivalent.
    2) I scored 100% in Education city.

    “pass me the spray ben.” asked granny
    “Oh my goodness that is beautiful.” answered granny.
    ” WOW.” whispered ben.
    “Squirt it in 5,4,3,2.” asked granny.
    ” ahem ,ahem.” coughed the queen.
    “What on earth are you doing here … I mean what on earth are you doing here mam .”shouted ben.
    “One has a queens speech to write and I wanted to wear the right sort of hat.” explained the queen.
    ” Ok that is better.” answered the queen.
    “Now what are you doing here.” shouted the queen.
    “I am solely to blame.” answered granny.
    “Do you have one of these they give them to the Elderly press this button and help comes and my one brings the guards so start to explain or it is clicky clicky shooty shooty.” replied the queen.
    “It is hard to explain.” answered granny.
    “It was me who started.” replied ben.
    “I started by pretending to be a thief.” replied granny.
    “What do you mean pretended.” asked ben .
    “How about the tin.” replied ben.
    “They were your dads toys.” answered granny.
    “This is my grandson he thought I was boring I just played scrabble and ate cabbage.”
    “Let the boy come.” asked granny.
    “I will pardon you because cornol blood got pardoned.” explained the queen.
    “Oh thank you.” replied granny.
    “Just go.” asked the queen.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Great effort, remember your capital letters.

  20. Harrison S.

    I scored 100% on Education City.

  21. Harrison S.

    Miss Redhead is incorrect. I know this because 1/2 is 2 parts and 1/4 is 4 parts.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Good reasoning Harrison, I can not see the mistake I made. Well done!

  22. Minhaj A.

    “In three, two and” wispers granny
    “Excuse me” The queen came in and asked.
    “hello your majesty” bowled both of them saying it.
    “What on earth are you doing here I mean what on earth are you doing your majesty” Ben replied to the queen.
    “Now I am going to put my crown on” The queen told.
    “Now what on earth are you two doing here” The queen was livid.
    “It is hard to explain.” granny pulled a worring face.
    “You have to explain or if I click this button the NPCs will come so it could be clicky clicky shooty shooty.” The queen terrifedly.
    “My nevfeu didn’t like being with me because I was boring and I didn’t play scrabbl with he actullay I was boring, you can lock me up in this tower if you want” sighed granny
    “I don’t think that now.”replying to granny.
    “What to do” queen sighed.
    “I may let you go” queen asked.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Remember your commas at the end of your dialogue.

  23. Osas O.

    Mrs Redhead is incorrect because 1\2 means you shared in half of a shape 1\4 means you shared in one quarter of a shape I will draw a diagram to prove it

    1. Miss Redhead

      Look forward to seeing your diagram, I hope it will clear up my mistake.

  24. Osas O.

    I got 100% on education city on fractions like a mummy.

  25. Minhaj A.

    I played fractions like an Egyptian on education City, I scored 100%.
    Miss Redhead is wrong. I know this because she said 1/4 not 2/4 is the same as 1/2. 1/4 is just diving by 4 whereas 1/2 is diving by 2.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Good answer.

  26. Sayda A.

    Queen: “What on earth are you doing here! Have you heard about the new alarm. It helps the elderly but mine sends the SAP. So you have three seconds to explain or else it’s clicky-clicky shooty-shooty.”
    Granny: “Your majesty, we can explain! My grandson thinks I am boring.”
    Ben: “I don’t think that now.”
    Granny: “I pretended to be an international thief, the black cat.”
    Ben: “But what about the jewellery in the tin?”
    Granny: “Your dad used to play with them, they are costume jewelleries.”
    Queen: “Do you know what happened to the last man who stole the crown jewels? In 1469, he was let go by King Charles. Even though you have committed high treason, in the royal tradition, I must let you go free.”
    Granny and Ben: “Thank you your majesty, thank you!”
    Queen: “That is only for work days.”

    1. Sayda A.

      Miss Redhead is incorrect because 2/4 make a half not 1. 1/2 is double of a 1/4.

      1. Sayda A.

        I did education city. I got 100%.

    2. Miss Redhead

      You have mixed your use of inverted commas with a playscript. It should look like this:
      “Your Majesty, I can explain! My grandson thinks I am boring,” said Granny.

  27. Anaya R.

    Ben and Granny crept through the Tower of London.
    “Pass me the spray” Granny whispered.
    Ben replied ” okay. ”
    They quietly dodged the lasers.
    Suddenly they came to a halt and they stood there staring at the fantastic crown jewels.
    Granny cried ” there so beautiful! ”
    Ben placed a chemical on the glass vault.
    Granny said ” spray this in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
    The Queen coughs.
    Ben exclaims ” what are you doing here!…I mean what are you doing here ma’am. ”
    The Queen answers ” I have a queens speech to write and I need to wear the right sort of hat. ”
    The Queen puts her crown on.
    The Queen adds ” now more to the point what are you two doing here? ”
    Granny replies ” It’s quite hard to explain. ”
    The Queen interrupts ” do you have one of these? They give them to the elderly. You press this button and help comes, only my one brings the SAS. So you better explain now otherwise it’s clicky-clicky shooty-shooty! ”
    Granny said “I am solely to blame, my grandson said I am too boring to stay with so I pretended to be an international jewel thief and made up a story that I was the black cat!”
    Ben answers “I don’t think that now and what do you mean pretend?”
    Granny replies “the truth is I was boring all I played was scrabble and I just eat cabbage soup.”
    Ben shouted ” what about the jewels in the tin? ”
    Granny said ” they’re worthless Ben there costume jewellery, your dad used to play with them. Do what you want with me but let the boy go. ”
    The Queen replied “one finds the story very touching but you have committed high treason. Do you know what happened to the last man who tried to steal the crown jewels? He was pardoned. So in strict royal tradition that is what I shall do.You may leave.”

    1. Anaya R.

      My login didn’t work so I couldn’t play fractions like an egyptian.
      Miss Redhead is wrong because 1/2 is when you cut it in 2 equal pieces and a 1/4 is when you cut it in 4 equal pieces.
      1/2 is bigger than a 1/4.

    2. Miss Redhead

      Remember your commas.

  28. Zaeem S.

    Granny and ben were sneaking around the tower of london they both were trying to steal the crown jewles.Granny and ben were wearing black clothes so nobody could notice them outside in the pitch black sky.
    Granny:Carefull ben do not touch the lasers.
    Ben uses his tool from his chemistery kit.
    After the count from 3.. 2.. 1..
    The queen arives.
    Granny:(shocked)Oh your majesty!
    Ben:What an earth are you doing here?(scared) I ment what an earth are you doing here maa’m?
    Queen:I think it would be easeir for the queen to put on the right sort of hat.
    Queen:Thats better.(rudely) Now what are you too doing here?
    Granny:(stutters)Well it is very hard to explain.
    Queen:Well do you have one of these they give them to the eldery if you click that button it helps come my brings the s.u.s so you better start explaining or it is clicky clicky shooty shooty.

    1. Miss Redhead

      This is a playscript you were asked to use inverted commas.

    2. Myiesha S.

      this is my brothers acount sorry

  29. Alinna A.

    I scored 65%

  30. Mohammed E.

    I think she is wrong because one quarter would be one shaded out of the four and a
    half would be one shaded out of two.

    1. Miss Redhead

      I think you might be right! Well done!

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