Hello year 3,

this week for your homework you need to complete 2/3 activities. You can choose to post on the blog, do in your book or email a picture. Homework needs to be completed by Wednesday please.

Recently we have been looking at inverted commas. Can you use inverted commas and write up the conversation Ben, Granny and the Queen had in the Tower of London.


Complete fractions like an Egyptian activity on education city and tell us your score. You will need to search it in the search bar.

Answer this question:

Miss Redhead thinks that 1/2 is the same as 1/4. Is Miss Redhead correct?

Can you prove or disprove her thinking by drawing diagrams.

Use these openers to help with your reasoning

Miss Redhead is right/wrong because

I think she is ………… because……….

I know that ……….

Wow homework

In art we have looked at warm and cool colours.

This week we would like you to create piece of art using cool colours.

131 responses to “Year 3 Homework week 4”

  1. Aiza B.

    Mrs Readhead is correct beacause 1/2 and 1/4 are the same 2 of 16 = 8

  2. Aiza B.

    I scored 100 persent on Education city.

  3. Mohammed E.

    My score was 100 full score.

  4. Muhammed G.

    “What on earth are you doing here?” asked
    Ben. “Er.…. I mean, what on earth are you doing
    here, Your Majesty?” I like to come here when I can’t sleep,”
    replied the Queen. She spoke in that instantly
    familiar posh voice of hers. Ben and Granny were
    surprised to see she was wearing a nightgown
    and little furry Corgi slippers. She was also
    wearing the coronation crown on her head.
    It was the most magnificent of all the Crown
    Jewels. The Archbishop of Canterbury placed
    it on her head when she was crowned Queen in 1953. The crown, which dates back to 1661, is
    made of gold, encrusted with diamonds, rubies,
    pearls, emeralds and sapphires.
    It was an impressive look, even for the Queen!
    “I come here to think.
    ” the Queen went on. “I
    got my chaufteur to bring me over
    from Buckingham Palace in the
    Bentley. I have my Christmas
    address to the nation in a few
    weeks, and I need to think
    carefully about what I want to say. One always finds it easier to chink with one’s crown on. The question is, what on carch
    are you two doing here?”
    Ben and Granny looked at each other,
    Being told off was bad enough at the best of
    times, but being told off by the Queen was on a
    whole other level of being-told-offness.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Make sure each time a new person speaks you are always starting a new line. A very good effort, well done!

  5. Nma M.

    “WOAH!” Granny says, while her eyes dreaming about the amazing, lovely jewels.
    “Is this the Tower of London Granny? Ben looks at the bio dome closely.
    “Well yes it is Ben!” Granny whispers.
    “I didn’t know the Tower of London would be that big!- Ben looks at the jewels.
    “Yep and were going to…” Granny nearly finishes talking.


    “What are you doing?- I mean.. What are you doing your Majesty?” Ben looks at the Queen worriedly.

    “Well before i SAY, what on earth are you fellows doing here?!” The Queen looks at Granny and Ben.
    “We came here to erm….” Granny said, not knowing what to say.
    “Well you have 3 minutes to tell me or else something will do to you. So hurry and say it. I don’t have all day.” The Queen talks impatiently.
    “Well… I told my Grandson that i were the black cat and I pretended. Gr-
    anny answers back.
    “Uhm…….” The Queen looks at Granny confusingly.
    “Do what you want to do to me Queen, he’s only 11.” Granny looks at the Queen hoping she wouldn’t do anything bad.
    “Nearly 12!” Ben interrupts Granny’s talking.
    “Well, Thomas Blood tried to STEAL the crown jewels a really long time ago. So I shall let you go.” The Queen tells Granny and Ben.
    “Oh really Queen?!?! Thank you so so so much!!!!!” Granny says excitedly, getting her bag and running as fast as she could with Ben.
    “Oh it’s nothing. My pleasure.” The Queen says, kindly.
    “Your Majesty. I heard some people walking.” The guards hurry to the Queen.
    “Just me talking to myself again now go please.” The Queen puts on her crown.
    I will do the education city and I will answer the question.

    1. Nma M.

      I think Miss Redhead is wrong because 1/2 and 1/4 are not close to being the same, I know that 1/2 is more than a 1/4.
      I got 95 percent on education city.

    2. Miss Redhead

      Great effort make sure you don’t forget to close inverted commas.

  6. Mohammed K.

    I scored 100%
    Miss redhead is in correct.I think she is wrong because they are not equivlant.I think she is incorrect because 1/2 is not same as 1/4.1/2 can only be the same as 1/4.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Look at your reasoning again, make sure it is clear.

  7. Amirah T.

    I will do the question in my homework book.

    1. Miss Redhead

      No problem

  8. Aryan M.

    Maths: For some reason I cant use education city.
    Miss Redhead is wrong because 2/4 is equivelant to 1/2 not 1/4.
    “Ahem!” shouts the Queen
    “What on earth are you doing here I mean ma’m. Whispers Ben
    Granny whispers “Its hard to explain your majesty.”(Queen shows a button)
    The Queen shouts.”They give it to the elderly press the button help comes and mine brings the guards now speak!”
    Granny whispers”Well I saw how boring he thought I was so I told him Im the black cat.
    The Queen says in a poshe voice”Do you know what happened to Colonel Blood he was set free now that is what I shall do.

    “One has a Queens speach to write when one looks like a Queen. Now what are you doing here! Exclaimed the Queen.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Make sure you remember to close inverted commas.

  9. Amirah T.

    I played fraction like an egyptian. I scored 100%.

  10. Madeeha T.


  11. Sheik A.

    “We can explain please don’t lock my son up lock me up instead”
    “But no it was my idea”
    “But I started this whole thing”
    “But what about the jems in me biscuits tin”
    “Your Father use to play with them”
    “Do you know the other person who tried to still tha crowd juice we let him go so I shall do it to you free to go”
    ” Oh thank you ”
    I think she is incorrect because 1/4 is 1 quoter.
    I know that 1/2 is 2 quoter so it’s not same.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Make sure you tell me who is speaking.

  12. Madeeha T.

    Granny and Ben are in the Tower of London dodging an laser.

    Granny:” Watch the laser son.”
    Granny: ”(Amazed) wow.”
    Ben:”(Whispered) There beautiful.”
    Granny:” On the count of 3, 2.”
    Queen:” Ahem.”
    Ben:” What in earth are you doing here, (Stuttered) I I mean what in earth are you doing here maam.”
    Granny: ”Oh your majesty.”
    Queen:” One has a queen speech to write that’s better.” Do you have one of these you press the button and help comes. Only mine brings the SAS so you better be explaining otherwise it is clicky clicky shooty shooty.”
    Granny: ” Sorry to blame, it was all my falt.
    Ben: (Interruped) “What do you mean, i was the one who said to steal the Crown Jewels.”
    Granny: ” I was the one who prettended to be an internatinoal Jewel thief.”
    Ben: “What prettended.”
    Granny:” This is my Grandson i heard him say hoe boring and smelly i was i always made cabbage soup all the time and played scrabble. So i made up a storry to anuse him.”
    Ben:” Well i dont think that now.”
    Queen:” hmm my grandson used to find me dull aswell.”
    Ben:” But your the Queen.”
    Queen: ” Tell me about it.”
    Queen: ” Do you know what happened to the other man who tried to steal the Crown Jewels, he was pardended then King Chares decided to
    let him free so i will do that to you, you may leave.”
    Granny: ” Thank you your majesty.”
    Queen: ” No growling they only do that for work days.”

    1. Madeeha T.


    2. Madeeha T.


    3. Madeeha T.


    4. Miss Redhead

      You have mixed up using inverted commas with a playscript. Remember we use our reporting claused when we use inverted commas.

  13. Sara K.

    “Three ,two,one”
    “What on earth are you doing here I mean mam”
    “One has a queen speech to wirte and have the perfect hat”
    “To the poite what are you doing here .”

    1. Miss Redhead

      Make sure you are clear on who is speaking.

  14. Alima S.

    Miss Redhead is correct because you can
    I think she is correct because she can half another half of Fraction like this 2-of 16=8.
    I know that because she can half a fraction.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Read the question again, I think Miss Redhead may have made a mistake, can you work out what it is?

  15. Meena B.

    Oh do we need to use inverted commas I’ll just use it instead.
    Granny and Ben were in the Tower of London to steal the Crown Jewels.
    “Ben pass me the spray.”Whispered Granny.
    “Okay Granny.” Replied Ben.
    They crawled underneath the laser and came into halt.They were staring at the Crown Jewels.
    “ Ohh Ben Aren’t they beautiful?” Questioned Granny.
    “ Yes its more beautiful then I thought. Responded Ben silently.
    The Crown Jewels were kept safely in the Tower of London and the Crown Jewels were in a valt made of glass and metal.
    “Now put this in in and squirt in 5 4 3 2.” Whispers quietly.
    The Queen coughs to get their intention.
    “What on earth are you doing here I mean what on earth are you doing here ma’am?” Questions Ben.
    “ I find it easier to wear the right sort of hat.Ahhhh that’s better but more to the point what are you two doing here.” Asked the Queen.
    “Well it’s really hard to explain your majesty.” Answered Granny.
    “Do you have one of these they give it to the elderly you press this button and help comes only mine gets the royal guards.So you better start explaining or it will go clicky clicky shooty shooty.”Asked the Queen.
    “ I’m so sorry to blame” sadly replied Granny.
    “ No it was me who said we shall steal the Crown Jewels.”interrupts Granny.
    “No it was me who started it when I pretended to be an intentional Jewel thief.” Interrupts Ben.
    “WHAT!!! Pretended?” Shockley replied Ben.
    “Oh my grandson he hated staying with me because I was boring.” Cried Granny.
    “But I don’t think that now.” Responed Ben.
    “Oh Ben the truth is I was boring I just ate cabbage and played scrabble and do whatever you want with me lock me in the tower but I’m the beg of you let the boy go.” Sadly cried Granny.
    The Queen pulls out a disgusted face.
    “Oh well on one hand that story was really touching and one time RomBladis tried to steal the Crown Jewels it was a robbery.But I let him go of free and then someone else tried to steal the Crown Jewels and I pardoned him.so I shall do that to you to you may leave.” Explains Queen.
    The Queen moves her hands to the right for an action that means yiu can leave.And the Queen gave them space.
    “Thank you so much thank you thank you thank you.”appreciately thanks.
    Ben says the same thing as granny.
    Now Ben and Granny go through the deep ,dark corridel and goes outside back to granny’s house.
    THE END!

  16. Muhammad Y.

    Granny and Ben are inside the Tower Of London dodging an laser.
    Ben (Shocked) Wow they are beautiful.
    Granny (Surprised) They look expensive.
    (Ben puts on an his science tool on the glass)
    Granny: 5,4,3,2 and 1.
    Granny:Your Majesty.
    Ben:What on earth are you doing here I mean what on earth are you doing here ma’am?!
    (Queen puts on crown)
    Queen:Now what are you two doing here?
    Queen:Do you have this if you press an button help comes but my one calls the SAS so you better start explaining now.
    Granny:So I pretended to be an jewel thief.
    Ben:What about the jewels in the box.
    Granny:They are worthless costume jewels and your father use to play with them.
    Granny:I inspired my grandson that I was the black cat.
    Granny:He aid I was boring and I was boring all I did was play Scrabble and make cabbage soup.

  17. Muhammad Y.

    I got 55 percent on education city.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done 👍. Great script. Your English was to you use inverted commas and write up the conversation Ben, Granny and the Queen had in the Tower of London.
      Can write some of the conversation using inverted commas. Read the instructions Miss Redhead asked for English homework.
      Can you answer the question Miss Redhead has asked?

  18. Alima S.

    Granny and Ben were in the Tower of London they went to steal the queen
    Crown Jewels.
    Granny and Ben tiptoed slowly in the Tower of London.
    Granny whispered pass me the spray.
    Granny sprayed and she whispered let’s go under the line.
    Granny whispered oh aren’t they as Beautiful as can be Ben Whispered Yes they are .
    Ben talked what on earth are you doing here.
    Ben whispered I mean what on earth are you doing here mam.
    The Queen Reply well a Queen who’s suppose to wear a Crown.
    The Queen ah much better and most of the point what are you doing here.
    Granny it is a long story it was my idea to become a international Crown
    What to do on one hand and the other.
    Ben but what about those in the tin your Dad use to play with them.
    The Queen you a

  19. Yunus H.

    I have done my math homework on paper and I Scored 71% on Egyptian activity on education city .

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done. Can you remember what a unit fraction and non-unit fraction are?
      Please make sure you complete your English or WOW work.

  20. Amelia A.

    “Wow beautiful Crown Jewels” said granny.

    Ben said “wow beautiful Crown Jewels”

    Granny had a spray and Ben said “what is that for?”

    Granny said “you spray it for the lasers if you touch them the guard will come in thirty seconds.”

    Ben took out A bomb and put in the clear box. “When it had been three seconds it will explode”

    “What on earth are you doing here” said Ben to the queen.


    Miss redhead is wrong because i drew diagrams in my book and 1/2 has more shaded in than 1/4. This is because there are more pieces in 1/4.

  21. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    I have done my math I scored 95

    1. Miss Redhead

      Can you now answer the challenge Rola?

  22. Afsa P.

    “What an earth are you doing her “Ben shouted in horror and just realised it is the Queen and added ma’am.
    “ I am her to collect my crown 👑 much better but what are you guys doing her?”
    She questioned?Do you have this they
    give this to the elders and help comes but
    mine brings the s a s so you might just start explaining before it is clicki clicki clicki shoty
    shoty shoty.”
    “I II can explain my grandson finds me
    boring because I only feed hem cabaje soup 🍲 and I only played scrabble sp I made a story to be black cat 🐈‍⬛!”
    “But how about the heels in the tin?”
    “Your dad use to play with them.”
    “Do you know the last man who tried to steal the Crown Jewels.” In 1950 a man called carnal blood tried to steal the Crown Jewels so Charles let him go. So you may just leave.”
    “Thank you thank you so much.”
    “But no much stealing that’s only for work days”

    1. Mrs Begum

      👍 Well done Afsa,

  23. Afsa P.

    I got 99

  24. Zaynab M.

    Mrs Redhead is correct because it is equivalent. Equivalent means the same.
    I know that if it is equivalent it is the same and the Numarator and the Denominater can be any other number like 234567889 and 10 but as long as it is equal .
    Granny : “pass me the spray”
    Ben :” ok”
    Granny:” be careful.”
    Granny and Ben tiptoed quietly and finally reached the crown jewls
    Granny :” sooo! shiny”.
    Granny :”The staring gartesest are so beautiful”!
    Ben : “wow”!
    Ben put something on glass cube and then got something else and marked it .
    Granny :” squwert it ”
    Granny :”in 3 2 1 G”
    Queen :”Ah hum”
    Granny :”your Majesty”
    Ben :”your Majesty”
    The Queen gets the cube to open for her to wear the crown
    Queen :” I have Queenie thoughts wearing the right sort of ”
    Queen :”Any ways do have one of these they give them to the elderly
    when you press this button help comes but only my one brings SAS
    so you better get explaining or if you don’t clickie clickie shootie shootie.”
    Granny :”um um its hard to explain”.
    Ben :” It was my folt I was the one who said to steal the crown Jewls”.
    Granny :” NO! it was my folt”
    Granny :”All I did was eat cabbage and play scrabble I heard him saying how booring I was (Queen disgusted) so one day I pertended
    to be a black cat to amuse him” .
    Ben :”But what about the Jewls in the tin there worthless your dad
    used to play with them when he was a kid”.
    Queen : “I feel your story very touching yet you have comited high
    treasune so long as we’ve had a good hanging .Do you know the first
    person who stole the crown jewls was pardoned.
    You may go.
    thank you thank you
    No No grovoling thats only for work days.

  25. Muhammad D.

    I scored 100% on Education City.
    I will do it in my homework book or on a piece of paper and bring my design in.

    1. Muhammad D.

      Miss Redhead is wrong becauseI will prove in book.

      1. Mrs Begum

        Look forward to seeing your work. Can you have a go with your English homework in your book as this will help with your handwriting.

  26. Zaynab M.

    In Education city I scored 100%

  27. Zaynab M.

    Do you have to do it in your homework book 📒.

    1. Mrs Walker

      If it would make it easier for you Zaynab, yes please.

  28. Aqsaa F.

    I done my homework on Egyptian activity on education city and Scored 100%.

  29. Zahra N.

    English Homework
    Granny and Ben were in the Tower of London at Midnight wearing all Black.
    “Granny Watch out there is a laser Son.”
    “Granny the Crown Jewels are so beautiful and glamorous.”Granny 3.2.1.”
    “Queen Ahem? A Queen should have a Speech to say do you have these that give them to the elderly my gets the SAS you better hurry before click clicky shooty shooty The Queen puts her elegant Crown on.”
    This Man got Partend and King Charles ll let him free so you can go” “Granny Thank you Majesty.”


    1. Mrs Begum

      You have written a play script Zehra😱 and we do not use inverted commas in a play script do we?
      Recently we have been looking at inverted commas. Can you use inverted commas and write up the conversation Ben, Granny and the Queen had in the Tower of London.
      “Granny the Crown Jewels are so beautiful and glamorous.” Whispered Gran .
      “They certainly are” replied Ben.
      Can you please complete the conversation?

  30. Ravi P.

    The Queen 👸 side to granny and Ben what are you two doing here and if you don’t answer me is clocloshotyshty so you better answer me NOW! I’m sorry to Blame you and one storey one time romBladis med a big robray and my gords lead hi free so I shod do that to you you two May Lave NoNoNoNoNo problam

    1. Ravi P.

      Made a big robery and my guards lead him free so I should do that to you. You two may leave no no no problem.

      1. Ravi P.

        Have a good day

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