This week you must complete the activity on TTRS.

You can log into Education City and complete the activity set.

Or you can describe Stig in the picture below and post your comment on the blog.

Remember you must do 2 out of 3 pieces by Wednesday.

117 responses to “Year 3 Homework Week 3”

  1. Amelia A.

    I’ve completed time table rockstars and education city.

  2. Muhammad Y.

    I got 100% on education city

  3. Muhammad Y.

    On times table rock stars I got 70 correct and 0 incorrect at my 3 times table and 2.57 seconds

  4. Marwah K.

    i have done education city and got 100%.

    TTRS i have practiced my time tables.

  5. Sabiha K.

    1. Stig looks filthy.
    2. He seems like he doesn’t have any clothes; he looks like he is a caveman.
    3. He is collecting firewood.
    4. He could be from 10000’s of years ago.
    5. He doesn’t have any clothes.

    1. Mrs Walker

      I love your description Sabiha. Can you tell me what filthy means?
      What other piece,of homework have you done. You’ve not said.

  6. Mohammed K.

    I scored 💯 on education city

    1. Mrs Walker

      Super score. Can you tell one thing that you learnt by completing this game?

  7. Mohammed K.

    I scored 21 on TTRS.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Mohammed are you finding your score is getting quicker every time you go onto TTRS?

  8. Sheik A.

    I pain

  9. Sabiha K.

    I have 100% Education City

    1. Mrs Walker

      Super score! Tell me one thing that you have learnt from playing the game?

  10. Aiza B.

    Stig lived in a dark cave
    Stig had nothing to do
    Stig was poor and had nothing to eat
    or do

  11. Aiza B.

    I scored 90 percent 😉

  12. Osas O.

    I have done ttrs and challenged myself.

  13. Osas O.

    I have done education city and scored 100

  14. Myiesha S.

    hello teachers.
    i got 10/10 in edcation city.
    wow homework
    The old, rusty cave.
    Poor, little stig.
    The, old cave pantings.
    Stig is and poor, unhappy little boy starving in a cave eating nothing.
    The old crusty, dark cave whith half fire.
    An old cave whith half light at a corner.
    Dark crusty, old cave with no food people are starving unhappy.
    I have played ttrs.

  15. Mustafa A.

    I have completed my homework.

    1. Mrs Walker

      What 2 pieces of homework have you done Mustafa?

  16. Muazzan M.

    I have don my education city and

  17. Ahmad R.

    I got. 10/10

  18. Ahmad R.

    I have done my maths homework And now going to do my English

    1. Mrs Walker

      Thank you Ahmad, can you tell me one thing that you have learnt whilst playing the Education City?

  19. Aqsaa F.

    I have done education city and got 100

  20. Hussein H.

    I have done EducationCity.

  21. Aqsaa F.

    I have done tt rock star and I got 9

  22. Hussein H.

    I have done my ttrs.

  23. Khadeeja M.

    Poor,little Stig.
    Unhappy boy.
    Starving boy.
    Mysterious boy.
    Creative boy.
    A tenacity,little child.

    1. Khadeeja M.

      I have completed my homework .

    2. Khadeeja M.

      Stig is a poor little boy.
      Stig is an unhappy,starving little boy.
      Stig is a mysterious, creative child and is a persistent and tenacious child.

    3. Mrs Walker

      Well done can you tell me why you think that the little boy is creative from looking at the picture?

  24. Khadeeja M.

    I will do it now.

    1. Khadeeja M.

      My score was 100.

      1. Mrs Walker

        Super score Khadedja, can you tell me one thing that you have learnt whilst taking the quiz.?

  25. Maryam M.

    i have done my time table rockstar 5 time and my education city aswell

    1. Mrs Walker

      Thank you for completing your homework Maryam. Can you tell me one thing that you have learnt from taking the quiz on Education City?

  26. Joshua C.

    I’m done 2 tasks TTRS and Education city 🌃.

  27. Aisha A.

    I got 10/10 on Education City .😊

  28. Aisha A.

    I got 10 in TTRS.

  29. Ramandeep K.

    I got 65% on education city.

    1. Mrs Walker

      A super effort Ramandeep. Did you retake the quiz to see if you could beat your score?

  30. Mopelola L.

    I have done all my Homework.

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