This homework may be responded to on the blog or in your homework books and handed in before Wednesday.


Correct the extract below adding correct inverted commas:

Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons? asked Raj. Yes, replied Ben. And it’s not underneath the colouring books? Raj asked. Not there either, Ben remarked impatiently. And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews? questioned Raj. Ben responded, I’ve checked there too!

Well, this is very mysterious, Raj replied speaking very slowly.



To research the use of floating gardens

85 responses to “Year 3 Homework Week 2”

  1. Aiza B.

    Your pluming weekly …mmm. ”let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?”raj asked.” yes”,replied Ben.
    ”And it’s not underneath the colouring book?raj asked.
    ”Not there ethier ”, Ben demanded.
    ”And have you cheked behind the penny chew.”,questioned raj.
    I’ve cheked there too.”
    ”Well”,this is very mistieries .raj speaked slowly.

  2. Robyn B.

    In the lowlands of Bangladesh peep are turning to centtlis odd form of hydroponics to keep afloat.

  3. Mustafa A.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj.
    “Yes” replied Ben.
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked.
    “Not there either” Ben remarked impatiently.
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

    9b) I agree emilie is correct 960mm – 62mm = 898mm.
    1A) The difference is 15m because 25m – 10m = 15m.

    Olivia travelled 650m in total because she went to the bakery which was 250m then to the concert which was 75m there and 75m back then back home which was another 250m.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done . What mistake did Tammy make? What would be the number sentences for Emilie ( with a capital letter because it’s a name)calculation.

  4. Mohammed D.

    Keyan Dean 3Red
    “ You plumbing weekly …mmm. “Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes,” replied Ben.
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “ Not there either “, Ben remarked impatiently. “ And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews ?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious”, Raj replied speaking very slowly.


    Emilie is correct as she has changed 96cm to mm

    1a The difference is 15m

    1b 250m + 75m = 325 miles

    325m + 325 m = 650 miles she travelled

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done Keyan. What mistake did Tammy make?
      How many CM in 1 Metre?

  5. Mahdi R.

    Emilie because tammy did this 62cm and add a zero on it.
    Finale:the total distance is 325m.

    1. Mrs Begum

      What mistake did Tammy make
      Where is you SPaG work ?

  6. Vaneza S.

    Your Plumbing weekly…mmm.”Let me think,have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?”asked Raj.”Yes”,replied Ben.”And it’s notunderneath the colouring books?”Raj asked.”Not there either”,Ben replied impatiently.”And you’ve also checkedbehind the penny chews”?questioned Raj.Ben responded,”I’ve checked there too”!
    “Well, this is very mystetious,”Raj replied speaking very slowly.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done 👍.
      Why do writers use inverted commas?

  7. Vaneza S.

    I think Emilie is right because she made both numbers the same.96cm is changed into 960mm and 62mm is subtracted so it equals to 898mm
    There is 15m of differense between 25m and 10m
    Olivia travelled 650m i added all the distance.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Well done. Can you show me how you worked out the difference between the lengths?
      What mistake did Tammy make?

  8. Welat M.

    “Your plumbing weekly…mmm.. let me think,have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?”
    asked Raj. “ yes “ replied Ben.
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?”Raj asked.
    ”Not there either”, Ben remarked.
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews”,questioned Raj.
    Ben responded,”I’ve checked there too”!
    “well this is very mysterious”, Raj replied speaking very slowly.

  9. Delilah R.

    I researched about floating gardens and found out how good and helpful they are to many people.
    I found out that in Cambodia there is barely any cropland so the village people can’t grow fruit and vegetables.
    Their main diet is rice and fish but with out fruit and vegetables , this has had a bad effect, now 1 out of 3 children there are malnourished .This is because they don’t get enough vitimins .They don’t grow properly and struggle even In learning .

    The Lake Clinic helped children and their families in the different villages of the Tonlé Sap lake in Cambodia.

    They helped them to make floating gardens and beable to grow fresh food they teach children how inportant fresh vegetables and diet is .
    Now because the floating gardens they will be healthier , grow better, learn more and develop better.
    I think this will make them so much happier and less hungry.

  10. Delilah R.

    I done my spag work in my book

  11. Delilah R.

    Emile is right because
    96 cm is 960 mm .
    This is adding a zero on to the number that’s a cm to make it mm.
    And to do the working out both numbers need to be the same either cms or mm.
    So 898mm is the answer .

    Olivia traveled 650 m

    I know this because she went to the bakery 250m away to the concert 75 m more then back the same way 75mback to the bakery and 250m back home.

    The difference in 25m and 10m is
    25 m _ 10m =15
    I know because qhen you need to find out the difference in two numbers you always get the biggest number and take away the smaller number .


  12. Harrison S.

    I agree with Emillie because 960mm is equal to 96cm.
    The difference in length is 15m.
    250m x 2 = 500
    75m x 2 = 150
    500 + 150 = 650m

  13. Harrison S.

    “Your plumbing weekly… mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes” , replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “Not there either” , Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious” , Raj replied speaking very slowly.

  14. Nihal P.


    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons? “asked Raj.
    “Yes”, replied Ben.
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked.
    “Not there either”, Ben remarked impatiently.
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj.
    Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious”, Raj replied speaking very slowly.


    Emilie is correct because her calculation is using 62mm. Tammy made the mistake of taking away 620mm instead of 62mm.

    The difference between the two ladders is 15m. I worked this out by taking away 10m from 25m in my head.

    The total travelled by Olivia is 650m. I know this because she travelled 250m and the 75m and the same on the way back, 75m and then another 250m. I would this out by adding all the numbers together.

  15. Mohammed K.

    I agree with Emilie because Tammy took away 620mm instead of 62mm.
    The difference is 25-15=10.
    The total distance of the travel was 575m.


    Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm.
    “Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?”asked Raj.
    “Yes,” replied Ben.
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?”Raj asked.
    “Not there either,”Ben remarked impatiently.
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?”questioned Raj.
    Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

  16. Robyn B.

    I fink wot Emilie is cret and Tammy is ring because

  17. Janelle O.

    Sorry Mrs Redhead I did not finish the English part, what I needed to was,
    “Well, this is very mysterious,” raj replied speaking very slowly.

  18. Yoshita P.

    Floating gardens provide benefits for water also act as a key additional habitat for a diverse. rangeof water insects and bird species within urban areas.

    Your plumbing weekly…mmm. let me think” have you looked beside the toffee Bonbons ? asked raj.
    yes ‘replied Ben and it’s not underneath the colouring books? asked raj not their either said ,Ben remarked impatiently and you looked behind the penny chews questioned raj ? Ben responded I’ve checked there too now this is very mysterious ,raj replied speaking very slowly.

  19. Welat M.

    1.Emilie is correct because 96cm=960mm and 62cm =620mm we want 62mm so we subtract 960mm-62mm=898mm.
    2.The difference is 25-10=15 because 10+15=25 have to do 250+75=325 then you do 325+325=650

  20. Adam O.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes,” replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

    1) I agree with Emilie because 62mm needs to stay in millimetres and 96cm needs to become in millimetres.
    2) The difference is 25-10=15 m.
    Olivia travelled 250 + 75 + 250 + 75 = 650 m.

  21. Ramandeep K.

    Historically, floating gardens were used to continue growing food during rainy seasons like the monsoon season. During the monsoon season, rivers would be filled with water. The farmers(or their families)would layer the plants about three feet deep, creating a version of raised-bed gardens that float in the water. Then, they plant vegetables inside those rafts so they grow and sell some of the crops to get money and keep some for there families also them self’s to eat.

  22. Ramandeep K.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes,” replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

  23. Lawan R.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes,” replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.
    WoW 🤩
    Floating gardens
    Floating gardens are easy to build and can provide a tremendous amount of nutrients vegetables for homes use.
    Vegetable garden is completely seen in Dahen and other lakes of comer Valley.
    Over the floating gardens are extremely Sabitle for growing several vegetables and fruits.
    It is more commonly used for growing five of them.

  24. Mohammed E.

    Floating gardens saves the vegetables and fruit in Bangladesh from drowning.

    They need to stay alive or they will have less food to survive the flood.

  25. Janelle O.

    It is a hanging garden.
    It is able to grow crops.
    It is a farming land.
    There is a raft woven water.
    There is so much grass too.

  26. Janelle O.

    Tammy is correct because she took away 9 from 6 and that equals
    3 and 6-2=4 and 0-0=0 and add that makes 340.
    Emilie is wrong because 9-2 =7 and 6-2=3.
    So I think Tammy is correct.
    It is 500.

  27. Yahya K.

    “Your plumbing weekly…mmm. Let me think ,have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” Asked Raj
    “Yes.” Replied Ben
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked
    “Not there either.” Ben remarked impatiently
    “And you’ve also checked behind the Penny chews?” Questioned Raj
    Ben responded “I’ve checked there too.”
    “Well this is very mysterious!” Raj replied very slowly
    1)They are both correct because if you convert 96cm to mm it is 960mm. Also if you convert 620mm into cm it is 62cm.
    2)The difference is 15cm, I know this because 25 – 10 = 15.
    3)the total Oliver travelled is 650, I know this because 325 + 325 = 650.

  28. Janelle O.

    “Your plumbing weekly… Mmm let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bones?”asked raj.

    “Yes!” Replied ben.

    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked.

    “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently.

    “And you’ve also checked the penny chews?”
    Questioned raj.

    Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

  29. Hussein H.

    I will do my wow in my homework book

  30. Hussein H.

    English:” Your plumber weekly…mmm let me
    think, have you looked beside the to toffee bonbons?” asked Raj.
    ” Yes ,” replied Ben.
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?”
    “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently.
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?”questioned Raj. Ben respond ” I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

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