This homework may be responded to on the blog or in your homework books and handed in before Wednesday.


Correct the extract below adding correct inverted commas:

Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons? asked Raj. Yes, replied Ben. And it’s not underneath the colouring books? Raj asked. Not there either, Ben remarked impatiently. And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews? questioned Raj. Ben responded, I’ve checked there too!

Well, this is very mysterious, Raj replied speaking very slowly.



To research the use of floating gardens

85 responses to “Year 3 Homework Week 2”

  1. Osas O.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?”asked Raj. “Yes,”replied Ben. ” And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked.” Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews? “questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.
    Emilie is correct because 960mm is 96cm and 62 mm is 6cm and 2mm so she’s correct.
    25 miles – 10 miles = 15 miles
    250 miles + 75 miles = 325 miles
    325 miles + 325 miles = 650 miles
    She travelled a total of 650 miles.

  2. Safa S.

    1.Emile is correct because 96cm is 960mm and subtracted 62 which makes 898mm.
    2. The difference is that 25m is longer then 10m and 10m is shorter than 25m
    3.The total distance is 325m
    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?”
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked.
    “Not there either”, Ben remarked impatiently.”
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

  3. Minhaj A.

    ”Your pluming weekly… mmm. Let me think you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj.
    ”Yes” replied Ben.
    ”And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked
    ”Not the either,” Ben remarked impatiently.
    ”And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj.
    Ben responded, ”I’ve checked there too!”
    ” Well this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

  4. Madeeha T.

    ”Your plumbing weekly…mmm let me think, you have looked beside the toffee bonbons?” Asked Raj.
    ”Yes,” Replied Ben.
    ”And it’s not underneath the colouring books?”
    ”Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently..
    ”And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj.
    Ben respond,” I’ve checked there too!”
    ”Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.
    Tammy and Emilie are trying discuss hoe to – 62mm to 96cm.
    The calculation is 960-620=340mm
    The calculation is 960-620=898.
    Who do you agree with? Explain why?
    I agree with Tammy because 960-620=340 but not 898.
    Emilie is wrong and Tammy is correct.
    What is the difference?
    The difference is if you – 10 from 20 then the answer will be 15.

  5. Sara K.

    ” Your plumber weekly…mmm let me think, have you looked beside the to toffee bonbons?” asked Raj.
    ” Yes ,” replied Ben.
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?”
    “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently.
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?”questioned Raj. Ben respond ” I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.
    Emelie is correct because when you add 898mm + 62mm= 960mm. Also you don’t add a zero at the end of mm only cm.
    25m -10m= 15m is the difference.
    250m+ 75= 325m from home to bakery to concert.
    So Olivia travelled 325 + 325= 650m

  6. Hudayfa A.

    The sea level is very very high in some countries so some people need floating gardens to survive with plants so they make Floating gardens

    Floating gardens or gardens that float on the water Like a Boat-English

  7. Myiesha S.

    Maths homework:
    tammy and emilie are trying to disscus how to subtract 62mm from 96cm.
    The calculation is 960mm-620mm=340mm
    The calculation is 960mm-62mm=898mm
    who do you agree with?Explain why?
    I agree with tammy because 960mm -620mm it is equal to 340mm not 898mm elile is incorrect and tammy is correct.
    what is the difference in the lenth of the following items?
    The difference is that if we take away 10 from our 25 then the answer will be 15.

  8. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?”asked Raj.

    “Yes, “replied Ben.

    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books? ” Raj asked.

    “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently.

    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews? “questioned Raj.

    Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

    1. Mojirolaoluwa S.

      Floting garden – it is made on the Island. it floats, it is for reviving the pant.
      to make it you need a plastic square the you use a fowler.

  9. Haarun M.

    “Your weekly plumbing …mmm.Let me think ,have you checked next to the toffee bonbons?” Asked Raj.
    ” Yes” said Ben .
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books ?”Raj asked
    “Not there either “Ben remarked impatiently
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews “question Raj then responded
    “I’ve checked their too.” answered Ben
    “well this is very mysterious. “replied Raj speaking very slowly
    Bamboo rods and water are sowed together to make a raft.
    Floating gardens aren’t very popular in northern Bangladesh but some countries rely on the small gardens to get some food .
    In Mexico lots of floating gardens used to be there but ever since covid-19 Mexico go has took a hit of lots of gardens stopping.
    Some of the floating gardens are Aztec civilizations also known as chinampas.

  10. Aqsaa F.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes,” replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

  11. Aqsaa F.

    Bangladesh’s floating gardens, built to grow food during flood seasons, could offer a sustainable solution for parts of the world prone to flooding because of climate change, a new study has found.

  12. Alzahra R.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes,” replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.
    Floating Gardens
    The floating gardens is known as chinampas.
    It was first used by the Aztecs in Tenochtitlan.
    It consisted of a knitted raft from water hyacinth (a bulbous plant) on top of soil.
    Two benefits of using floating gardens is that it can give you better water quality and air pollution.
    One part of south-central Bangladesh, for over 400 years, people have been following an traditional method of farming called baira (floating vegetable garden).
    1. Emilie is correct because 960-62= 898. I know this because 90-82=8 and then I add 800 so then I have 8 and then it is 808 then I add a 90 and it’s 898.
    2. The difference of the following items are that the first one is 25m and the second one is just 10m so the difference is that 25-10=15 so that means the first one is different by 15m because it’s 15m more then 10m.
    3. The total Olivia has been is 180m because 200-70=130m and then 250m-75m= 180m, so my reasoning is 200-70, 250m-75m.
    I know that because I exchanged it.

  13. Aiza B.

    Emillie is corect beacause 960 – 62 = 898

  14. Muazzan M.

    Emilie is correct because 960-62= 898. I know this because 90-82=8 and then I add 800 so then I have 8, and then it is 808 then I add a 90 and it’s 898.
    2. The difference of the following items are that the first one is 25m and the second one is just 10m so the difference is that 25-10=15 so that means the first one is different by 15m because it’s 15m more then 10m.
    3. The total Olivia has been is 180m because 200-70=130m and then 250m-75m= 180m, so my reasoning is 200-70, 250m-75m.
    I got this answer because I subtracted and exchanged.

  15. Muazzan M.

    Your plumbing weekly …mmm let me think have you looked besides the toffee bonbons? asked Raj
    “Yes replyed Ben”
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?”, asked Raj
    “Not there either replyed Ben
    And you’v also checked behind the penny chews,” Questioned Raj.
    Ben responded,”I’ve checked there too!

  16. Muhammad I.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj.” Yes,” replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “Not there either”, Ben remarked impatiently.” And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

    Floating gardens
    Provide benefits for water quality and air pollution climate change mitigation. Making lots of boats and plants to save the air pollution.
    Chinampa is small and artificial island built on a freshwater lake for agricultural purposes.
    And Bangladesh built floating garden to grow food during flood seasons, could offer a sustainable solution for parts of the world prone to flooding because of climate change,

  17. Meena B.

    1. Emilie is correct because 96cm in mm is 960mm. So 960mm-62mm=898mm. Tammy is incorrect because he turned 62mm to 620mm. It was a silly mistake.
    2. To work out the difference of 25m and 10m, you will have to take away 10 from 25 which leaves you to 15m. So the difference of 25m and 10m is 15m.
    3. Olivia travelled 250m to the bakery then 75m to the concert. First you will need to add up 250m and 75m which adds up to 325m. Then because she is going back home now we will have to add 325+325=650. Olivia travelled 650m.

    “Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes,” replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

  18. Muhammad D.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?”asked Raj.
    “Yes”, replied Ben.
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked.
    “Not there either”, Ben remarked impatiently.
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews”? questioned Raj.
    Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too”!

    “Well, this is very mysterious”, Raj replied speaking very slowly.
    Floating gardens are used in Bangladesh.Bangladesh need them because in Bangladesh 3 quarters of year it floods so they grow plants then they harvest.

  19. Ammar W.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons” asked Raj? “Yes,” replied Ben, “and it’s not underneath the colouring books ”Raj asked. “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews”questioned Raj? Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

    9b) 960mm – 62mm = 898mm is correct. Emillie subtracted 62mm and Tammy subtracted 620mm.
    1a) The ladder at the top is 15m longer than the one at the bottom.

    250m+75m= 325m
    325m+325m= 650m

  20. Minhaj A.

    1.Emile is correct because knew 96cm is 960mm and subtracted 62 which make 898mm but Tammy did 960 – 620 which makes 380 so he put another digit on it.
    2. The difference is 15 because 25- 10 = 15
    3.The answer is 180m

  21. Amirah T.

    Amirah 3b.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?”asked Raj.
    “ Yes,”replied Ben.
    “ And it’s not underneath the colouring books? “Raj asked.
    “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently.
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

    1. Amirah T.

      I spotted some errors. I have redone my work.


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      Year 3 Homework Week 2
      Miss Redhead
      6 Comments on Year 3 Homework Week 2

      This homework may be responded to on the blog or in your homework books and handed in before Wednesday.


      Correct the extract below adding correct inverted commas:

      “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj.
      “Yes,” replied Ben.
      “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked.
      “Not there either,”Ben remarked impatiently.
      “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj.
      Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

      “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

      1. Amirah T.

        Correct the extract below adding correct inverted commas:
        “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj.
        “Yes,” replied Ben.
        “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked.
        “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently.
        “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj.
        Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”
        “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

  22. Joshua C.

    Emilie is correct because Tammy had to divide it by 10 to get the answer.

    The difference in length is the top ladder is 25m and the bottom ladder is 10m

    She traveled 650m because 250+75=325 then 325+325=650

    I will do the rest of the homework in the homework book.

  23. Myiesha S.

    English work:
    ”your plumbing weekly…mmm.”Let me think, have you looked behind the toffee bonbons?”,asked raj
    ”yes”,replied ben.
    ”And have you checked underneath the colouring books.”raj asked.
    ”not their either.”, Ben remarked impatiently.
    ”And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj.
    Ben responded,” I’ve checked there too!”

  24. Zahra N.

    “Your plumbing weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj.”yes,replied Ben.”And it’s not Underneath the colouring books?”Raj asked.not there either,Ben Remarked Impatiently. And you’re also checked behind the penny chews?”questioned Raj.Ben responded,” I’ve checked there too!” well,” this is very Mysterious,”Raj replied Speaking Slowly.”

  25. Amina J.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj.
    “Yes,” replied Ben.
    “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked.
    “Not there either” Ben remarked impatiently.
    “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj.
    Ben responded,” I’ve checked there too!”
    I will print it out.

  26. Zahra N.

    Floating gardens
    Chinampa also called floating
    garden,small,stationary,artificial island built on a freshwater lake for agricultural purposes.The Congo in Africa is one such river,and floating islands that come down the Congo were reported 240 km out to sea from the river’s mouth.

  27. Muhammad Y.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes,” replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?” Raj asked. “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?” questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

    Floating Gardens
    The floating gardens is known as chinampas.
    It was first used by the Aztecs in Tenochtitlan.
    It consisted of a knitted raft from water hyacinth (a bulbous plant) on top of soil.
    Two benefits of using floating gardens is that it can give you better water quality and air pollution.
    One part of south-central Bangladesh, for over 400 years, people have been following an traditional method of farming called baira (floating vegetable garden).

  28. Mopelola L.

    “Your plumbing weekly….. mmm. Let me think, have you checked behind the toffe bonbons?,” asked Raj.
    “Yes”, Replied Ben
    “And its not underneath the couloring books?,”Raj asked
    “Not there either,” Ben remarcked impatiantly.
    “And you’v also checked behind the penny chews,” Questioned Raj.
    Ben responded,”I’ve checked there too!”

  29. Nma M.

    “Your Plumbing Weekly…mmm. Let me think, have you looked beside the toffee bonbons?” asked Raj. “Yes,” replied Ben. “And it’s not underneath the colouring books?”Raj asked. “Not there either,” Ben remarked impatiently. “And you’ve also checked behind the penny chews?”questioned Raj. Ben responded, “I’ve checked there too!”

    “Well, this is very mysterious,” Raj replied speaking very slowly.

    1. Emilie is correct because 960-62= 898. I know this because 90-82=8 and then I add 800 so then I have 8, and then it is 808 then I add a 90 and it’s 898.
    2. The difference of the following items are that the first one is 25m and the second one is just 10m so the difference is that 25-10=15 so that means the first one is different by 15m because it’s 15m more then 10m.
    3. The total Olivia has been is 180m because 200-70=130m and then 250m-75m= 180m, so my reasoning is 200-70, 250m-75m.
    I got this answer because I subtracted and exchanged.

  30. Ravi P.


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