As your homework books are in school I have set you some slightly different homework for the weekend.

Please can you practise your x tables on TTRS

Make sure you learn your spellings

Can you post us a comment on this blog to tell us what you got up to in the snow?

Challenge: Can you look outside the window and describe the snowy setting?

130 responses to “Year 3 Homework Spring 2 Week 2”

  1. Safaa Y.

    The snow was soft and fluffy and hard i through snow at my brother when he turned around .

  2. Zakariyah T.

    The snow was cold and hard and I got to play with it

  3. Mustafa Z.

    I enjoyed looking and playing in the soft fluffy snow and doing snow fighting.
    I loved the fluffy soft white snow it looks amazing on the trees and felt cold.

  4. Jegor S.

    I played in the snow with my friends, we build a snowmen, we played snowball fights). It was a lot of snow and was very beautiful weather. The snow was slippery outside. We like the snow)

    1. Safa A.

      I did my time table on Tuesday .

  5. Zainullah S.

    The snow outside Was soft and beautiful. The floor, houses and tress were all covered with snow like a big blanket. I went garden and was the first person to leave foot prints in the snow. I grabbed handful on snow and squashed it into a ball and I threw them at my brother. I had so much fun
    Snow day

  6. Abdelraham A.

    Cold, freezing snow all over the hole place like rain it looks like cotton wool put under water for lots of minutes.when I step on the snow it made a sound like crisps getting cracked under my feet .I got freezing ,twinkling snow of my mumโ€™s and dadโ€™s car ,at least I had a snowball fight with my sister.
    What I did is I got a big snowball and hit it on my sisterโ€™s back.One day I was going to school and I got a snowball in my face.

  7. Ebeid M.

    When I looked outside my window I saw white ,fluffy and soft snow .The snow was white like cotton ball. When I stepped On a twig it snapped like crunchy cookie. The freezing cold air made my hands cold like ice cream . Eventually the snow started to melt as the sun came out. I

  8. Ilyas K.

    The houses were covered with pearly white snow . Although the snow looked soft itโ€™s was a little and crunchy when you worked on it. I went outside and played in the snow with my mum . We had a snowball fight and I won !

  9. Carter D.

    The snow outside looked soft and fluffy but very cold. The sun made the snow twinkle in the sun. The ground was covered in snow like a white fluffy carpet, when I played football in the snow i heard.
    Crunching of the snow under my feet

  10. Ebeid M.

    I have played ttrs and done my spellings.when I looked outside my window I saw white fluffy freezing snow soft and white like cotonballs.when I stepped in the snow I heard branch break in snow.

  11. Subodh K.

    I build a snow man and the snow was really fun

  12. Rahim A.

    What I did in the snow I touched snow for the third time and it is very cold out there also It was very cold and you can fall in the wet ice I didnโ€™t like that but I had fun in the snow

  13. Andreea-Maya M.

    I made a snowman and made a snow angel. It felt slippery and wet

  14. Mya F.

    I had a snow ball fight and build a snow man

  15. Haroon E.

    Ihave done my spelling and TTRS

  16. Camarni H.

    I wanted to have snowball fights in the snow and I wanted to make snow angels.

  17. Ilyas K.

    The powder snow on my road looks sparkly and pretty in the dark night. The footprints in the road are different sizes. The trees are covered with powdery magic.

  18. Camarni H.

    I did ttrs homework

  19. Ilyas K.

    I had a snowball fight with my sister and Mummy. We played with our cat Zazu in the garden and watched him experience his first snow!

  20. Sardar O.

    I gone outside aND I made a snoman with my mum and my breeder and the weather was alone and kolde

  21. Kinza A.

    I played in the snow and it was amazing I also stayed at home to warm up I made a snowman and a snow angle

  22. Tasneem S.

    I played with the snow outside with my cousins. The snow was so cold and icy

  23. Safa A.

    I made a snow man and made a big hug dog .

  24. Alisha S.

    I got up and played snowball fight with my other best friends
    I can see white clear snow with footsteps in them and the trees are cover with snow. When i went outside i could feel the cold winter breeze flowing in my face in the breeze and the sky filled with white cotton clouds

  25. Max P.

    I practiced my 4 6 7 8 times table.

  26. Jad A.

    I played in the snow by making a snow man and having a snow fight with my little brother ( I went easy on him) I did TTRS for ten minutes. I will learn my spellings right now.

  27. Aiza B.

    I have done my Ttrs.

  28. Ameena I.

    I made snow balls and I threw it on the floor, because I could not have a snow ball fight since my sister is sick, and my brother doesn’t like snow balls fights.

  29. Nabiha I.

    I made a snowman , I made snow angles and I had a snow ball fight with my sister.
    It was very snowy and cold it was frosty and coverd in snow and ice.

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