As your homework books are in school I have set you some slightly different homework for the weekend.

Please can you practise your x tables on TTRS

Make sure you learn your spellings

Can you post us a comment on this blog to tell us what you got up to in the snow?

Challenge: Can you look outside the window and describe the snowy setting?

130 responses to “Year 3 Homework Spring 2 Week 2”

  1. I complete TTRS
    I compIete SPELLING

    1. Miss Jephcott

      What score did you get on TTRS?

  2. Zakariyah T.

    I made a snowman and had a snow ball fight ⛄️

    1. Mrs Begum

      Did you have fun ?
      How would describe the snow Zakariyah!

  3. Ranj M.

    I have done ttrs and still my spellings

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Ranj 😊

  4. Ranj M.

    I have learned my spellings and played ttrs.
    I played a snow ball fight and I made a snow
    Man after that I made a scarecrow out of sticks
    Then I went to Costco. to get a cake because tomorrow it’s my mom birthday

  5. Hadiya M.

    I have practised my × table on ttrs.
    I have practised my spellings.
    When it was snowing I had a snowball right with my brother Ayaan Masood.
    The clouds looked very puffy and white, i also saw soft snow That coverd my whole garden in white, soft snow.;-; :)

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Hadiya! This sounds like great fun ☺️❄️

  6. Abigail F.

    in the cold weather their was a couple of trees that were pal white and the snow was very cold.
    the floor was very slippiry in the snow.
    i was very tierd when the snow came .
    it was very cool and i wanted to play after school.

  7. Mya F.

    White fluffy snow in the front yard. The snow is starting to melt into water. The tree branches are turning white from the snow. With all this snow, I can go sledging, build a snowman or have a snow ball fight. Supported by Mrs Sanders

  8. Carter D.

    snow desscripion the branches are white and the snow is cold. is icey andfrezy
    3. flufy

  9. Vanessa N.

    snow sinetes or A plase of snow or snowman you can ateareat or the brach soooo
    hawe to acte liek snowman be on the grand and that pusan petand they or bilde you in tile they bild you can bad snowman or a nise snowman you can byea afingeareng snowman…

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Vanessa☺️. I can really see you have tried hard. We will go over this in class, as some of this I am struggling to read.

  10. Ariyan S.

    They were no leaf.
    The pale white branch.
    The weather is snow.
    The snow on the tree

  11. Ebeid M.

    I have learned my spellings and played ttrs.
    I got up to throwing snowballs at cars.
    i saw a white sky and fluffy soft snow on the ground i also saw snowflakes coming from the sky.

  12. Max P.

    I get great with the snow.
    it is white,wet and cold.

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Well done Max!

  13. The weather was wet rain and a lot of snow snow snow snow ⛄️

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Did you enjoy the snow Isaiah?
      Please write some describing words to describe the snow.

  14. I know all my x tables I know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and12 times tables

    1. Mrs A Patel

      You are the super TTRS! Well done Isaiah!

  15. I did a snow ball fight in the snow

  16. Mohammed K.

    When i looked outside ,it looked freezing outside.As soon as i got out my house i was so cold and cold air came out of my mouth.When i touched the snow my hands were feeling so numb because the snow was so cold.

  17. Mohammed K.

    I now kn my 4 and 3 times tables

  18. Ameera K.

    The snow was amazing and soft. It was was so white and sparkly but freezing cold so I had to wear my gloves. I played with my brother in the garden and made a snowman and had a snowball fight with my mum my dad and my brother and then we went inside and had some hot chocolate and Marshmellow and then we watched a movie together.

  19. Hishaam G.

    It was a cold fronty morning l looked out the window and saw the white fluffy snow it was covering the roofs and the cars , roads I picked the snow up and it felt soft to tuch l decided to bild a snowman

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Hishaam! Sounds like a lot of fun ❄️😊

  20. Minnah M.

    On Friday it was extremely cold you could hear the snow dripping down the roof and the sound was clenching down your ears but I was fine with that on the other hand , we had warm milk in side the house it made me nice , cosy and warm .l did not even try to go outside since the last time l went outside l picked up a snowball and throw it at my oldest brother then he throw one at me after that my hands were so cold l could not feel them ! Over all I had a very good time with my family. Madrasah is on Saturday’s and Sunday’s

  21. Minnah M.

    I went to Madrasah which is school in Arabic and you learn Quran there and other things that make you a good Muslim and be close to Allah (God).

    1. Mrs A Patel

      I am so proud of you Minnah!
      Well done, you have used some super adjectives in your writing too. Keep it up!

  22. Simeongeya W.

    I had a ❄️ ball fight with my sister and my friend

  23. Shemaiah W.

    I did a snow fight in the snow.
    Cold 🥶 and snowy

  24. Yasmin A.

    I enjoyed playing in the snow I did a snow man ☃️.

  25. Mustafa A.

    I have done my TTRS

  26. Mustafa A.

    I built a Snow Man❄️☃️

  27. Eva T.

    When I went out to play in the snow I had a snowball fight with my sister and we hit snow balls at each other and at we even hit the windows and I won so I could hit her with the snow as much as I wanted in the back garden. Then in the evening we played with the snow and my older sister dumped the snow on my head and I was freezing we had to go in because we were cold.

  28. Siyam A.

    When it snowed, I made a snowman with my brother Raees. It was very cold and we had a snow ball fight. I was wearing warm clothes. I did not have enough time to put the snowman face on as it was getting very cold.

  29. Hamida K.

    I have done 15m on TTRS.
    I have learnt my spellings.
    I had a snow fight with my brother and sisters.
    It is white and cold.The next day I looked outside the snow was all melted and there was water on the ground.But it was still cold even though the snow had melted.

  30. Jari V.

    I went sledging and made a snowman ☃️❄️

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