As your homework books are in school I have set you some slightly different homework for the weekend.

Please can you practise your x tables on TTRS

Make sure you learn your spellings

Can you post us a comment on this blog to tell us what you got up to in the snow?

Challenge: Can you look outside the window and describe the snowy setting?

130 responses to “Year 3 Homework Spring 2 Week 2”

  1. Emil D.

    When I played in the snow I played with my cousin Ella

  2. Emil D.

    I have played TTRS

  3. Emil D.

    Challenge:My garden looked like winter wonderland so I made a snowman out of the thick,big layers of snow to make a snowman.

    1. Mrs A Patel

      I am glad that you had a lovely time playing in snow with your cousin. Well done Emil!

  4. Kitan O.

    The snow is so cold and there’s lots of snow
    I saw a snow man
    And there was snow balls
    I saw different things that people were making in the snow

    1. Miss Jephcott

      This sounds great Kitan. Remember to do 10 minutes of TTRS aswell ☺️

  5. Havin A.

    In the snow I made a tiny snowman at night and stomped in it because its crunchy and fun I also played ttrs it was 2 c and I also tried to catch snowflakes on my tongue and I didn’t get one challenge The snow setting was frosty and cold the snow looked like sugar the sky was white like the snow aswell! I have .played ttrs

    1. Toleen S.

      I played ttrs and got 37 correct and 0 incorrect in 1 minute.😁

      I played in the snow with my brother and my dad but my sister did not want to play because she did not want to get cold.

      Today is not snowing so I will describe how it looked outside on Thursday.
      Outside is all white,enjoyable snow but when I went outside it was cold and breezy I could not even feel my poor hands.My shoes were soaked all the snow somehow went in my shoe and melted on my socks,then went on my feet.

      1. Mrs A Patel

        Well done Toleen!

  6. Zainullah S.

    In the snow,I had a snowball fight with my brother. I have also did my TTRS.

    1. Head Teacher

      What score did you get in TTRS?

  7. Havin A.

    I have played ttrs!

    1. Head Teacher

      Do you know all of your tables Havin?

  8. Hamza M.

    I really enjoyed playing football in the snowy garden with my brothers. It was so cold outside and my shoes and socks were getting wet . I had fun throwing the snow balls at the wall.

  9. Esa A.

    I practiced my TT

  10. Esa A.

    It was -2 *C and It was freezing.
    The weather was really frosty then I put my hat, gloves and jacket. I went outside with my brothers and my garden was filled with snow. I had a snow ball fight with my brothers. it was so fun.

    1. Mrs A Patel

      I am glad you had fun in snow with your brothers, well done Esa!

  11. Jebrin Y.

    I have completed my TTRS practice. I threw snowballs at my neighbour. The snow settled everywhere and coated my garden. I have also practiced my spellings.

  12. Mohammed K.

    I have practiced my times tables on ttrs.

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done 😊. Make sure you are also practising your spellings

  13. Rexford A.

    We got onto -2 degres outside it was so cold and snowy I was able to have a snow fight with my neighbours Rex My brother in year 8 and his friend we made massive snowballs and threw it at each other.
    Outside was – 2 degres was very cold and it was covered in snow
    Snow was very cold I couldn’t feel my fingers.
    The ice and snow covered all the cars especially the main window
    Thick ice high chances of slipping unless you have grippy shoes

    1. Miss Jephcott

      The snow was very cold but I’m glad you had a fun time ❄️

  14. Sidrah S.

    I have built a miny snowman . I have also been riding my bike.

  15. Rayan M.

    I am sad and angry because my parents said I might catch a cold in the snow ❄️

  16. Rayan M.

    I am sad and angry because my parents said I might catch a cold in the snow ❄️.

  17. Rayan M.

    There no snow looking through my window but there are bits of ice in some areas.

  18. Faris B.

    I built a snowman in the garden with my brothers and sister. It was freezing cold so I put on my hat and gloves to keep warm.

    When I looked out of the window, everywhere was covered in milky white snow and I was so excited. It looked amazing! The snow changed to a dirty slushy mess on the road where the cars had been driving up and down.

    1. Faris B.

      I have practiced my spellings and played TTRS.

    2. Mrs A Patel

      I am so happy to hear you made a snowman with your brothers and sister. You have used lots of describing words to describe the snow. Well done Faris, you are a superstar!

  19. Sumayyah A.

    I played a game of a snow ball fight.

  20. Alya M.

    I made a snow castle with MuhammadO

    1. Miss Jephcott

      I hope you both had a good time in the snow ❄️ ⛄️

  21. Alya M.

    I made A snow castle

  22. Dean-Junior L.

    In the snow I had a snowball fight with my sister and I got hit with a snowball but because I’m older I let my sister win. Then, we went on my trampoline and there was snow and we jumped. The slushy snow and the snow were flying and we both fell down on our bottoms so we got in to pyjamas. But before all of that we wore certain clothes on, we were wearing a coat,gloves,and a jumper to keep us warm.

    The cold snow felt like an ice cube because they are very cold but it felt in my warm hands plus my gloves it felt like I was holding ice also snow mixed together with water cold water.And when we had a snowball fight the after look looked like an ice skating garden with all of the foot prints. It looked like a yeti just came and ate a load of freezing cold snow and ice to top it of with it but we had fun.And we enjoyed playing it the snow and we wanted to make a snowman but we couldn’t because of there was not enough snow.The colour was white,silver,wet and cold.

    I have practiced my times tables on TTRS for 10 minutes.

    I have practiced my spellings for week 3.

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Super star DJ.
      It is important to learn all your times tables and you are learning it. Well done, we are proud of you.
      I am glad that you enjoyed playing in snow and really proud of you for being a big brother and letting your sister win. Well done!

  23. Tinuola T.

    In the snow I ended up having a snow fight with my mum because she threw a giant snow ball at me yesterday i threw so many

    1. Tinuola T.

      I practised my spellings a couple times

    2. Miss Jephcott

      This sounds like great fun! Glad you enjoyed the snow Tinuola ❄️ 😊

  24. Eesaa A.

    Yesterday I walked through newly laid snow, then I had a snowball fight with my neighbour.

    it looks like it is mostly snowy but a bit of the snow is gone. And in the morning it looked deeper than yesterday now it looks like all the snow Is going to go my garden the snow is still there but outside my house it looks like it’s gone.
    I have done TTRS.

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Did you enjoy walking in the cold, icy snow Eesaa?
      Pleased to know you had a good time playing in snow. Please remember to practise your times tables and your spellings.

  25. Musa B.

    I built a snowman and i put a scorf on it and i also put a hat i also played a snow ball fight with my brother and sister and I hit the snowball on my brothers head and it wen down his back and he was freezing
    The snow looked like it was melting but it was not melting it was also snowing very very very hard it was going in to my eyes and i could not see at all

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Sounds like you have had a lot of fun playing in the snow with your brothers and sisters.
      Please draw a picture of your snow man on a paper and write 5 sentences using describing words and conjunctions. Well done Musa!

  26. Nabiha I.

    Out side I sore lots and lots of snow, my swing was coverd in snow and when the snow melted it was all wet.

  27. Nabiha I.

    I made a snowman , made snowangles and I hade a snow ball fight with my sister.

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Oh wow Nabiha! This sounds like great fun.
      Can you describe the snow using 3 adjectives?

  28. Nick C.

    I built a snowman ☃️ and the weather outside is frightful and very cold 🥶 like ice

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Wow, sounds like you have had lots of fun playing in snow!
      Please can you draw a picture of your snowman and write some sentences using describing words and conjunctions.
      Well done Nick!

  29. Eliza N.

    Today I didn’t go out because I had to complete my school work but yesterday evening I went outside. I had so much fun playing in the snow. I built a snow bear, had a snowball fight with my brother then we went on the trampoline. It was so much fun jumping on the trampoline and watching the snow splish and splash 💦 everywhere.

    In the morning when I looked out my window I saw the snow cover my garden like a White fluffy blanket. My trampoline looked a giant marshmallow.the rooftops looked like humongous snowy mountains. I am upset because all of the snow disintegrated. 🍧☃️⛄️ and is gone😩 all that is left now is patches of snow a a wet floor. And you can see and hear the wet soggy snow falling off the roof.

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Wow Eliza, sounds like you had lots of fun playing out side in snow.
      You have used lots of describing words in your writing, well done!

  30. Aadam R.

    I made a snowman and a ice sculpture and i also had a snow ball fight

    It was ice cold and like the north pole the snow was frozen very cold until the sun had to ruin it

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Oh wow! This sounds brilliant 🤩

      Can you describe what the snow outside looked like using 3 adjectives?

      1. Aadam R.

        The snow looked fluffy, ice cold and crispy.

        I have been playing TTRS and my score is 93.

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