
your homework this week is below. Please if you comment on the blog record this in your homework book so we can provide feedback.

Maths TTRS at least 10 mins – we can see how long you spend on it.

English – Write your own adventure story in your homework book.

WOW – Write a description of a cave man.

94 responses to “Year 3 Homework Autumn 1 Week 3”

  1. Havin A.

    His hair looks knotty and messy
    He has hair all over his body. He only wears some material around his waist.and no shoes

    1. Hasan N.

      The caveman is hairy ,he’s werering a pattern trouser s and he got back shine eyes

  2. Abigail F.

    I completed TTRS on the BH blog ,the description and wrote my own adventure story.

  3. Ibrahim I.

    The cave man is very very hairy,vile person and he has ears that look like monkey ears and he has a mouth that looks like a monkey mouth and he shouldn’t live in this country because he is to old to live on this country.

  4. Hadiya M.

    The cave man is really hairy and dirty.
    He looks friendly to me.
    He doesn’t look like he will kill us.
    He looks like an adult since he is tall.
    He is wearing dead animal skin on his waste as clothes.
    He looks kind of ugly for some people.
    He is a little fat that means he isn’t that healthy.
    I’ve done time table rock star over 10 minutes.

  5. Max P.

    The caveman is as hairy as a rat and he is as fat as a ber.

  6. Havin A.

    The cave man is hairy and looks small he weres only a skirt made of leaves

    I have played ttrs

    1. Mrs Begum

      Havin one sentence is not good enough. Write some more sentences to describe the cave man please. Remember to leave a comment in your homework book.

  7. Adrian O.

    The cave man looks hairy.he looks like an adult. He wears a skirt on his hips. He looks a little small to.

  8. Kinza A.

    He is very scruffy and is a bit small he looks like a monkey and he looks a bit scary he has a big nose.he has no clothes only a underwear He is so hairy

    1. Mrs Begum

      Good start . I can’t see any full stops in your work Kinza . Can you rewrite your sentences in your homework book adding more details please. Make sure you complete 2 pieces of homework please.

  9. Jegor S.

    him is so here but him is fincsow and him fighnd a Frend

  10. Bhavdeep B.

    I have done my TTRS homework.

  11. Yasmin A.

    He has hair on his body.
    He has a skirt on his hip.
    He is very scary and he walks bear foot.

  12. Faris B.

    He Looks hairy and the cave looks dark and the boy Looks happy the boy weres a red jacket and yellow hair
    And the man has short Legs.

  13. Faris B.

    He Looks hairy and the boy Looks happy

  14. Mohammed K.

    It looks very dirty and looks like it is made out of mud and dirt.
    The man looks very poor.
    It looks very dusty.
    The place looks very messy.
    The man looks very old.

  15. Mohammed K.

    I have done TTRS

  16. Gift O.

    The cave man looks old because of his appearance and because he has hair all over his body.
    The cave man seems nice because he is putting his arm’s on the boy’s shoulders.

  17. Simeongeya W.

    I wrote my adventure in my homework book.

  18. Simeongeya W.

    Hi is hairy and his hair is messy.
    He has no family and he haven’t
    got a proper house he lives in
    a cave. His wearing a red short
    Skirt made of animal skin.

  19. Esa A.

    I done my TTRS .
    I wrote an adventure story and description of the cave man in my homework book.

  20. Shemaiah W.

    Little Monkey
    Monkey loved living in the jungle.
    There were so many things to do and so many things to see.
    But every now and then, things went a bit wrong.
    It’s hard being a little monkey in a big jungle, and Monkey
    has had enough of being left out. So she’s off to climb to very top of the tallest tree and she’s going to do it all
    on her own!


    1. Mrs Begum

      That’s a lovely start to your story Shemaiah. What will be the adventure in your story?

  21. Shemaiah W.

    The caveman is furry.
    He has brown skin.
    He has big hands.
    He wears a red skirt made of animal skin.
    He is so tall.

  22. Aadam R.

    The caveman is very hairy and really filthy. He wears rags made out animal skin. He has long hair that look untidy. He has large hands. I think he would be very cold.

  23. Mustafa Z.

    The cave man is Harry, he walks barefoot, 🦶his clothes are made out of animal skin🥊,caveman hunt’s food.

  24. Eliza N.

    I have completed my TTRS 💛✖️➗

  25. Fatima S.

    He looks dirty and scary.
    He looks very hairy .
    He has hair everywhere.

    1. Fatima S.

      Miss, could you give us Fatimas logins to ttrs as we are unable to access it.

  26. Minnah M.

    I my English and Maths homework

  27. Neda S.

    He looks dirty uncomfortable old brave serious scared because he dosent feel well maybe he’s probably dead now or really old with white hair he looks cold aswell.

    I have also did my TTRS and got it all correct.

  28. Eliza N.

    Stig has a very thick,greasy hair.His eyes are as dark as coal. He looks dirty and unkempt like a wild animal. He wears animal skin for clothes. Stig is tall chubby and very hairy like a coconut. He seems like a kind of quiet and calm person.

  29. Zainullah S.

    I done my timetable rockstars.
    1. Ugly
    2. Stone age human
    3. Hair
    4. Cloths
    5. Regular boy
    6. Trousers and coat
    7. Scared
    8. Tall
    9. Spikey Hair
    10. Creepy

    1. Mrs Begum

      Good ideas Zainullah. Now I would like you to write Sentences to describe how Stig looks make sure you use adjective and expanded noun phrases. Remember to write four sentences using capital letters And full stops.

  30. Aiza B.

    1) He looks like a hairy old man.
    2) He hasn’t got any shirt on.
    3)It looks like he hasn’t got any eyelashes.
    4) He looks scruffy and dirty.

    1. Mrs Begum

      Good start Aiza now can you improve these sentences By adding expanded noun phrases more
      adjectives and conjunctions?
      1) He looks like a hairy old man.
      Stig is a very ,tall and hairy old man.

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