This is your homework for this week. It needs to be completed by Wednesday.

Record yourself singing your maths song and upload here:

Post your Stone Age facts below.

English please see this blog post:

118 responses to “Year 3 Homework”

  1. Delilah R.

    The Stone Age began around 2.5 million years ago.The Stone Age people had created there own language.It was very rough living back in the Stone Age time, because they had to live in caves or teepees whilst there were very dangerous animals such as the Sabretooth tiger, woolly mammoths and the woolly rhinoceros.They had made there own tools and weapons to survive they sharpened sticks for hunting with a rock.They would eat meat from wild animals and birds, leaves, roots and fruit from plants, and fish/ shellfish.They called people who made fires Fire-makers.They lived in caves and the only 2 things they had to do was look for food and protect themselves from wild animals.In the Stone Age they had to keep warm for the ice age so what they did was hunt animals like a woolly mammoths, so they used there skin and fur for warmth and ate the insides of them.They made coats out of it and wore it when it was cold and it must of been really heavy.

  2. Irfa M.

    Over 100,000 years ago when the dinosaur went extinct, prehistoric ancestor mammal roam the Earth a really long time ago, such as smilodon, wolves, ancient bison , short faced bear , giant sloth , deer , mammoth and human hunter and now they are dead because they were starving , sickness and also sticky deadly tarpit. Tarpit are sticky animal trap that lived in Los Anglos Calafornia. Stone Age humans are actually hunter because they eat deer, mammoth and fish, in herbivore diet they eat berries , apples and nuts. The deadly prehistoric mammal is called the smlodon. There is some difference between the animal that are alive and there common ancestor. The Stone Age human used Stone as tool and weapons, they paint because so they can have a plan to hunt the mammals.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Irfa you have given some super facts about the Stone Age era.
      Can you tell me what a common ancestor is?

  3. Zahra N.

    Zahra has done her time table song it has been emailed on the share point.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Thanks you. Please could you tell me what other piece of homework that Zahra has completed.

  4. Amirah T.

    I have done my Jumanji homework and uploaded my rap.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great job Amirah! What is 4 x12?

      1. Amirah T.

        4 x 12 = 48

  5. Khadijah M.

    I have completed all of my homework I will also send the 4x table song video and will also bring the book tomorrow.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Well done Kahdijah. You are a super star.
      Can you tell me what 11×4 is?

  6. Yunus H.

    10 facts about the Stone Age

    1.The Stone Age began around 2.5 years ago
    2. There are 4 type of people living in the Stone Age
    3. In the early Stone Age people living in a cave .
    4.The only 2 things human had to do was to look for food and protect themselves from wild animals
    5.The humans learn to farm during the Stone Age
    6.Humans used animals skins to keep them warm.
    7.Some of the animals that lived in the Stone Age are now extinct.
    8.Stone Age people made their own tools.
    9. Modern man appeared around 200,000 Years ago.
    10.Dogs became domesticated in the Stone Age .

    1. Mrs Walker

      Great fact Yunus, can you tell me what kind of tools were made in the Stone Age? and what was there purpose?

  7. Muhammad D.

    1. The Stone Age began around 2.5 million years ago
    2. There were 4 different types of humans in the Stone Age
    3. In the early stone age, humans lived in caves
    4. The only two things humans had to do was to look for food and protect themselves from wild animals
    5. Humans learnt to farm during the Stone Age
    6. Humans used animal skins to keep them warm
    7. Some of the animals that lived in the stone age are now extinct
    8. Stone Age people made their own tools
    9. Modern man appeared around 200,000 years ago!
    10. Dogs became domesticated in the stone age

    1. Mrs Walker

      Super fact Muhammad!
      Can you tell me what the 4 types of different humans there were in the Stone Age?

  8. Muhammed K.

    Stone Age
    1. Lived in tribes
    2. Painted on stone
    3. Stone tools
    4. Ended 5000 years ago
    5. Animal skin clothes in winter
    6. Grass clothes in summer
    7. Lived in caves
    8. Tame animal
    9. Learn to make cloth
    10. Learn to make pottery.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Well done Muhammad just remember to use full sentences in your work.

      What material would they have used to make their tools?

  9. Mahdi R.

    Some people live in a cave they hunt animals they can make clothes for fur animals they make fire for sticks and they all use stone Age.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Good try Mahdi. Can you tell me how they would have cooked their food?

  10. Yahya K.

    Some of the animals that are in the Stone Age are extinct now
    Stone Age started 2.1million years ago
    In stone age people learnt how to farm
    Dogs were domesticated in that time

    1. Mrs Walker

      Well done Yahya. Can you tell me
      What the word domesticated means?

  11. Yahya K.

    Some of the animals that are in the Stone Age are extinct now
    Stone Age started 2.1million years ago
    In stone age people learnt how to farm

  12. Madeeha T.

    1. The Stone Age began around 2.5 million years ago it may have started millions of years ago but it only ended in 2500BC.

    2. The stone were 4 different types of humans.

    3. In the early stone age, humans lived in caves.

    4. The only two things humans had to do was to look for food and project themselves from the wild animals.

    5. Humans learnt to farm during the Stone Age.

    6.Humans used animal skin to keep them warm.

    7. Some of the animals that lived in the Stone Age are now extinct.

    8. Stone Age made their own tools

    9. Modern man appeared around 200,000 years ago.
    Modern man is what we are just humans.

    10. Before Dogs were domesticated they would not have made good pets, they were wild animals.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Madeeha you have wrote some super fact about the Stone Age.
      Can you tell me what we’re the 4 different types of humans during the Stone Age that you’ve referred too?

  13. Amelia A.

    Stone Age
    1. Weapons made of stone
    2. Ended 5000 years ago
    3. First to create clothes
    4. Clothes made of animal skin.
    5. Made chopping tools out of stone
    6. Some lived in caves
    7. They got wild plants to eat
    8. Made sculptures out of clay
    9. Painted designs on stone
    10. Grew crops for food

    1. Mrs Walker

      Well done Amelia these are some good fact but remember to use full sentence.

      Do you think you would have liked to have lived during the Stone Age?

  14. Muhammed G.

    The Stone Age
    1. The Stone Age began roughly 2.5 million years ago

    2. There where four types humans
    . Tool-makers (homo habilis)
    .Fire-makers ( homo erectus)
    .Neanderthals (homo neanderthalensis)
    .Modern humans (homo sapiens). We are Homo sapiens

    3. At the start of the Stone Age people lived in caves

    4. Humans only knew how to look for food and to protect themselves

    5. Humans learnt how to farm in the stone age

    6. Humans used to used the fur of the animals they hunted to make their clothes and to keep warm

    7. A lot of animals that lived in the Stone Age are now extinct

    8. The Stone Age people made their own tools

    9. Modern man appeared about 200,000 years ago

    10. Dog speak came domesticated in the Stone Age this means they were adapted or changed for human use they were not wild animals

    1. Mrs Walker

      Wow!! Muhammad these are great fact about the Stone Age. 👏🏼👏🏼

      Do you think living in the Stone Age would have been hard for them and why?

  15. Muhammad I.

    1. The stone age began around 2.5 million years ago.
    2. In very early stone age humans lived in the caves.
    3. There were 4 different stage in human of stone age.
    4. people looked for food and protect themselves.
    5. People used wild skins to keep them selfs warm.
    6. Some people didnt like stones.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Muhammad you have given some great facts but can you tell me what you mean when you say that some people don’t like stones? Do you meant that some people didn’t like the Stone Age?

      Can you expand what you mean ?

  16. Mustafa A.

    1. People in the stone age used clay pots to cook food and store things.
    2. The oldest stone age art was discovered 40,000 years ago.
    3. Stone age began 2.5 million years ago.
    4. There were 4 different types of humans during the stone age.
    5. In early stone age humans lived in caves.
    6. The only thing humans had to do was look for food and protect themselves from wild animals.
    7. Humans used animal skin to keep them warm.
    8. Some animals that lived during the stone age are now extinct.
    9. Stone age people made their own tools.
    10. Dogs in the stone age were wild animals and would not have made good pets.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Great facts Mustafa. Do you think they had an easy life during the Stone Age? Why?

  17. Nihal P.

    Maths – I have uploaded my video.

    English – I have commented on the blog.

    Wow –
    The Stone Age was when people used old tools made out of stone.

    It lasted for about 2.5 million years and ended about 5000 years ago.

    The Stone Age ended when the Bronze Age began.

    During most of the Stone Age period, the Earth was in an Ice Age. This was when everything was colder than now.

    Many large extinct animals were alive during the Stone Age.

    Humans main tasks was to protect their family and hunt for food.

    The people of the Stone Age made their own tools. They used a hammerstone to chip other stones to make their tools.

    They used these tools to break nuts, seeds and bones.

    The people during the Stone Age were the first to use clay pots to cook and store their food in.

    Although humans used tools to make weapons, there is not much evidence to show that there were wars.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Nihal these are super facts and you’ve expanded your knowledge by explaining your finding too.

      Can you tell me what kind of material the would have been used to make tools?

  18. Ammar W.

    1. The Stone Age began 2.5 million years ago.
    2. There were 4 different to humans in the Stone Age.
    3. In the Early Stone Age, people lived in caves.
    4. The only two things humans had to do was to look for food and protect themselves from wild animals.
    5. Later on in the Stone Age they started to build huts made of wood and animal skin.
    6. Towards the end of the Stone Age, they started to build permanent places to live in with a roof .
    7. Some animals are extinct including; Woolies, Rhinosaurus, Mammoth, Cave bear and Giant deers’.
    8: modern Man appeared appeared around 2000 years ago modern Man is i what human in history there were a few different types of human
    9: Dogs where wild animals in the Stone Age

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Ammar. Do you think they had an easy life during the Stone Age? Why?

  19. Alinna A.

    The people who had lived in the early part of the old stone Age were named. Humans learned to use tools to make fire. They made clothes from animals skins. They were once thought to be rough and wild people.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      A good start. Remember you need to find ten facts.

  20. Safa S.

    1. The Stone Age began 2.5 million years ago.
    2. There were 4 different to humans in the Stone Age.
    3. In the Early Stone Age, people lived in caves.
    4. The only two things humans had to do was to look for food and protect.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Good start Saffa but you’re task was to give 10 facts about the Stone Age

      Can you give me 6 more facts about the Stone Age? Thank you

  21. Mohammed K.

    1.The Stone Age began around 2.5million years ago.
    2.There were 4 different types of humans in the Stone Age.
    3.In early Stone Age, humans lived in caves.
    4.The only two things humans had to do was to look for food and protect themselves from wild animals.
    5.Humans learnt to farm during the Stone Age.
    6.Humans used animal skin to keep them warm.
    7.some of the animals lived in the Stone Age are now extinct.
    8.Stone Age people made their own tools.
    9. Modern man appeared around 200,000 years ago.
    10. Dogs were wild animals and only became pets when they started to live with humans.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Some super facts! What do you mean there were four different types of humans? Can you name them?

  22. Muhammad Y.

    1)The Iron Age started between 1200BC and 600BC.
    2)People in Europe, Asia and parts of Africa began making tools and weapon from iron and steel.
    3)Humans have smelted iron throughout the Bronze Age and saw iron more powerful than metal.
    4)More people came to know about iron and that it is known now to make steel.
    5)The Hittites or turkey first were to know how to make steel.
    6)The iron age began in the Mediterranean region and near the east.
    7)Ancient cities including Troy and Gaza were destroyed.
    8)Trade routes were lost and cancelled throughout the region.
    9)The cause for the trade routes of the Bronze Age becomes a mystery.
    10)Experts believes it was a caused shortage of copper or tin to make bronze.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Super facts Muhammad! I’m really impressed. Can you explain fact number 8 to me. What can you explain your answer more?

  23. Marwah K.

    Does marwah need to do all 3 tasks or can she choose 2 out of the 3.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      She can choose 2 tasks or do all 3 if she wishes to challenge herself.

  24. Osas O.

    1. The stone age lasted for roughly 3, 400 million years and ended at 2 million and 4 million BC.
    2. The stone age marks a period of prehistory in which humans used primitive tools.
    3. It is called stone age because it is characterised by when the early humans used stone
    4. The stone age is the name given to the earliest period of human culture used stone tools.
    5. The stone age is the longest period in the human timeline.
    6. Stone age prehistoric cultural stage or level of human developed.
    7.Thousands of years ago, Stone Age humans used sticks and stones to form rocks into was a time in prehistory when humans made and used stone tools.
    8.There were 4 different types of humans in the stone age.
    9. The Middle Stone Age was a period of African prehistory between the Early Stone Age and the Later Stone Age.
    10.Stone Age people were hunter-gatherers. This means that they only ate what they could catch or forage.

    1. Osas O.

      By the way I have done my 4 times table song/rap.

    2. Mrs Walker

      Osas this is a great piece of joke workman’s I love the way that you have extended your answers.

      Can you tell me what types of food they would have hunted for during the Stone Age?

  25. Amina J.

    1.It may have started millions of years ago but it only ended in 2500BC, that was just 4,520 years ago!
    2.There were 4 different types of humans in the stone age.
    3. In the early stone age, humans lived in caves.
    4.The only two things humans had to do was to look for food and protect themselves from wild animals.
    5.Early on in the stone age, humans hunted animals and gathered fruits and nuts.
    6. Humans used animal skins to keep them warm.
    7.There used to be lots of animals around in the Stone Age that just don’t exist anymore. We either killed them all or they couldn’t adapt to the changing world well enough to survive.
    8.they made tools like stone or wooden clubs.
    9.Modern man is what we are, they are just humans.
    In history there were a few different types of human but it was around 200,000 years ago that humans like us started to appear.
    10.Before dogs were domesticated they would not have made good pets, they were wild animals!

    1. Amina J.

      I have done my topic and English homework

      1. Amina J.

        I have my wow and English homework

    2. Mrs Walker

      Amina your WOW homework is super. 👏🏼 You have explained your answers well.

      What does the word domesticated mean? Can you use a dictionary and look the the word definition?

  26. Hussein H.

    The Stone Age began around 2.5 million years ago. …
    There were 4 different types of humans in the stone age. …
    In the early stone age, humans lived in caves. …
    The only two things humans had to do was to look for food and protect themselves from wild animals.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Good start but your challenge was to find 10 facts about the Stone Age. Please can you tell me 5 more facts? Thank you.

  27. Sayda A.

    1. The Stone Age began 2.5 million years ago.
    2. There were 4 different to humans in the Stone Age.
    3. In the Early Stone Age, people lived in caves.
    4. The only two things humans had to do was to look for food and protect themselves from wild animals.
    5. Later on in the Stone Age they started to build huts made of wood and animal skin.
    6. Towards the end of the Stone Age, they started to build permanent places to live in with a roof .
    7. Some animals are extinct including; Woolies, Rhinosaurus, Mammoth, Cave bear and Giant deers’.
    9 modern Man appeared appeared around 2000 years ago modern Man is i what human in history there were a few different types of human 10 dogs where wild animals in the Stone Age

    1. Mrs Walker

      Great facts Sayda, well done.

      Referring back to fact number 6, please could you tell me what materials they would have used to build their more permanent homes?

  28. Khadeeja M.

    1.Stone Age was widely used to make tools with an edge, a point, or a percussion surface.
    2.The period lasted for roughly 3.4 million years, and ended between 4,000 BCE and 2,000 BCE, with the advent of metalworking.
    3.Early humans began using stones as simple tools about 2 million years ago.
    4. Humans used mainly stone tools until about 10,000 years ago.
    Paleolithic means “old stone age.”
    5.At the beginning of the Paleolithic Period, early humans made chopping tools out of stones.
    6.These tools did not change much for thousands of years. Then humans learned to chip flakes off stone.
    7.The oldest known Stone Age art dates back to a later Stone Age period known as the Upper Paleolithic, about 40,000 years ago.
    8. Art began to appear around this time in parts of Europe, the Near East, Asia and Africa.
    They had wooden bolls.
    9.And rich people had a golden jacket which was man made.
    10.The had a shell medals which was a man made.

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Khadeeja.

      1. Noah M.

        Hello Mrs Khaliq.🖐
        Thank you Mrs Khaliq.👩‍💼
        I had to concentrate on what I was doing.
        I was easy for me.

  29. Joshua C.

    I done my work.

  30. Joshua C.

    Lots of people use Stone Age
    Sinetest study this.
    A long time ago people made stone tools ⚒.
    I like stone.
    People like looking at stone.
    Some people hate stone.
    Teachers like making people study it.
    God made stone.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Good try Joshua. The reason why we’ve got you to do this task is to see how much you can find out about the Stone Age, it’s part of our History for this half term.

      Can you tell me how they would have kept warm during the Stone Age?

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