Today Year 3 visited Coventry City Centre as part of their geography learning. They were investigating to see whether or not people improve the environment or damage it. To do this the children conducted traffic surveys at 3 different locations: outside the school, by the Walk in Centre and in the City Centre. They also conducted a litter survey at Swanswell Park. The children also explored the range of buildings in the Town Centre and discussed whether or not they enhance the area or damage the area,

What can you tell us about your findings from the litter survey? Have people improved or damaged the environment?

Look at these old pictures of the City Centre, use what you have seen today to answer the question: Have people improved the environment?

47 responses to “Year 3 Geography Day Out”

  1. Sayda A.

    peple had damge the invoment by frowing plastic bags,paper wraps,fruit pells in the city centre peple have impovet the emvomet by adding plants and more buidings and resturons

  2. Yoshita P.

    The people have been damaging the environment by and throwing trash in ponds, lakes and in oceans also they been throwing trash on the ground and it is hurting the animals like swans ,geese and ducks.

  3. Arfa S.

    People improve the environment by throwing no rubbish .
    The thing I liked about city centre was that it had lot’s of buildings.

  4. Marwah K.

    I don’t want people ruining the whole world because it’s supposed to be a neat world but there was so many things on the floor and it was…LITTER

  5. Mustafa A.

    People have improved the environment I know because it was clean and there were bins everywhere.
    I loved going to the city centre.

  6. Nihal P.

    That was the best day of my life and when we were walking 🚶‍♂️ my legs 🦵 was so tired

  7. Sara K.

    That was a great day☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️.

  8. Muhammed K.

    People damaged the place because rubbitin the lake

  9. Sheik A.

    They improved by adding less cars so it is much more safer. And is showing that we cere because we kept the old kutheedrul and the new kutheedrul

  10. Keaton O.

    It’s much cleaner and new

  11. Meena B.

    They improved and damaged the place because there were rubbish, cans,water bottles and food. That they don’t notice they are throwing stuff around swans well park and the swans might have no space to sit in. Like the grass and ponds. They improved by making ponds for animals like ducks or swans to live in.And what was good that they changed things around like plastic to metal and paper to card board.

  12. Hussein H.

    People have not improved the environment because they throw rubish in the ponds and they don’t realise they are hurting the animals that are in there.

  13. Muhammad D.

    People have damaged and improved because inside they have made a water feature but in the outskirts there is danger to the swans.

  14. Delilah R.

    I think. They have damaged the city Centre but th3 have also improved most of it is clean because they’ made the shops pedestrian around the shops but the bad things are there is so much litter and litter in swanswell Park
    They’ve improved. The old city centre by making the shops pedestrian so no cars go around wich has been improved!.

  15. Minhaj A.

    1. They have improved the environment because they put plants close to the water so it can grow.

  16. Hamsia D.

    What can you tell us about your findings from the litter survey?
    My findings about the litter survey are that people are dropping more litter in the sea and there were loads of cans, orange peals and tissues.
    Have people improved or damaged the environment?
    People have been improving the environment because in most places there is not that much litter including the City Centre but there is a lot of litter in the sea.

  17. Ramandeep K.

    I found that they improve the environment and damage it by
    I think people have improved the environment and damaged it. People
    improve the environment by adding more buildings and new things have been added such as fountains, an new cathedral.
    People damage the environment by throwing litter so when it’s windy it blows the litter to go in the ocean or lakes and the litter is eaten by animals which can kill them.

  18. Osas O.

    People have improved the Environment because it’s much cleaner and nicer.People have damaged the environment because there are lots of litter and rubbish on the ground and they do not care at all.People should really nicer to nature which is not littering.Cars and factories and lots of other things produce lots of carbon dioxide which is bad for human health because humans need oxygen, clean oxygen.People really need to improve the environment.

    1. Osas O.

      (Much cleaner by having clean water I meant )

  19. Muhammed G.

    Humans have damaged the environment because they Drop litter and don’t care about the nature they put in their city. I don’t think that humans help the environment because they drop litter without care and is A really bad environment for your animals in the city. Cars and factory’s don’t help because they produce carbon dioxide which is very bad for the atmosphere it’s also really bad for human health but we need clean oxygen
    to live

  20. Bethany P.

    They have not improved the environment and have not helped the world because in all the old pictures it’s shimmery clean whereas now it’s a few rubbish on the floor but nearly everywhere!

  21. Mopelola L.

    People have improved the environment by making old places better and suitable for tourists to come in and look around but at the same time people haven’t emproved the environment because the keep litering.

  22. Amirah T.

    Good Morning 😊

    In my findings, on the litter survey I found that there was plastic pretty much everywhere! In Swanswill park, people have damaged the environment but in town, people have improved the enviroment.
    Yes, people have improved the environment by building a new cathedral and keeping it clean. Also by adding statues that tell history.

  23. Mohammed K.

    You should add more bins and more buildings.

  24. Aryan M.

    The environment is getting better but there is still litter.

  25. Khadijah M.

    People have been improving the environment.
    I really enjoyed the walk!!

    1. Khadijah M.

      This is because in the new picture it is sparkling clean.

  26. Aaron G.

    People have improved the environment because they have made new travelling systems.

  27. Yahya K.

    People have improved the environment.

  28. Myiesha S.

    i had lots of fun doing the long walk but coming back to the school everybody was tired.
    the pictures are not uploading for a reason how do i open it cn one of the teachers tell me it just says image.jpeg.

  29. Alima S.

    This is how Coventry should be clear clean and new.

  30. Afsa P.

    They have by adding new things

    1. Lawan R.

      I think the environment is good but not with the British hotel.
      I think it’s a waste of money and space because it is not shape PROBABLY

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