Hi year 3 and 4,

We are now half way through our tournament and the scores are close.

Is is a very close competition so keep playing everyone!

53 responses to “Year 3 and 4 TTRS Tournament Update”

  1. Sumayyah A.

    We will beat Year 4 ,hopefully.

  2. Jebrin Y.

    You are saying this like year 3 are not going to play, not so a brainier anymore.🧠💦💢🌡️

  3. Jebrin Y.


  4. Jebrin Y.

    Look I’m going to say it wipe the floor with year 3. It doesn’t make sense and stop saying lol other people look at this blog and going to say what dose lol mean. Or else I will play 5 Hours a day. Like your five a day. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Not my fault yours for saying this anyways it is year 4 Vs year 3 of course year 4 are going to be in the lead it’s year 4 it is not even, we should have year 3 year groups fighting.[̲̅⁠$̲̅⁠(̲̅⁠ ͡⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)̲̅⁠$̲̅⁠] Like your not going to care it not fight time it is children in needs day think about them instead of a maths clicker tournament game. It’s just sad you missed out the people that don’t have food, also I’m not just talking about the special day. Check my comments my oldest one and it will make stop being mean as a lion.you forget the word tie, you can’t go in the feature. Your lions but we are cheaters I mean the animal one your slower we are are faster so can go fast and hit you have to go slow and hit remember I’m not day dreaming check first before you say it, it not true this is a myth that’s not from history it is one that right now year 4 are going to win this is a myth so it’s a lie or not.

  5. Zaynab M.

    Year 3 are going to loose ,but we don’t even know if we are going to wipe down the floor with the year 3.!

  6. Jebrin Y.

    Anyways you can’t say wipe the floor with year 3 you took that from us and also it doesn’t rymthy.(⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠メ⁠) you play too much💀

  7. Jebrin Y.

    Year 4 you should not have said losers the tournament hasn’t even ended.so think first what you are going to say,it can change.and saying the L people don’t like if you know that.

  8. Muhammad I.

    The incredible YEAR 4 is going to win L YEAR 3

  9. Afsa P.

    We are going to win we are going to whipe the floor with year 3
    take the L for loser’s nanana bu bu

  10. Mustafa A.

    WE ARE GOING TO WIPE THE FLOOR WITH YEAR 33333 year four is the best

  11. Sara K.

    Year4 is going to 🏆.

  12. Anish B.

    YEAR 4 IS GOING TO WIN L year 3

  13. Adam D.

    We are winning 🥇 keep playing year 4

  14. Mahdi R.

    We are going to win 🏆 in TTRS those year 3 are weak they don’t have a answer on that they will never play that. SUPER YEAR 4 WE ARE CHAMPIONSHIPS!!! YESSSSS!

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well Mahdi it’s a very tight competition. Year 3 are definitely keeping year 4 on their toes! Make sure you play so year 4 win.

  15. Nicolas-Andrei M.

    No year 4 are going to 🏆 😂 😂😂😂

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Are you sure? They are not far behind, anyone could still win!

  16. Nicolas-Andrei M.

    L year 3 we will win the competition LoL 😂🏆

    1. Khadijah M.

      I know right lol

  17. Alex M.

    Year 4 is win

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      You are at the moment but you need to all keep playing!

  18. Rustam M.

    I am playing TTRS😎

  19. Musa B.

    This time I went on studio and I have got 1.51 seconds but for a nother game I got 1.3 seconds

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done, that’s great progress. Do you think you can get 1.1 seconds?

  20. Musa B.


    1. Musa B.

      Sorry didn’t mean to say Losers

  21. Musa B.

    Sorry I might not be able to play because for Some reasen it’s not working but I will try to fix it so I can play and also year 3 we got this

  22. Musa B.

    Shush year 4 year 3 are going to win

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Don’t forget to play!

  23. Chavi L.

    I am playing!

  24. Tinuola T.

    We are going to mop the floor witness 4. Hahahhahahha

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Ohhh fighting talk. Make sure you play if you want to wipe the floor with year 4!

    2. Khadijah M.

      *year 4 are winning

  25. Tinuola T.

    Year 4 are going down

  26. Osas O.

    We will play and Year 4 will win!!

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      That’s the spirit Osas. Make sure you are playing, the competition is tight!

  27. Dhiyashini S.

    I play almost everyday!

    1. Mrs Khaliq


  28. Dhiyashini S.

    I play almost everyday

  29. Khadijah M.

    Year 3 are literally going to lose. It’s obvious

    1. Jad A.

      No they are going to win. LOSERS

      1. Nicolas-Andrei M.

        You shor look at the score and you’ll see your losing

        1. Nicolas-Andrei M.

          Losers 😂😂😂🤣🤣 we won losers

          1. Jebrin Y.

            You said you won Nicolas but the tournament hasn’t even ended.

      2. Khadijah M.


    2. Mrs Khaliq

      Keep playing Khadijah so you can prove yourself right!

      1. Khadijah M.

        Mine isnt working

  30. Esa A.

    I am playing

    1. Mrs Khaliq

      Well done Esa

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