What a competition! It was tense and so close right up to the very last minute.

The final results are:

Congratulations Year 4!

I would also like to say a very big well done to all the children in both Year 3 and 4. Your achieved the highest scores that we have had in any Broad Heath TTRS tournament!

37 responses to “Year 3 and 4 TTRS Tournament Final Results”

  1. Umar S.

    👎👎👎 We won.

  2. Ramarni J.

    Well done to the year 3 for trying hard!

    1. Myiesha S.


  3. Tipian I.

    Yes year 4 won I knew we could make it at the end but also thank you year 3 for trying your hardest.

    1. Madeeha T.

      thank you Tipian

  4. Romeesa T.

    Well done year 3 you tried really hard.

    1. Myiesha S.


  5. Minaal A.

    Well done year 4, well done year 3 you tried though

  6. Muhammad S.

    Well done year 3 !😁
    I liked your contribution 🤝

  7. Mojirolaoluwa S.

    I am happy that all of us got a good chance to win. We lost but we tried our best and that is fine.

  8. Amirah T.

    Congratulations year 4!
    But also amazing effort year3!

    From Amirah and Ramandeep.

  9. Mohammed K.

    Well done year 4 but also year 3 did a great job.We we’re only 20 behind

  10. Arifa H.

    We’ll done year 4 it was a fun challenge and year 3 tried there best they were nearly there but good job anyways

  11. Mohammed E.

    Well done year4 I loved your work on times tables rock stars.
    Congratulations 🎉 year4 on winning 🏆 year 4.

  12. Afsa P.

    Well done you 🏆 🏅 won

  13. Muhammad Y.

    Well done year 4

  14. Miss Redhead

    A great effort by all, well done year 4. A massive well done to the year 3 as well who played and did their best. We have all enjoyed the banter of the competition – can’t wait to play again soon ….

  15. Miss Holland

    Well done both Year 3 and 4! Everyone put in a superb effort all throughout this tense competition, we are proud of you all! Perhaps we should have a rematch in the future!

  16. Nuha I.

    Congratulations year 4! I knew we could win in the end.

  17. Miss Jephcott

    Very well done year 4!! It was such a close competition for both year groups. It was so tense towards the end for everyone, especially for us teachers. It was amazing to see you all work together. In our eyes both years are winners. We can’t tell you how proud we are of you year 3!! Your determination and drive was incredible. You’re all superstars!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  18. Myiesha S.

    Well done year 4 you have tried you best but calling us losers
    does not make them feel good it is really bad we tried our best at least.

  19. Zeyd H.

    Well done Year 3.Year 3s might of won but we can win next time!7018 correct answers in 2 weeks!Well done to everyone that went on TTRS.

    1. Zeyd H.

      Sorry I meant year 4 won.

  20. Meena B.

    Well done year 4 we year 3 tried our best and it was a tough competition and we all tried so it looks like a tie to me. Best try and best go year 3 and well done congratulations for winning year 4 we know you won but we can be 2nd place or like I said a tie. Well done year 4 well done year 3 for trying your hardest and we tried so hard but it’s okay it’s over and it doesn’t really matter it was a really tight competition and these are our highest scores on TTRS and it’s a really good score of both years 4 and 3.🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳😃 So now we were almost there just to beat year 4 but we didn’t make it in time and my friend is in year 4 she told me that here year group won so I went home quickly so I can see the score but you guys won.
    Congratulations well done all year groups you tried your best that’s all we need from you. It was really intense.😃😍

  21. Sameeha A.

    Well done YEAR 3 . A very good effort in this competition .

  22. Madeeha T.

    Congratulatio0ns year 4!!
    we all tried our best.

    1. Myiesha S.

      Well done for trying year 3 even though you did not win.

  23. Mrs Walker

    Congratulations year 4!! 🎉 what a tight competition it has been for both year groups. You have worked extremely hard and the tension has been high…..especially for the teachers. Not only have your scores gone up but you speed has too. In our eyes both year groups are winner’s. We are so proud of you year 3, you’ve never given up and always pushed yourselves. ⭐️ 👏🏼

  24. Mrs Begum

    Well done year 4 ! 👏🏼👏🏼.👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


  25. Markuss B.

    Yay we won!!!!!!!

  26. Mrs Khaliq

    So proud of you all of year 3! Your team spirit and enthusiasm was a pleasure to see. You worked so hard all the way through this competition and were just pipped at the post! It was so close right down to the last minute. You are all winners in our eyes!

  27. Mrs Khaliq

    Congratulations Year 4, you fought with all you had right to the end to win! So impressed with how many of you worked together and worked as a team.

  28. Osas O.

    Well done to everyone, we were so close year3 🥺

  29. Mahdi R.

    We lost! 😭

  30. Mahdi R.

    Nooooooooooo! 😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😭😭

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