WOW what a nail biting end to the tournament. I have never been part of such a close and tense competition and it could have gone either way. However, only one year group could be crowned winners and they were….

A massive well done to Jebrin in 3 Red who was the highest scorer in the competition with an amazing 34, 501 points! Congratulations!

53 responses to “Year 3 & 4 TTRS Tournament Winners Are…”

  1. Ramandeep K.

    Well done year4!

  2. Nabiha I.

    Well done year 4!👏

  3. Sabiha K.

    Let’s do go!!!! But still better 😌 luck next time

    1. Sabiha K.

      Year 3s better luck next time

    2. Nick C.

      Don’t be rude we tried anyway good job 👏

  4. Eva T.

    Well done 👏 WOW!!!!!😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄🎆🎆🎆🎆🎇🎈🎈🎈✨️✨️✨️🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇

  5. Eva T.

    I am hoping next time we can be better!WELL DONE!!!! Well done to you year 3 and year 4.

  6. Haarun M.

    Wow so great because year 3 where tricky good job year 4 the anmatin was drimatic

  7. Mrs Hurt

    Well done Year 4! What a competition! I am sure Year 3 will be practising hard getting ready for their revenge so I can’t wait to see what the next competition brings!

  8. Dhiyashini S.

    Good Job Year 4 and better luck next time Year 3.

  9. Hussein H.

    Well done year 3 it was fun competition and well done to year 4 champions.

  10. Aryan M.

    Well done you made us work our socks off for this win you also made us really happy we had to work really hard because my old class got the highest points well done you’re amazing good luck!
    From Aryan and Muhammed Gray

  11. Bethany P.

    I can’t believe we won but well done to year 3 you tried your best!

    1. Bethany P.

      Khadijah and Bethany

  12. Osas O.

    Good job everyone I am so happy we won.

  13. Osas O.

    Good job everyone I am so happy we won!.

  14. Osas O.

    Good job everyone I am so happy we won!

  15. Mrs Khatun

    Congratulations year 4! Sooo proud of you all, super work, very proud of year 3 too, their determination was incredible what a tight competition it was. Well done everyone for their hard work.

  16. Mrs Sanders

    Well done Year 4, we are so proud of you! I also want to say a big well done to Year 3! You all worked really hard and showed great determination throughout the whole competition!

  17. Miss Woodman

    Woohoo, well done Year 4! Brilliant effort from all children in both year groups, you have made this a very exciting competition. Keep practicing those times tables!

  18. Madeeha T.

    I am soooooo glad year 4 won but well done year 3 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  19. Safa S.

    we won the ttrs Competition but good try year3

    1. Haarun M.

      Wow so great because year 3 where tricky good job year 4 the anmatin was drimatic

  20. Miss Jephcott

    Wow! Year 3 you have made me so proud with your determination! You should all be so proud! Congratulations to year 4 super work⭐️⭐️.

  21. Mr Kane

    What a competition year 3 and 4! It was close all the way until the end. Commiserations to year 3 and congratulations to year 4. I am very proud of the effort and skill displayed by all who took part. You all displayed resilience, tenacity and a will to win. It is now time to show great teamwork and citizenship. Win, lose or draw please ensure you take the time to shake hands and congratulate or support your fellow competitors. I wish you all a fantastic week.

  22. Yahya K.

    I am sooooooooo glad we won. Great job everyone!

  23. Eliza N.

    I knew that Year 4 would win

    1. Eliza N.

      But well done to Year 3 you made them sweat 😓.

  24. Eliza N.

    Aww Good job everyone especially for Year 4👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥇❤️

  25. Mrs Begum

    JEBRIN YOU LEGEND you was on fire 🔥. We are so proud of you 👍🏼. You have shown great determination to resilience and been an absolutely great team player. WELL DONE!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  26. Mrs Khaliq

    Congratulations year 4 we are proud of you!
    WOW year 3, you were amazing right till the very end! It was so close all the way and you definitely kept year 4 on their toes. Well done to you all for being such fantastic sports and trying your hardest. You were fab!

  27. Mrs Begum

    Well done Year 4 👍🏼 Great playing ! Big well done to Year 3 aswell, you certainly kept Year 4 on their toes . Great game !👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  28. Mrs Walker

    Yippppppeeeeee!!! Congratulations year4!! 🎉🎉 It has been a nail biting competition, to say the least. Both year 4 and year 3 have worked incredibly hard and show sheer determination to win this competition. A big shout out to Jebrin that was an incredible score. Good boy👏🏼

  29. Miss Redhead

    What a fantastic competition. Well done Year 4 you played very well! Year 3, we are still all proud of your efforts. Keep working hard everyone!

  30. Alzahra R.

    We won congratulations year 3 for trying hard

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