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Year 2 Weston information

The children have arrived back from Weston early. Please come and collect your year 2 children from the Hanford Close entrance.

I have done a final check of the weather for tomorrow. We are hoping to avoid showers, but please see the information below.

Please can all children arrive at Hanford Close at 7:15 am promptly for registration and toilets.

Coach will leave promptly at 7.30am.

Children to wear PE kits.

Please send your child with a waterproof coat.

Please bring a bottle of water.

Please send your child with a plastic bag.

School meals will be provided with a school packed lunch,

Packed lunch children bring your lunch as normal.

You may want to send an additional snack as it will be a long day.

If you would like to send your child with £1 for an ice lolly we will purchase these if they are available. They may not be.

We aim to arrive back at 5pm. Please collect your child from Hanford Close.

We will try to keep you updated via the website.

If your child is sick and needs medicine please adminster in the morning, if they need it for the return please go to the office and fill in a form before we go. We will not administer any medicines without this.


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