Hello again Year 2. Here is your homework for this week. Please remember, choose 2 out of the 3 tasks and they both need to be completed by Wednesday. Also, please practise your reading, spellings and times tables. Have a super weekend.

Here is a link to upload your photos. Don’t forget to name them please. https://broadheathcoventrysch-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/liz_penavega_broadheath_coventry_sch_uk/En2AYp1b7zxEmoCubEeVllYBpyZsZs3_01V2g6wowggEOQ

71 responses to “Year 2 – Week 2 Homework”

  1. Maryum N.

    We have uploaded maryums picture as a toddler when she was 3.
    I could drink milk myself.
    I was cheeky.
    I liked to play with my sister and cousins.
    I liked watch cartoons.

    I read my book.

  2. Noah M.

    I have completed my homework and after I am going to send a picture of my baby.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Hello, Noah.
      I can see you have completed you Education City and have found your adorable baby photos but have you written sentences about what you could/ couldn’t do as a baby?

  3. Zakir F.

    I have completed the contraction game on education city and my score was 100 %.

  4. Hudaa M.

    I have did my homework on education city

  5. Nichollas B.

    I finish the homework from the education city and the one on my homework book

  6. Ella K.

    Ella did her homework ,she scored %50 on education city.

  7. Hannah B.

    I have completed my maths and literacy homework

  8. Sulaiman A.

    Sulaiman completed his homework.

  9. Latifa A.

    I have done my English Education city homework.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have seen your EduCity work Latifa, have you completed another piece of homework?
      **Remember you must complete 2 pieces each week.**

  10. Aryan H.

    Aryan has completed his maths homework.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have seen you EduCity score and the photo you uploaded of your Maths homework- Well done!

  11. Dhonshan R.

    I have completed my homework on education City.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have seen your EduCity Dhonshan…have you completed another task?
      Remember you need to complete 2 tasks each week.

  12. Advika B.

    I completed my homework in education city

    1. Mrs Browning

      Good girl, Advika…I can see you have completed Education City but have you done a 2nd piece of homework?

  13. Bilal U.

    Bilal has completed his maths and literacy homework week 2

  14. Waniya Z.

    waniya completed the education city both she got 95 and 85
    She completed math and wow homework

  15. Saalihah H.

    Homework completed but Education City has a glitch which didn’t allow me to read the answers

    1. Mrs Browning

      I understand, Saalihah but you must keep trying or complete the other 2 tasks Maths & Wow.

  16. Denisa M.

    Denisa has done her work on Education city.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have seen her results, thank you.

  17. Iqra A.

    Iqra completed her homework.In education city she got 100%.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have seen your homework and EduCity score- good girl, Iqra☺️

  18. Huzaifah J.

    I completed the contraction game on Education city. I scored 95%

  19. Maryam K.

    I completed the contractions game on education city. I scored 90%.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have seen your EduCity, Maryam but have you completed a second task ?

  20. Emraan A.

    I have got 100 in Education City and Math homework

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have seen both pieces of your homework that you have completed- well done, Emraan.

  21. Haris S.

    finished my homework!

  22. Aryan H.

    Croaking contraction- 45%
    Football contraction – 55%

    1. Mrs Browning

      Good effort, Aryan.
      I have seen you have completed your Maths too. Good boy!

  23. Elgin A.

    I have uploaded my maths homework and I received 95% on education city.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have seen both pieces of your homework, Good boy, Elgin ☺️

  24. Liyana M.

    I completed the contraction game on education city.
    I scored 100%.

    1. Mrs Browning

      You’re a star, Liyana ⭐️⭐️

  25. Muhammed I.

    I completed education city.I scored 100%
    20 divide by 5=4
    15 divide by 5=3
    10 divide by 5=2
    5 divide by 5=1

  26. Orevaoghene O.

    Oreva got 75%

  27. Maryum N.

    I got 85%in education City.

  28. Shaheer N.

    I have completed croaking contractions on Education city scord 60%

  29. Iqra F.

    Iqra has completed Croaking Contractions on Education City and her score was 100%.

  30. Warizah I.

    I have completed my homework on education City

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