Bronze –

What time does each clock show?




87 responses to “Year 3 Summer 1 Maths Challenge 2023”

  1. Kinza A.


    C) is the odd one out
    Jerry is correct because the hand is pointing to IV

    Steth as 5 more minutes because 35+25+5=65 and steth said he has 1 hour and 10 minutes.
    Miley has more because he added 3 quarter

  2. Rayan M.



  3. Charis O.

    1. The time on the first question is 2:10
    2. The time on the second question is 9:30
    3. The time on the third question is 1:00
    4. The time on the fourth question is 2:20
    5. The time on the fith question is 5:35
    6. The time on the sixth question is 4:55.

    1. The odd one out is the one that does not use Roman Numerals because the other ones have Roman Numerals .
    2. Kayla is incorrect because the hour hand always points to the hour.

  4. Hasan N.

    1.D because it pasted five minutes and it is to five.
    2.Jerry is correct because he saying 4 but Kayla saying the it is 9

    1. Hasan N.

      1.He had 5 more minutes of 1hour and 10 minutes
      2.miley took the longest time because he done 45 minutes but Ezra took 30 minutes of time

  5. Sidrah S.

    1. Quarter past 9
    2. 12 : 05
    3. 4:10

  6. Awais J.

    1 . The clock is showing 2 o.clock
    2. The clock is showing 9.45
    3. The clock is showing 12.5
    4. The clock is showing 4:10
    5.The clock is showing 7:25
    6. The clock is showing 11:4
    The odd one out is five past ten

    1. Awais J.

      2. VII =6 and IV=4

  7. Rahim A.

    1: 2 o.clock
    2: if nine and six that means is half past nine
    3: 12.o clock
    4: 2 and 4 clock

  8. Ameera K.


    1/10 minutes past 2.
    2/ 30 minutes past 9.
    3/5 minutes past 12.
    4/10 minutes past 4.
    5/25 minutes past 7.
    6/20 minutes past 11.

    C is the odd one out

  9. Ebeid M.

    1. 2:10
    The odd one out is d because the hour hand is nkt pointing to 5.
    2.Jerry is correct he thought IV was 4 and that is correct
    Seth has 5 more minutes because 35+5+25=65 and only has 1hour 10 minutes.

  10. Safa A.

    1 . Is 10 minutes and past 2
    2. is half 9
    3. 10 minutes and past 12
    4.4 o,clock
    5.5 o,clock
    6. Quater past 12

  11. Ariyan S.

    1.10 minutes past 2.
    2.Half past 9.
    3.5 minutes past 12.
    4.10 minutes past 4.
    5.25 minutes past 7.
    6.20 minutes past 11.
    1.D is the odd one out because the hour hand p

    1. Ariyan S.

      1.D is the odd one out because the hour hand is not pointed to 5.
      2.Jerry is correct because Jerry thought IV would be 4.
      1.Seth has 5 minutes left 25 minutes + 35 minutes + 5 minutes =1 hour 5 minutes.
      2.Miley took the longest because 3 quater of an hour is 45 minutes and 3 lots of 10 minutes is 30 minutes

  12. Bronze:
    10 past 2
    half past nine
    5 past 12
    10 past 4
    25 past 7
    20 past 11

  13. Eva H.

    ten past two
    half past nine
    five past twelve
    ten past four
    twenty five past seven
    twenty past eleven
    b.ten minutes past six is the odd one out as all the other are five past
    kayla iscorrect as the minute hand is on the VII which is eight
    1 five minute
    2 miley took the longest three qauters of an hour is 45 minutes and the extra 5 minutes makes 50 minutes ezra did her’s in 3 ten minutes which is 30 minutes
    twenty minutes to ten twenty minites to four

    1. Nabiha I.


      1 10 min past 2
      2 half past 9
      3 5min past 12
      4 2min past 4
      5 25 past 7
      6 20 past 11

  14. Toleen S.


    1. 10 past 2
    2. Half past 9
    3. 5 past 12
    4. 10 past 4
    5. 25 past 7
    6. 20 past 11


    1. C is the odd one out because none of the clocks show c.
    2. Kayla is correct because VIII is 8 and the hour hand needs to be at 4 and the minute hand needs to be on 8.


    1. Seth has 5 minutes left to tidy his room because 25 +5 +35=65 mins which is 1 hour and 5 mins and 1 hr 10 mins -1hr 5mins =5 mins.
    2. Miley took 50 mins and Ezra took 30 mins so Miley took the longest.


    1. The hour hand can point to any hour. For example: the time could be 12 to 12 with the minute hand in between 9 and 10 and the hour hand on 12.
    2. The time could be half past 3 with the minute hand in between 3 and 4 and the hour hand on 6.

    1. Jegor S.

      1.10past 2
      2. Half past 9
      3.5 past 12
      4. 10 past 4
      5. 25 past 7
      6. 20 past 11
      B is the one odd one out because the b is 10 past 6 and the a c d is 5 minute past 5 .

  15. Ebnezere A.

    C because it is not there
    Kayla is correct because 4×5=20 and the clock follow 1 timetable which is the 5xtables.
    She spent 65 minutes to clean her room.
    Ezra was the quickest because she took 30 minutes and Miley took 50 minutes.
    1, 3:48

  16. Carter D.

    10 minutes past 2
    Half past 9
    Five minutes past 12
    10 minutes past 4.
    25 minutes past 7
    20 minutes past 11.


    Twenty five minutes past 11 is the odd one out
    Kayla is right because VIII is 8 which would be 20 minutes till 4

  17. Mustafa A.

    1) half past 9
    2)five past 12
    3)10 past 4
    4)25 past 7
    5)20 past 11

    1) five minutes past 5
    2) Kayla is right

    1) Seth spent 65mins
    2)Miley took the longest

  18. Hamida K.

    1. 2:10
    2. 9:30
    3. 2:05
    4. 4:10
    5. 7:25
    6. 11:20
    1.)The odd one out is the second one.
    2.)Kayla is correct because she did it 20 minitues to whereas Jerry diid 20 minitues past 4.

  19. Jari V.

    1, 10 Mon past 2.
    2, Half past 9.
    3, 12.05, 5 past 12.
    4, 4.10, 10 past 4.
    5, 7.25, 25 min past 7.
    6, 11.20, 20 past 11.

    1, C, Twenty five minutes past 11 because there is no clock for this answer.
    2, Kayla is correct because 20 minutes to 4 on the clock is VIII.

    1, 25+5+35= 1hr and 5mi, so there would be 5min spare

  20. Bhavdeep B.

    2. Half past 9.
    3. 5 minutes past 12.
    4.10 minutes past 4.
    5. 25 minutes past 7.
    6. 20 minutes past 11

    1.C twenty-five minutes past eleven
    2. kayla is right because time 3.40
    there is 60 minutes in one hour

    1. seth has left 5 minutes
    because one hours means 60 minutes
    and he has 10 more minutes
    he spent 25+5+35=65

    2. Miley took the longest time because
    three quarters means 15+15+15
    and more 5 minutes
    and Ezra took three 10 means 10+10+10=30
    50-30=20 minutes
    so Miley took 20 minutes extra than Ezra

    1. it shows 12 minutes to an hour
    I think it’s 3 past 48 minutes
    2. its 12 minutes to 4

  21. Aiza B.

    2). 30 minutes past 9.
    3)5 minutes past 12.
    4) 10 minutes past 4.
    5)25 minutes past 7.
    6)20 minutes past 11.
    1)C is the odd one out because it shows 25 minutes past 11.
    2) Kayla is right because the minute hand is pointing to VIII which means 8.
    Seth spent 65 minutes altogether.He had 70 minutes to spend so 5 minutes left behind.
    Ezra was the quickest because she took 30 minutes and Miley took 50 minutes.

  22. Abigail F.

    1) Ten minute past two
    2) Half past Nine
    3) Five minutes past twelve
    4) Ten minutes past four
    5) Twenty-five minute past seven
    6) Twenty minute past eleven.
    1) Twenty-five minute past eleven is odd one out.
    2) Kayla is correct because twenty minute to harm arm should point at 8.
    1) 1 hour and 10 minute is equal to 70 minutes. He used his 65 minute of 70 minute. So that he has left 5 minute.
    2) 3 quarter of an hour is equal to 45 minutes. 3 lots of 10 minute is 30 minutes. So, Miley took the longest.
    1) Twelve minute to
    2) 20 minutes past 3.

  23. Jebrin Y.

    1) Half Past 9
    2) 5 Minutes Past 12
    3) 10 Minutes Past 4
    4) 25 Minutes Past 7
    5) 20 Minutes past 11
    1) C is the odd one out. None of the 3 clocks are 25 Minutes Past 11.
    2) Kayla is correct as the time is 3:40 so 8 is correct.
    1) Seth has 5 minutes left as he spent 1 hr 5 minutes.
    1) 3:56
    2) 3:25

  24. Hamza M.

    1. The clock shows 10 minutes past 2.
    2. The clock shows Half past 9.
    3. The clock shows 5 minutes past 12.
    4. The clock shows 10 minutes past 4.
    5. The clock shows 25 minutes past 7.
    6. The clock shows 20 minutes past 11.
    1. The first clock shows 10 minutes past 6.
    The second clock shows 5 minutes to five.
    The third clock shows 5 minutes past 5.
    So the odd one out is C, the twenty-five minutes past eleven.
    2. Kayla is right because the time is 20 minutes to 4,so the minute hand should be on 8.

  25. Hamza M.

    1. Seth has 5 minutes left to clean his room because 25 minutes + 5 minutes = 30 minutes
    and 35 minutes + 30 minutes + 5 minutes = 65
    minutes so that’s why Seth has 5 minutes left.
    2. Miley has 3 quarters of an hour,that means 15+15+15=45+5=50 minutes.
    Ezra has 3 lots of 10,that means she has 30 minutes to finish the homework.
    Miley took the longest because she spent 50 minutes to finish her homework, and 50 minutes are longer than the 30 minutes.
    1. The time with the lost hour hand could be 48 past 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 or 12.
    Or it could be 12 minutes to 1,2,3,4 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 or 12.
    2. The time with the lost minute hand could be quarter past 3 or half past 3 and the minute hand could be at 3 or 6.

  26. Andreea-Maya M.

    1. The first one is courter to two
    2. The second one is half past 9
    3. The third one is counter past 12
    4. The forth one is 30minits and one

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Well done Maya ☺️ Great effort! Have a look again for me, as some of these aren’t quite right.

  27. Abdelraham A.

    2:10 9:30 12:05 4:10 7:25 11:20
    the odd one out is d because it says to not past like the other times d= 4:55
    Seth has 5 minutes left to tidy his room because 35+25=1 hour 1 hour +5 minutes = 1 hour and 5 minutes

  28. Mustafa Z.

    1) 2:10
    2) 9:30
    3) 12:05
    4) 4:10
    5) 7:25
    6) 11:20

    1) Odd one out is C
    2) Kayla is correct because twenty to four is also 3:40 which means the minute hand is on 8.

    1) He has 5 Mins left because he took 1 hour 5 mins to tidy his room.
    2) Ezra was the quickest because she took 30 minutes and Miley took 50 minutes.

    1. Miss Jephcott

      Good effort Mustafa ☺️

  29. Sumaya O.

    1. 10 minutes past2

    2.30 minutes past 9 .
    3. 5 minutes past 12
    4. 10 minutes past 4 .
    5. 25 minutes past 7 .
    6. 20 minutes past 11.

    The odd one out is C because does not have a that represents it .
    Kayla is correct because the hand has to be on 8 which is VIII.

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