Year 2 have been set a challenge by Francesca Simon to review her book ‘Spider School’. We hope their reviews will encourage others to read this fantastic story!

Use these sentence openers to help you to share your opinion.

I enjoyed the part where … because

I didn’t like it when … because

It was funny when …

I liked/disliked the main character because … 

I would recommend this book to … because…

35 responses to “Year 2 Spider School”

  1. Aadam R.

    I enjoyed the part when the dinner lady swinged a spider in Kates face because it was funny.
    I didn’t like it when the gorilla shouted in Kates face because it is not nice and is rude.
    It was funny when the Kate ran to her bedroom and out the cover on her because she was scared.
    I liked the main character because she was nice and friendly.
    I would recommend this book for it is funny.

  2. Muhammed H.

    I enjoyed the part where she didn’t eat the spider 🕷 ,because if she eats the spider she will be affected.I didn’t it when she when she ran out of the school,because it was really un nice .it was funny when she when she ran out of the bathroom and naked

  3. Sidrah S.

    1. I like when the lady put the spider in her mouth becuase it is funny. 2 . It was not funny when the golrra opens the door becuase it was boring.

  4. Raeesa M.

    I enjoyed the part when the dinner lady ate the spider 🕷
    It was funny when When kate and her friends shouted

  5. Eliza N.

    I enjoyed the part where she knocked on the door because she knocked on the door her hardest. I didn’t like it when the dinner lady ate a spider because It made me want to vomit 🤢. It was funny when she said I Want To Go Home

  6. Ameena I.

    I enjoyed the part where where she standing up to herself .
    I didn’t like it when the teacher eat a spider because it was discussed.
    It was funny when wen it showedtid 😂👍.
    I Like the grill and I do lik don’t like the dinnerladee👎👎😾

  7. Hadiya M.

    1) I enjoyed the part where the dinner lady ate the spider because it was very very very funny.
    2) I didn’t like it when the gorilla shouted because it was very loud.
    3) It was funny when the gorilla said the first alphabet was z.
    4) I liked the main character because she shouted back at the gorilla 🦍.
    5) I would recommend this book to go every in the whole wide world 🌍.

  8. Adrian O.

    1. I enjoyed the part where the dinner lady ate the spider.
    2. I didn’t like when Kate was scared because its sad.
    3. It was funny when the kids said they didn’t want to eat snakes , slugs , spiders and snails.
    4. I liked when Kate went to her real school and I dislike when she was scared.
    5. I would recommend this book to anyone because it’s good.

  9. Neda S.

    I enjoyed the part when gorilla opened the door and said you are late.
    I didn’t like the part when Kate woke up and came out the left side and said where’s my clothes and mum said it’s gone.
    It was funny when Kate ask the gorilla can I go to the toilet and the gorilla said no toilet allowed in this class.
    I liked when the dinner lady was about to eat the spider and I dislike when Kate had to wear her dirty clothes.
    I would recommend this book to my friends so they can read it

  10. Hamza M.

    I don’t like the part when the gorilla said stupid I dislike the gorilla because he was rude

  11. Minnah M.

    I enjoyed the part were the dinner lady ate a spider because Kate ran away. I didn’t like it when the gorilla was mean because Kate was scared.
    It was funny when Kate woke up on the wrong side of the bed.I liked Kate because she was funny. I disliked the gorilla 🦍 because he was mean 😭.I would rocommend this book 📖 to Toleen

  12. Nabiha I.

    I enjoyed the part where the dierlade ate the spider .I didn’t like when
    she got a gorilla teacher.It was funny when ther was no toy Lea.
    I liked/disliked the main character because it was funny weird.

  13. Arjun G.

    I enjoyed the part of the lady eat the spider
    I don’t like when the gorilla shouted
    It was funny when Kate shouted at the gorilla

  14. Ibrahim I.

    I enjoyed the part where the lady ate the spider because She said they are
    good and yummy.
    2.It was funny 😆 when the gorilla 🦍 was shutting at them.

  15. Ranj M.

    I enjoyed the part where It was actually a dream all time because the teacher was not a gorilla.
    I didn’t like the dinner lady eating the spider because it is disgusting.
    The gorilla wore a dress .
    I liked the character Kate because she was nice.
    I dislike the character the gorilla, because horrible , disrespect .

  16. Hamida K.

    I enjoyed the part where the children screamed at the gorilla because they did not like snails and spiders.
    I did not like it when Kate had a dream because it was scary. It was funny when Kate saw her teacher.
    I liked the main character because she did not like snails.
    I recommend the book because people will think it is funny.

  17. Toleen S.

    I enjoyed the part where the gorilla said there’s no seats
    I didn’t like she; the gorilla said the first letter is z
    It was funny when she was just dreaming
    I liked Kate because she is interesting
    I would recommend this book ’ to Minnah because she is my friend📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📕📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📗📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙📙

  18. Alisha S.

    I didn’t like the part when the dinner lady ate the spider because it is weird
    I liked ending when she woke up and had a good day
    It was funny because the gorilla was dumb
    I liked the main character because she was funny

  19. Jebrin Y.

    I enjoyed the part when the lady puts the spider in her mouth because it is disgusting. I didn’t like it when the gorilla shouts at Kate because its loud. It was funny when the children said we won’t eat them. I liked Kate because you see her the most. I will recommend it to younger children because they might find it funny.

  20. Emil D.

    I enjoyed the part when the dinner lady was hanging a spider by her mouth.🕷🕸
    I didn’t like when the gorrila said there’s no seats,table’s,and no worksheet’s.☹️
    It was funny when she woke up and knew it was all a dream.😴
    I liked the Robbie,I disliked the gorilla.🦍
    I would recommend this book to Alisha.🔮

  21. Zakariyah T.

    I enjoyed the part where she saw her friend Robbie because it was Happy

  22. Tinuola T.

    I enjoyed the part where Miss Gillet showed Kate the school.
    I didn’t like when the dinner lady dropped a spider In her mouth.
    It was funny when the gorilla said no no toilets here.
    I liked the main character because she has orange hair.
    I would recommend this book to 5 – 11 year olds.

  23. Rexford A.

    I enjoyed the part when the gorilla shouted because it was really funny.
    I didn’t like it when there were no toilets because it’s not good to hold a pee or poo. It was funny when the children almost ate slugs,snails,spiders. I like when the children said we don’t like spiders,snails and slugs. I would recommend the book for 6-10 because it looks like a book for their age group.

  24. Ilyas K.

    I enjoyed the part where the dinner lady ate the spider.
    I didn’t like it when Kate ran out of school.
    It was funny when the dinner lady ate the spider, it was disgusting and creepy and the children’s reactions were funny.
    I like Kate, the main character because she was focuses at school. She wanted to do work.
    I would recommend this book to my parent, I think they will enjoy reading it.

  25. Rayan M.

    I enjoyed the part where The gorilla shouted oh yes you do because it made me happy.
    I didn’t like it when Kate lost her school uniform because she had to wear a dirty old skirt.
    It was funny when The gorilla put the spoon with a spider into a children’s mouth.
    I liked The main character because her school was a dungeon.
    I would recommend this book to my dad because he likes reading books.

  26. Jad A.

    I enjoyed the part where Kate woke up and didn’t find her clothes 1.

  27. Tasneem S.

    I Like when the dinner lady eat the spider 🕷

  28. Hamza M.

    I enjoyed the story because it was funny when the lady was eating the spider and I like the part when she had a new school because she was Happy

  29. Havin A.

    I enjoyed the part where she said A is the start of the alphabet because it was wrong it was Z.
    I didn’t like it when the dinner lady put a spider in her mouth because it was rude because her mouth was drawling.
    It was funny when the gorilla shouted because it was a gorilla talking.
    I liked it when she saw her friend robie beacaus it was a happy ending.
    I dislike it when she shouted because it’s very rude.
    I will recommend this book to my mom because she is caring

  30. Sumayyah A.

    I enjoyed the part where she found her new school because she was happy.
    I didn’t like the dinner lady eating the spider because she was disgusting .
    It was funny when she got shocked because she was so funny.
    I like the the main character because she is cute .
    I would recommend this book to my friends because they love it.😁

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