Year 2 have been learning about Judaism and the importance of being respectful of others. We have worked hard to gain knowledge and show how the Broad Heath Values can help us.

106 responses to “Year 2 SMSC-Judaism”

  1. Manha S.

    What was the best time of the Judaism ✡️ guys

    1. Manha S.

      You’ve got a good learning year 2 , keep it up
      I appreciate it

  2. Muhammed H.

    Oops Third is a dreidel

    1. Muhammed H.

      Not third is a dreidel is the second one

  3. Muhammed H.

    First is a Seder plate

    Second is a Menorah

    Third is a driedel

  4. Charis O.

    This is amazing year 2!. Good learning about Judeisum!

  5. Sumayyah A.

    Wow good behaviour year two .

  6. Alisha S.

    Oooh 😯 year 2 can you tell me something about Judaism?

  7. Kaif B.

    Great job for learning about Judism.

  8. Naimol A.

    cute kid’s and well done

  9. Muhammad K.

    Well done everybody that are learning about Judaism

  10. Afreen S.

    Wow well done for learning about Judaism

  11. Israa F.

    Wow! You guys did super well! What did u enjoy in Judaism SMCS?

  12. Bahar K.

    Wow! Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m glad to have found out things I did not know about Judaism!

  13. Liyana M.

    1. Seder plate
    2. Menorah
    3. Dreidel

  14. Sara H.

    a seder plate
    a menorah
    a game of dreidel

  15. Maddox B.

    Well done children

  16. Karanbir B.

    1 Seder plate
    2 driedel?
    3 the children are playing dreidel

  17. Ayaan M.

    1) Seder plate
    2) Dreidel/Menorah
    3) Chess/Dreidel
    And Mrs Raja khan you got tricked because it already says the answers on the blog and that’s why everyone got it correct so sorry about that.

  18. Adam J.

    1) sedat plate
    2) dredali
    3) the children are playing a game.

  19. Ibrahim M.

    1) Seder plate
    2) Menorah
    3) Dreidel

    1. Ibrahim M.

      – Ibrahim and MoW.

  20. Jasmine P.

    It is a Seder plate
    This is Deridel

  21. Maryam K.

    1. Seder plate.
    2. Menorah
    3. Dreidel

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      Thank you for listening so well.

    2. Maryum N.

      1 Seder plate
      2 Menorah
      3 Dreidl

  22. Noah M.

    1.It’s a seder
    2. It’s a menorah
    3.It’s a dreidel

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      I am very impressed!

  23. Evie T.

    1 sedat plate 2 Menorah

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      1. It was a Seder plate.
      2. It was a Menorah.
      Thank you

  24. Roshaan K.

    1seder plate2 Menorah 3 Dreidel

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      Good learning!

  25. Elgin A.

    1) seder plate
    2) menorah
    3) Dreidel

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      Thank you

  26. Iqra A.

    1)seder plate 2)menorah 3)dreidel

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      Thank you for listening so well.

  27. Elgin A.

    1) Sedar plate

  28. Roshaan K.

    1 seder plate 2 Menorah 3 Dreidel

  29. Haseeb B.


    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      Well done you have been listening!
      (Seder plate)

  30. Noah M.

    1 sedar plate
    2 menorah
    3 dreidel

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