Dear Parents,

As you know previously year 2 have been part of official assessments and have sat the SATs. This year there is no official requirement for schools to partake in year 2 SATS. The papers are however printed and distributed. We have decided that as part of our assessment we will sit these papers, however gradings are not officially reported and the scores will support out teacher judgement on your child. You will know from parents meeting that the children sat some assessments in the spring term and this helped inform your child’s grade at the end of the term. The papers will be used in the same way.  You will find out where your child is working in their school report at the end of the year.

There is nothing for your child to worry about. Grades do not form part of any league tables they are just for our use in school.

We will be doing these assessments this half term.

Any questions please speak to a member of the year 2 team.

5 responses to “Year 2 SATs info”

  1. Maryam K.

    Thanks for the information

  2. Sukhmanpreet K.

    Thanks for the information

  3. Ziad H.

    Thank you!

  4. Ayaad H.

    Thanks for the information.

  5. Grace C.

    Thank you for the information.

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