Please remember to wear your PE kit on Monday!

Hi Year 2. Below is a copy of your homework for this week. Please choose two out of the three activities and comment on the blog below when you have completed them.

87 responses to “Year 2 Homework – Week 4”

  1. Kinza A.

    I got 88 % on my first one and on my 2nd one I got 100 %

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great work, Kinza!

  2. Max P.

    I competed all my homework

    1. Max P.


  3. Dean-Junior L.

    I have completed my homework

  4. Hadiya M.

    I have completed both of my ededucation for both I got 100%.๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘

  5. Ranj M.

    I have completed all my education city homework and I have got 100% on all of it.

  6. Isaiah W.

    English l got 75%

  7. Isaiah W.

    I got 100% on maths

  8. Minnah M.

    I got 100% on making connections.

  9. Minnah M.

    I have two attempts the first 1 l got 88% and the 2nd one l got 94%

  10. Mrs Penavega

    Well done everyone!

  11. Arjun G.

    i got 100% on my educational city

  12. Ebeid M.

    In maths and English I got 100%.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great scores, Ebeid!

  13. Safa M.

    I have completed all my education city homework and I have got 100% on all of it.

  14. Raeesa M.

    I have completed my homework

  15. Aiza B.

    I have got ๐Ÿ’ฏ in both task on education city.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Super star, Aiza! โญ๏ธ

  16. Abigail F.

    I completed “Making Connections” game on the Education city. I scored 100%.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Well done, Abigail!

  17. Jari V.

    I have finished my homework and got 100% on Educational City ๐Ÿ˜„

  18. Ebnezere A.

    on education city I got 100%

  19. Yasmin A.

    I scored 88 % in English.
    I scored 81 %in maths.

  20. Ariyan S.

    I have uploaded my work.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Thank you Ariyan, well done!

  21. Simeongeya W.

    I did my homework on maths, I have got 100% on English I have got 72% in English.

  22. Neda S.

    I have got 100% on the face of it and making connections on education city.

  23. Javishan R.

    I completed the contraction game on education city 100% and then .
    I played on the face of it it and scored 94%.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great scores, make sure you are completing the correct tasks, Javishan.

  24. Aadam R.

    WOW homework has been uploaded

  25. Hamza M.

    i got 94% for on the face of it
    88% for making connections
    and 75% for squire straits

    1. Mrs Browning

      Super work, Hamza!

  26. Zainullah S.

    i got 100%on education city

    1. Mrs Browning

      Super star, Zainullah

  27. Havin A.

    I got 81% maths and 100% on English I also did my wow work and sent it

  28. Eliza N.

    I completely my English and maths Challenge and I scored 100%๐Ÿ˜Š

  29. Zainullah S.

    I have done my homework on Education city and my scored 70%

    1. Mrs Browning

      Well done!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  30. Toleen S.

    I scored 100% in both educational city

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