Hello Year 2, Here is your first homework for Autumn 2. Please remember that your homework needs to be completed by Wednesday and your book brought into school for marking. Have a super weekend and don’t forget to read your book, practise your spellings and learn your times tables.

53 responses to “Year 2 Homework. Week 1”

  1. Dominik B.

    Dominik scored 100% on education City and has completed his maths homework .

  2. Ella K.

    I scored 83.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Well done Ella! Which other piece have you completed?

  3. Sarah B.

    Sarah has done her maths and literacy homework and has noted it in her book

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Please bring your book, so I can see this. Thank you!

  4. Nichollas B.

    Ok,I made the homework, thank you

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Which other piece have you done?

  5. Roshaan K.

    Roshaan has completed his home work and math work is recorded on the home work book. Thanks

  6. Yusuf A.

    Yusuf has done his homework and it’s all in his homework book. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Thank you! Great effort Yusuf.

  7. Hannah B.

    I have completed my homework

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Which other piece have you completed Hannah?

  8. Muhammed I.

    Ibrahim completed his homework on education city and he done math homework on his book

  9. Sanya S.

    Sanya had dome her maths and 70% on her education city

  10. Adam A.

    I scored 100% in my story quiz

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Well done Adam, great score!

  11. Haseeb B.

    I have scored 100 on education city

  12. Maximilian J.

    I have completed my homework.

  13. Zakir F.

    I have completed my homework and I got 100%

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Well done Zak!

  14. Zakir F.

    I have completed my homework and I got 100%

  15. Murtaza A.

    I have completed my maths homework in my homework book and on education city i got 92%.

  16. Waniya Z.

    Waniya complete the math homework on her homework book,
    She done her education city homework she got %100.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Please can you bring your homework book in Waniya.

  17. Noah M.

    I have done my homework in my homework book.

  18. Advika B.

    I have completed my maths homework in my homework book.
    I have also completed my English homework on the educational city and got 100%.

  19. Jasmine P.

    Jasmine done her education city she got 100% and she done her maths or wow challenge

  20. Aqsa S.

    Aqsa done her homework week 1

  21. Maryam K.

    Maryam has completed all her homework and will bring it in.

  22. Iqra A.

    I have completed my homework.

  23. Iqra F.

    I have done my Maths homework.

  24. Esa I.

    I have completed edication city

  25. Liyana M.

    I have completed my maths homework in my book. I have also completed my English homework on educational city and got 100%.

  26. Duaa A.

    Duaa has completed her education city task/ 100 %.

    She has also done her maths and handwriting homework in her books.

  27. Iqra F.

    I have completed the education city story challenge and scored 100%

  28. Salman O.

    I have done my homework.

  29. Maryum N.

    Maryum has done education city and got 100% and has done her maths in her homework book .

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Well done Maryum. Great score!

  30. Evie T.

    Evie has completed the education city story challenge and her maths calculations have been completed in her homework book

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