Hello Year 2. We hope you have had a lovely start to the Summer term. Below is your homework. Please remember to practise your spellings, times tables and read your story book. Have a lovely weekend.

41 responses to “Year 2 Homework. Summer 1 Week 1”

  1. Liyana M.

    Liyana has completed the reading challenge and wrote her maths homework in her book.

  2. Natan R.

    I completed the reading challenge on the blog and I doing my maths in my book

  3. Warizah I.

    Warizah completed her homework maths and reading challenge

  4. Aqsa S.

    Aqsa has done her homework both

  5. Saalihah H.

    Half of 10 is 5
    Half of 16 is 8
    Half of 14 12
    Half of 20 is 10
    Half of 24 is 12

  6. Dominik B.

    Dominik has completed his maths homework and the reading challenge .

  7. Iqra S.

    iqra has done it

  8. Freya S.

    When was Roald Dahl born?
    September 13th 1916

    Where was he born? Wales

    Name a book that he wrote.
    Charlie & Chocolate factory

    How old was Roald Dahl when his father died? 4 years old

    How many books did Roald Dahl write?
    He wrote 19 books

    Sorry I didn’t write in my homework book, i put in the box near my class room.

  9. Huzaifah J.

    I have completed both of my homework

  10. Aiyla S.

    Aiyla has completed her homework

  11. Huzaifa S.

    I have completed my Maths homework in my homework book. I have completed my English reading challenge on the blog.

  12. Maximilian J.

    I have completed maths homework and English challenge in my homework book.

  13. Neron O.

    I have completed my homework

  14. Murtaza A.

    I have completed my maths homework but it won’t let me download the reading challenge text to read.

  15. Zakariyah A.

    I have done all of my homework

  16. Haseeb B.

    Half of 10 = 5
    Half of 16 = 8
    Half of 14 = 7
    Half of 20 = 10
    Half of 24 = 12

    1. Freya S.

      Half of 10 = 5♡

      Half of 16 = 8♡

      Half of 14 = 7♡

      Half of 20 = 10♡

      Half of 24 = 12 ♡

  17. Ella K.

    I did my homework in my homework book 📚

  18. Jasmine P.

    Mathes. half of 10is5.
    half of 16is 8.
    half of 14is7

    half of 20is 10

  19. Ella K.

    Roald Dahl was born on September 13th. He was born in Wales. A book that Roald Dahl wrote is matilda. He was 4years old when his father died.he wrote 19 books

  20. Hannah B.

    I have completed my maths and English homework in my homework book

  21. Roshaan K.

    Roshaan has completed maths and reading challenge. The work is noted in home work book. Thanks!

  22. Salman O.

    1. Half of 10 is 5
    2. Half of 16 is 8
    3. Half of 14 is 7
    4. Half of 20 is 10
    5. Half of 24 is 12

  23. Kayla P.

    I have completed my maths homework in my homework book and my English homework on the reading challenge blog.

  24. Zakir F.

    I have completed both my maths and literacy homework.

  25. Khadija B.

    i completed the homework challenge on the BH blog

  26. Khadija B.

    i completed my maths homework in my homework book!

  27. Maryam K.

    I have completed my reading challenge on the blog

  28. Hamasah Y.

    Hamasah has done her homework.

  29. Sara H.

    ive completed my maths and english homework in my homework book

    1. Nichollas B.

      1/2 of 10 = 5
      1/2 of 16 = 8
      1/2 of 14 = 7
      1/2 of 20 = 10
      1/2 of 24 = 12

  30. Bilal U.

    Bilal has completed his week 1 maths and english homework.

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