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Year 2 Homework – Spring 1 Week 1

Hello Year 2. We hope you all had a great holiday. Here is your first homework of the spring term. Remember, you can choose two out of the three learning activities. You can complete all three if you wish! Don’t forget to practise your spellings and your times tables. Also please read a little of your reading book each evening to an adult and get them to sign your diary. Homework needs to be completed by Wednesday. Have a lovely weekend!


Please send a photo of your work to https://broadheathcoventrysch-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/liz_penavega_broadheath_coventry_sch_uk/Ere2v_mmeMZIpUGIPTkWTi0B5xjma37HYPqp_aJ0ruSNPw

71 responses to “Year 2 Homework – Spring 1 Week 1”

  1. Shemaiah W.

    I have done my education city and I scored 73% for the first one and the second one I scored 100%.

  2. Yasmin A.

    I have sent my English work and maths in education City I scored 69
    % .

    1. Miss Nahar

      Well done.

  3. Ibrahim I.

    Hello, I have done my math’s homework and I’ve gotten a perfect score of ‘100%’
    I also did my “Wow” challenge and I have drawn a parrot. I have sent the picture. I also sent the frog life cycles picture. I used my creative imagination.

    1. Miss Nahar

      Great work Ibrahim

  4. Mya F.

    I have uploaded my cow fact file now

  5. Safa M.

    I have got 100% in my Education City 5x Table Homework.

    1. Safa M.

      I have completed all 3 of my homework.

  6. Hamza M.

    I have uploaded my work.

  7. Esa A.

    I have completed my Maths and Literacy homework.

  8. Ameera K.

    I got 87% on math in education city.

  9. Ilyas K.

    I have sent my WOW homework about elephants.

  10. Hamza M.

    I have done my 5x homework and got 100%.

  11. Siyam A.

    I have done the cycle of a butterfly.

  12. Neda S.

    I have also uploaded my frog cycle aswell.

  13. Havin A.

    I did my English and wow homework I used bubble wrap, chocolate wrapper and tissue paper for my frog life cycle

    1. Havin A.

      I got 80% on education city

  14. Neda S.

    I got 100% in my education city.

  15. Siyam A.

    I scorerd 93% on Maths home work.

  16. Faris B.

    Faris scored 100 % and 93 % on education City and I’ve uploaded his wow homework ๐Ÿ‘

  17. Ariyan S.

    I have completed my education city I got 100% and I done the life cycle of a frog.
    I have sent the pictures.

  18. Ebnezere A.

    I have done my Education city first I scroll 93% and when I try again I scroll 100%

  19. Haroon E.

    I have done my education city questions and I uploaded my picture to your sharing link.

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Super Haroon. Well done.

  20. Hamida K.

    I score 100% in my Education City task.

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Great work Hamida. Well done.

  21. Jebrin Y.

    I got 100% on my education city. I also uploaded my life cycle of a frog.

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Super work Jebrin. Well done!

  22. Rexford A.

    Rexford got 100% on education city and has sent his english work to the sharepoint.

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Super work Rexford. Well done.

  23. Aadam R.

    Igot 73 pesent

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Well done Aadam. Why don’t you have another go and see if you can improve your score even more?

      1. Aadam R.

        Ok I will try. Life cycle of a frog has been sent.

        1. Aadam R.

          I got 93 pesent

  24. Aadam R.

    Igot73 pesent

  25. Yasiin H.

    I have done my homework at Education city and not 100% and 87%.

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Great news Yasiine. I have just seen your work on the homework gallery too. Well done!

  26. Rayan M.

    I have done my homework education city and I done the cycle of the frog,
    I have sent the picture.

    1. Mrs Penavega

      Great work Rayan. Have a good weekend.

  27. Rayan M.

    I have completed my education city work and my score is 100%.

  28. Ilyas K.

    I have done my 5 x challenge on Education city and scored 100% after 2 tries.

    1. Mrs Penavega

      It’s great that you wanted to improve your score and tried again. Super work.

      1. Ilyas K.

        I have sent video of my frog life cycle.

  29. Mrs Penavega

    Don’t be sorry Mya. Well doneIt is great that you tried again. I can’t wait to see your factfile.

  30. Mya F.

    I have done my education i have done it 2 times beacuse the first time i ran out of time sorry . and now i well create a fact file about a cows and send it in

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