Hello Year 2. Wel hope you had a lovely holiday and had fun. Here is your homework for week 1.

Please don’t forget to practise your reading, spellings and also your times tables too. Have a good weekend. Please send any work to the link. https://broadheathcoventrysch-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/liz_penavega_broadheath_coventry_sch_uk/Euv-uEKYGMRMlOP-hZu1PTYBQ-61uBCRuQ9549n5kfuKng

45 responses to “Year 2 Homework”

  1. Yasmin A.

    I have sent my homework. ๐Ÿ˜„

  2. Mustafa Z.

    I have completed all my homework and uploaded pictures.

  3. Javishan R.

    I completed the bronze, silver and gold maths challenges on the blog.

  4. Jari V.

    I have finished my homework and my Mum has uploaded photo’s.

  5. Aadam R.

    I have done the maths challenge on the blog and I am going to bring my map into school.

  6. Aiza B.

    I have completed my work and sent the pics.

  7. Faris B.

    Faris has completed the maths challenge on the blog and I’ve uploaded the treasure map to the sharepoint.

  8. Alya M.

    I sent my homeworkโ€™s

  9. Dean-Junior L.

    I have completed my homework and sent a picture of the treasure map to share point .

  10. Ebeid M.

    I completed the maths challenge.

  11. Yasiin H.

    I have completed my math challenge.

  12. Mohammed K.

    I did my maths challenge

  13. Rexford A.

    I have completed the maths challenge and have sent my treasure map to the sharepoint.

  14. Hamza M.

    I have done my Maths challenge and completed the pirate map.
    I have uploaded my pictures.

  15. Rayan M.

    I have done all my homework

  16. Ibrahim I.

    I have completed the Maths challenge and I’ll bring my map in to school.

  17. Zainullah S.

    I have finished maths and wow challenge.

  18. Ameena I.

    I have completed math challenge and wow homework.

  19. Sidrah S.

    I finished my homework.

  20. Muhammad K.

    I completed the maths challenge on the blog. I did the Bronze, silver and gold challenges.

  21. Hamida K.

    I have completed my maths challenge on the maths blog.

  22. Ilyas K.

    I completed the bronze, silver and gold maths challenges on the blog.

  23. Abdelrahman A.

    I have come up Education city

    1. Abdelrahman A.

      I have completed Education city

    2. Abdelrahman A.

      I completI completed my education City

  24. Jebrin Y.

    I uploaded my treasure map and I did the maths challenge.

  25. Neda S.

    I have completed my maths challenge on the blog

  26. Neda S.

    I have completed my maths challenge on the blog alongside my wow homework

  27. Eva H.

    i did my pirate map

  28. Eva H.

    i have done my education city

  29. Esa A.

    I have completed my maths and wow homework.

  30. Shemaiah W.

    I have finished my homework.

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