Hi Year 2. Below is your homework for this week. Have a great weekend superstars!

Please send a copy of your homework to https://broadheathcoventrysch-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/liz_penavega_broadheath_coventry_sch_uk/EsD2gHjBK3NPlVAWq5QMrZEB9FhU4vyy6lwlqWIlIYBlzA

Below is a link to Y2 homework overview on the blog.


52 responses to “Year 2 Homework”

  1. Bhavdeep B.

    I have uploaded my homework

  2. Dean-Junior L.

    I have done all 3 pieces of homework and my mum has uploaded it for me .

  3. Yusuf S.

    I have completed my maths hwk tonight and my mum will upload it to the blog. Thank you :)

  4. Ariyan S.

    I have uploaded my work.

  5. Yasmin A.

    I have sent my work

  6. Hamza M.

    I have uploaded my work . 😊

  7. Simeongeya W.

    Samuel Pepys was in Salisbury court Fleet street, London on 23 February 1633.
    He served as diary administrator of the Navy of England and member of parliament.

  8. Shemaiah W.

    Samuel Pepys was born in London,
    He served as diary administrator of the Navy of England and member of parliament.

  9. Safa M.

    I done my work and I send.

  10. Simeongeya W.

    I went to buy bread for £95.
    Here is the ways of paying:

  11. Yasiin H.

    I would like to buy a pack of lollipop £1 50 +50 =£1
    Samuel Pepys He was born 23 February 1633 and died 26 May1703
    Clappham Town London and Education at Magdalene college University
    of cambridge.

  12. Toleen S.

    I have uploaded my work.

  13. Yasiin H.

    I would like to buy a pack of lollipop £1 50 +50 =£1

  14. Faris B.

    I’ve uploaded Faris’s literacy work and wow homework.

  15. Eliza N.

    I have completed 2 pieces of homework and my mum has uploaded 🤗.

  16. Havin A.

    I have done my English and wow homework
    My mommy sent it now

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have uploaded your work, Havin
      Great efforts, well done!

  17. Alya M.

    i sent my homework

  18. Rexford A.

    I have finished my work and sent it to the share point.

  19. Aiza B.

    Aiza has sent the giant poster.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have uploaded it, Aiza 👍🏻

  20. Aadam R.

    Aadams homework has been uploaded

  21. Ameera K.

    Surprise egg 60p
    chocolate bar 39p
    lollipop 20p
    ice cream 99p

    £1= 50p+50p
    ** English
    I uploaded Ameera’s work.

  22. Ebeid M.

    I would like to buy a pack of crisps for 75p I could use 50p+20p+5p.
    The giant has a ugly face.
    The giant has big nose.
    Samuel pepys
    was born in London.
    Every day he writes in his diary about London.

  23. Javishan R.

    I would like to buy lollipop 30p
    I can use it (10p+10p +10p =30p)
    I would like to buy chocolate 25p
    I can use it (20p+5p= 25p)
    I would like to buy crisps 69p
    I can use it ( 20p +20p +20p+ 5p+2p +2p)

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great work, Javishan!
      Are there any other ways of making your amounts with different coins?

  24. Javishan R.

    Samuel Pepys PRS was an English diarist and naval administrator. He served as administrator of the Navy of England and Member of Parliament and is most famous for the diary he kept for a decade while still a young man.
    Born: 23 February 1633, London
    Died: 26 May 1703, Clapham Town, London
    Spouse: Elisabeth Pepys (m. 1655–1669)
    Place of burial: St Olave’s Church, Hart Street, London
    Education: Magdalene College University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge, St Paul’s School, more
    Siblings: Paulina Pepys, John Pepys

    1. Mrs Browning

      Wow! Fantastic retrieval skills, there are some great facts about Samuel Pepys here, Javishan.
      Can you tell me what 2 major events Samuel Pepys write about?

  25. Muhammed H.

    I finished my homework and upload it

  26. Muhammad K.

    Ahyan has done his work

  27. Tinuola T.

    Samuel Pepys was born on the 23rd of February 1633, London.
    He died on the 26th of February, Clapham Town, London.
    His wife was named Elizabeth Pepys.
    Samuel Pepys education was at Hinchinbrooke School, St Paul’s School, Magdalene Collage University of Cambridge finally he went to University of Cambridge. Samuel Pepys siblings were named Paulina Pepys and John Pepys.
    Samuel Pepys place of burial was at St Olave’s Church, Hart Street, London.

  28. Rayan M.

    Samuel Pepys PRS was an English diarist
    He was Born: 23 February 1633, London
    Died: 26 May 1703, Clapham Town, London
    Spouse: Elisabeth Pepys (m. 1655–1669)
    Place of burial: St Olave’s Church, Hart Street, London
    Education: Magdalene College University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge, St Paul’s School, more
    Siblings: Paulina Pepys, John Pepys

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great work, Rayan.
      What items were so important to Samuel Pepys that he buried them, to protect them from the fire?

      1. Rayan M.

        He buried his cheese and wine because they were important for him

  29. Rayan M.

    I would like to buy chocolate for 55p I can use :
    50p + 5p= 55p

    I would like to buy a drink for 79p I can use
    20p +50p +5p +2p +2p= 79p

    I would like to buy crisps for 39p
    I can use 30p+5p + 2p+ 1p+ 1p =39p

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great effort, Rayan.
      I have noticed one little error, is there such thing as a 30p coin?

      1. Rayan M.

        No it 20p and 10p makes 30p

  30. Hamida K.

    -I would like to buy a pair of earings for 90p.
    I could use 50p+20p+20p =90p
    -I would like to buy a rainbow candy cane for 65p.
    I could use 10p+20p+20p+10p+5p =65p
    Facts on Samuel Pepys:
    -Liked the play Macbeth.
    -Born on 23 Feberuary 1633,London.
    -Died at the age of 70 (26 May 1703).
    -An english diarist and naval administrator.
    -Had 2 sibilings.
    Fun Fact:
    -Kept a lion as a pet.

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