To kick start out new unit in Computing, I am a Games Tester, we would like you to play the games linked below. Then state which was your favourite and why.

Ninja Island
Highway Madness
Flappy Bird

What makes games fun?

Everyone has their own opinion about what makes a good game. But a game usually needs good graphics, interesting stories, characters and nice music to make it enjoyable. Other aspects that are important include:


How the game plays is very important. While the look of games has changed a lot over the years it is gameplay that makes you want to play a game. Games must be fun and entertaining.


Challenge is really important in games. If the game is too hard you might become frustrated with it and give up. If a game is too easy you might finish it too quickly and find it boring. Games need to balance these two extremes.


Giving the player feedback is also important. This could be a simple score or unlocking skills or extra levels for players who do very well.

Here are some model responses:
I liked __________ because it had good music.
I thought __________ was the best game because it had simple controls.
The best game was _________ because it was challenging and I wanted to beat my score each time.

50 responses to “Year 2 – Games Testers”

  1. Minnah M.


  2. Neda S.

    I liked flappy bird because it had good music
    i thought the ninja island was the best becase it has simple controls
    the best game was flappy bird because it was challenging.

  3. Eliza N.

    The best game was flappy bird because it was challenging and I wanted to beat my score each time

  4. Musa B.

    I like the ninja game because it hade good music . I thought car game was the best game because it has simple controls.

  5. Shumiyah H.

    because it is a popular game

  6. Alisha S.

    1.I liked ninja island because it had good music🎶
    2.I thought the best game was flappy bird because it had simple controls
    3.the best game was ninja island because it was challenging and I wanted to beat my score each time

  7. Sami J.

    I liked ninger Ilene because it had good music.

  8. Eesaa A.

    I liked Ninja Island because it had great music.
    The best game was highway madness because it was challenging.

  9. Emil D.

    I liked ninja island because the music sounds relaxing.

  10. Nick C.

    I liked NINJA island because it had good music

  11. Shumiyah H.

    I like flappy bird

  12. Halimah K.

    I like flappy bird

    1. Halimah K.

      I like flappy bird because the music is great

  13. Muhammad K.

    I liked madness because it had good music!

  14. Safwan A.

    I like because it had good music flappy bird is the internet
    l Through

  15. Kitan S.

    I liked the Bird because its is fun.

  16. Eva H.

    i liked nija island because it had good music eva

  17. Ranj M.

    I Liked highway because it has good music .

  18. Eva H.

    i liked nija island because it had good music

  19. Hamida K.

    I liked Ninja Island because it had good music

  20. Rexford A.

    i liked flappy bird because it had good music.
    i thought ninja island is the best game because it had simple controls.

  21. Adrian O.

    I liked ninja island because it has good music.
    I thought highway madness was the best game because it had simple controls. The best game was flappy bird because it was challenging and I wanted to beat my score each time.

  22. Hadiya M.

    I liked ninja island because it had good music 🎶.
    I thought Highway Madness was the best game because it had simple controls.The best game was ninja 🌴 because it was challenging and I wanted to beat my score each time.

  23. Ibrahim I.

    I liked Ninja Island because it had good music.
    I thought Highway Madness was the best because it had simple controls.
    The best game was Flappy bird because it was challenging and I wanted to beat my score each time.

  24. Rayan M.

    I liked the games

  25. Rayan M.

    it was 😎

  26. Rayan M.

    it was good

  27. Alya M.

    I. like flappy bird. because it’s fun

  28. Rayan M.

    The game was fun

  29. Hishaam G.

    Because The music is good

  30. Aadam R.

    I liked Flappybird because it had good music.
    I thought Flappybird was the best game because it had simple controls.
    The best game was Flappybird because it was challenging and l want to beat my score each time.

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