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Year 2 Comparing Life in the Victorian Days to Now

Hi Y2, Please read through the information and answer the questions at the end. I look forward to reading your comments :)

Why did children go to work?

Many Victorian children were poor and worked to help their families. Few people thought this was strange or cruel. Families got no money unless they worked, and most people thought work was good for children. The Industrial Revolution created new jobs, in factories and mines. Many of these jobs were at first done by children, because children were cheap – a child was paid less than adults (just a few pennies for a week’s work).

When did children start work?

Many children started work at the age of 5, the same age as children start school today. They went to work as soon as they were big enough. Even a tiny child could feed chickens. Older brothers and sisters took small children to work, perhaps to a factory at the end of the street. Other children worked at home, doing jobs such as washing, sewing, sticking labels on bottles or making brushes.

 What was a Victorian classroom like?

There were maps and perhaps pictures on the wall. There would be a globe for geography lessons, and an abacus to help with sums. Children sat in rows and the teacher sat at a desk facing the class. At the start of the Victorian age, most teachers were men, but later many women trained as teachers.
Children wrote on slates with chalk. They wiped the slate clean, by spitting on it and rubbing with their coat sleeve or their finger! Slates could be used over and over. For writing on paper, children used a pen with a metal nib, dipped into an ink well.

How were children punished?

Discipline in schools was often strict. Children were beaten for even minor wrongdoings, with a cane, on the hand or bottom. A teacher could also punish a child by making them stand in the corner wearing a ‘dunce’s cap’. Another, very boring, punishment was writing ‘lines’. This meant writing out the same sentence (such as ‘Schooldays are the happiest days of my life’ 100 times or more.


Toys in poor homes

Most Victorian toys were made of wood, paper or metal. There were no plastic toys. Poor children usually played with home-made toys. A clothes peg might be turned into a doll, and a lump of wood become a toy boat. A piece of rope could be used for skipping, and rags stuffed with sawdust might become a ball or an animal to cuddle. As a treat, families sometimes bought cheap factory-made toys from a ‘penny stall’ in the market.

CHALLENGE: How is your life different to a Victorian child’s?

42 responses to “Year 2 Comparing Life in the Victorian Days to Now”

  1. Kuwar S.

    In Victorians time, they had no plastic toys but now we have so many toys are made of plastic.
    Now the days , We have notebooks ,pencils and pens but In the Victorian time they had a chalk and slate . They use it again and again.
    In the Victorian time , Children started work at the age of 5 But now days Children go to school .

  2. Ayaad H.

    Our life is different from Victorian children in many ways
    They have to work in factories and mines but we go to school.
    They write on slates with chalk but now we write with a pen on white board and in our books with pencil.
    They play with wood , paper and metal toys which were homemade but now we go to shop and buy plastic toys.
    They get punishment by teacher as they were beaten with a cane, on there hand or bottom but now we do not get these punishment.

  3. Hedy A.

    1. They were poor
    2.5 years old
    3.dark with no lights only candles
    Challenge: I don’t get beat

  4. Pugalini K.

    Our life is very different to Victorian child’s as we wrote in the note books and in school we have digital boards for learning.

    We have lots of toys made of plastics, metals and paper and also we have a internet , mobile phone and television.

  5. Mohamed S.

    In victorian days kids had to work but we don’t have too.
    In victorian days kid only ate one time a day,but now we eat three time or more a

    1. Kuwar S.

      In Victorians time, they had no plastic toys but now we have so many toys are made of plastic.
      Now the days , We have notebooks ,pencils and pens but In the Victorian time they had a chalk and slate . They use it again and again.
      In the Victorian time , Children started work at the age of 5 But now days Children go to school .

  6. Miracle O.

    Our life is different because we have electric white board,s in our school😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

  7. Haaniya I.

    We have electric things but they don’t
    When they get punished they get the cane or they go in the corner and wear the dunces hat

  8. Sukhmanpreet K.

    We have electric city and they don’t ! We have different classroom .We have some plastic toys and they don’t.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Would you like to live in the Victorian era?

  9. Grace C.

    because they were poor.
    Because if they’ve been bad they get beaten.
    A Victorian class is like little fun.
    Grace Kaiden hat I’m

    1. Miss Redhead

      How has life improved for children now?

      1. Grace C.

        We do not get beaten
        we don’ t do chores
        we have computers and nice toys

  10. Samuel N.

    Now we have TVs and 📱 and internet connection to live

  11. Ameera K.

    With a stick

  12. Ameera K.

    To get money 💰.

  13. Miracle O.

    Because they need money.when they are 12.they had a chalkboard.they were punished by getting hits.

  14. Amelia B.

    We have toilets they have chamber pot.

  15. Zayan J.

    We have I pad’s but they have chalkboard’s

  16. Yosias A.

    The only people in my world have the people and the same person for a day I am and the other I think 🤔 will you make me happy 😊

  17. Maryam N.

    l jod vidorina day

  18. Ziad H.

    This day is awesome 😎

  19. Bavisun A.

    yea yea I FrgbbbtbbEveqelksefjkc3@#&. hmygbf

  20. Yosias A.

    Victorians feel sad for the people that have to clean up the floor and at school they get shouted at

  21. Maryam N.

    They have no 📺 but we have 📺

    1. Jannat A.

      Know days we have a TV and Tablets and they don’t

  22. Hosanna N.

    It is different because we don’t have a chamber pot and now we have toilets it is also they have different food From Hosanna and Isabelle😃

  23. Oscar R.

    We have. shoes. they Don’t. they have wood toys we have plastic toys .

  24. Yosias A.

    Don’t get older we don’t feel sad we don’t have orders and we don’t have lashes and we don’t have a dungeon and no one is poor from Yosias and Andrew

  25. Zayaan M.

    We have electricity and electronics the Victorian didn’t. by Zayaan and Abdulkafi

  26. Bavisun A.

    They have a chalkboard now we have a pencil ✏️ and a book 📖

  27. Riya S.

    Children work to get money.
    Many Children started to work in the age of five
    the teacher were very strict and they have to pay they want to go school
    Punished by getting slapped on the bus with a stick and siting on the dungeon chair.

  28. Aiyla I.

    Why did the children go to work?
    So they can get a lot of money.

    When did children go to work?
    When they were only 5.

  29. Martyna Z.

    Now our live is different because now we have iPads. By Martyna and Isa

  30. Rishaan C.

    We have iPads but Victorian children had no electricity. We have Certificates but they didn’t have any of them. Love from Minsa And Rishaan.

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