
Metals come from rocks called ores.
They are strong, hard and shiny materials that can be hammered into different shapes without breaking.
Their properties make them useful for objects such as cutlery, saucepans, cars and coins.

Plastics are materials made from chemicals and are not found in nature. They are strong and waterproof, and can be made into any shape by applying heat. Plastics can also be dyed different colours or made to be transparent.
Plastics are used to make all sorts of things, such as bags, bottles and toys.

Glass is made by melting sand and other minerals together at very high temperatures.
Glass is normally transparent and can be made into many different shapes. Thick glass can be strong, but thin glass will break very easily.
Glass is used for objects that need to be transparent such as windows and spectacles.

Wood comes from trees.
It is strong and long lasting.
Wood is used to make things such as furniture that need to be strong and last a long time.

Fabrics are made from thin fibres woven together.
Some fabrics, such as wool, cotton and silk, are natural (the fibres come from living things).
Some fabrics, such as polyester and nylons are made from synthetic fibres, which are made in factories, from chemicals.
Different fabrics have different properties. Fabrics can be stretchy (a pair of tights), insulating (keep you warm, like a woollen coat) or absorbent (a towel).
Fabrics are used to make clothes as they are flexible and comfortable, can be warm and do not wear out easily.
Write one fact about each material.
Would metal be a good material for a coat? Why?
Would wood be a suitable material for a window? Why?
Would fabric be a good material for a table? Why?
Use a dictionary to find the meaning of: transparent, waterproof, absorbent & flexible.
Think of some different objects of your own. What are they made of? Why is this a suitable material? Use evidence from the text.
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