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Year 1 SMSC Remote Learning (10.03.23)

Today, we were going to continue work on our Christianity unit. The focus was stories Jesus told his followers. These stories were known as ‘parables’, as they taught a valuable lesson on how to live a better life. Please watch the parable of ‘The Good Samaritan’ below then answer the questions.

1. List the 3 people who saw the man lying in the road.
2.How did the Samaritan help the man?
3.What lesson was Jesus trying to teach his followers by telling this story?

33 responses to “Year 1 SMSC Remote Learning (10.03.23)”

  1. Ayaad H.

    Three people who saw man lying on road were the priest, Levi and samaritan.
    Samaritan went to injured man bandage his wounds, he took him on his donkey to doctor paid the bill and helped him.
    Lesson we get from story is be kind to everyone made by God even the people you don’t like.

  2. Amelia B.

    1.The 3 people who saw the man lying in the road were the priest,a Levite and a Samaritan.
    2.The Samaritan bandaged his wounds and brought him to an inn and took care of him.
    3.Jesus was teaching his followers that we should be kind and caring to everyone.

  3. Amaal H.

    The 3 people who saw the man on the road were the Priest, Levi & a Samaritan.
    The Samaritan helped by taking care of him.
    Jesus tried to say that love the people around you.

  4. Samuel N.

    Priest , Levi and a Samaritan
    The Samaritan help him and take him to Inn and pay his bills to looks after him
    Jesus was teaching them To be Kind to people even though you do not know them

  5. Rishaan C.

    1: The priest tag saw him the Livite and Samaritan.

    2. The Samaritan bandage his wound and took him to the hospital

    3. The lesson Jesus teach to love everyone.

    1. Mr Rawlings

      Well done Rishan, yes I think that’s the message well done. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow for Saturday Club.

  6. Safiyyah A.

    A priest, a Levite and a Samaritan
    He helped the man by cleaning his wound.
    That we should all be kind and help others

    1. Mr Rawlings

      I also think it’s important to be kind to others. Well done for answering.

  7. Shanum A.

    A priest, a Levite and a Samaritan.
    He helped by cleaning his wound and looking after him.
    To be kind and helpful

    1. Mr Rawlings

      Well done for answering Shanum, you’re right.

  8. Farhan K.

    1. Priest, Levite, Samaritan
    2. Samaritan put the man on the donkey and took him to the doctors to get better because he was hurt.
    3. To love everyone and be kind to everyone

    1. Mr Rawlings

      I think it’s really important to be kind to everyone no matter who they are.

  9. Abdullah S.

    1. A priest, a Levi & a samaritan.
    2. He helped him by carrying him on his horse and bandaged his wounds.
    3. Love your neighbour, love your God with all your heart and strength.

    1. Mr Rawlings

      I like your answer, loving your neighbour would be considered a way to show your God.

  10. Aiyla I.

    1. A priest – who passed by on the other side of the road,
    A Levite – who also passed by on the other side of the road
    A Samaritan – who stopped to help the injured man.

    2. The Samaritan saw that the man was hurt and needed help, so he cleaned and bandaged the man’s wounds to stop the bleeding. Then, he lifted the man up and put him on his own donkey, taking him to a nearby inn. At the inn, the Samaritan took care of the man, staying with him through the night to make sure he was okay. The next day, the Samaritan had to leave, but he didn’t forget about the man. He gave some money to the innkeeper and asked him to take care of the man until he was fully better. The samaritan promised he will come back and pay the innkeeper for any extra expenses he might have had,

    3. The lesson Jesus wanted to teach is that everyone is our neighbor, and we should love and care for them as we love ourselves.

    1. Mrs J Patel

      I have enjoyed reading your answers. It shows you have a good understanding of the story. I like the word β€˜care’ you have used in your answer for number 3.
      Challenge for a prize: Can you tell me what the number is of our classroom rule that has the word β€˜Care’ in it?

    2. L Mattu

      Well done, I enjoyed reading your comments about the story. Amazing sentences!

  11. Hatim M.

    1.A priest.
    A levi.
    A Samaritan.
    2. He put the man on his donkey and get him to the treatment center. He gave the money to the carer also to take care of him .
    3. The lesson of this story is to help and respect everyone and be nice to them ,even if you don’t know them.

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Hatim you have answered these questions so well. I love your answer for number three where you have used the word RESPECT. Where do we find that word in our classroom?

  12. Oliwia B.

    1. A priest , a levi and a samaritan
    2. He bandaged him and put him on his donkey . He took him to an Inn and took care of him .
    3. To love everyone

    1. L Mattu

      Well done! Lovely message to love everyone.

  13. Ameera K.

    1. The priest, believer and samaritan. 2. Samarian tide mans wounds, take him on his donkey, looked after him and pay for other man to take care of him. 3. Jesus try to teach his fallowers that we need to help others, no matter they are your friends or enemies.

    1. Lalita Mattu

      Well done great answers! What amazing thoughts that we should help others.
      Do you help your friends at school?

  14. Mrs Hill

    Well done to the children that have logged in to do their SMSC work.

    1. Haaniya I.

      1. Priest, Levi, Smaritan.
      2. He bandaged his wounds.
      3. Help everyone if they need.

  15. Adam K.

    1. Preist
    2.The Samaritan helped by putting bandage on the man and have money to end keeper to look after the man.
    3. Jesus lesson was to teach to be nice to people and be nice

    1. Mrs Mattu

      Wow! Amazing. You really have made me smile today Adam as you have completed all your learning. Keep up the wonderful work. 😊

  16. Elijah S.

    1.A Priest
    A Levi
    A Samaritan
    2.He brought some lotion and wine.
    2.To always help someone even if they don’t like you.

    1. Mrs Mattu

      Amazing work, superstars! Well done. 😊

    2. Gaira M.

      1.the priest,levi and the samaria.
      2.He put him on the donkey and took to the hospital
      3.To always love everyone and help them evening you don’t like them.

      1. Mrs Mattu

        Lovely answers. Yes it’s definitely nice to help people. Do you help your friends? 😊

  17. Elijah S.

    1.a)A Priest
    b)A levi
    c)A Samaritan
    2.He brought some lotion and wine.
    3.To always help someone even if they don’t like you.

    1. Mr Rawlings

      Well done Elijah that’s right. Do you think helping someone who doesn’t like you may change how they think about you??

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