Year 1 Reading Challenge – Summer 1 2022

Hi Year 1! Welcome to your reading challenge! Have a look at the pictures below and think about what is happening in each one. The best response may win a special prize in the challenge assembly!

Green and Blue Group – In full sentences, please can you describe the setting of the story and describe the characters: Little Red, Grandma, The Wolf and The Woodcutter using interesting adjectives/ expanded noun phrases ( kind, caring grandma was sick) and maybe a question for the evil, vicious wolf.

Yellow and Orange Group – In full sentences, please can you describe the characters: Little Red, Grandma, The Wolf and The Woodcutter using exciting adjectives.

Red Group – In a full sentence, please can you describe Little Red and The Wolf?

51 responses to “Year 1 Reading Challenge – Summer 1 2022”

  1. Hassanati H.

    Little Red describe as a charming, kind and thoughtful little girl. She is well-liked by everyone she meets, especially her grandmother. Although, she is somewhat naive and too ingenious toward strangers which causes her a lot of problems.

    The big bad wolf is scary, mean, nasty and sneaky because he tried to trick poor little Red. He met Little Red in the shaded woods and pretended to be a grandmother to that he could gobble Little Red.

    The grandmother is an old and frail woman who struggles to get around easily. She also ill and needs nourishment from the food packed away by Little Red’s mother for her health.

    The woodcutter is a kind, strong and brave man who helped Little Red and her grandmother. The woodcutter hit the wolf over the head, the wolf ran away and Little Red never saw the wolf again,

  2. Orevaoghene O.

    Little Red Ridding Hood is beautiful, kind and helpful girl that lives in the village with her grandma.

    The Wolf is grey, big, scary, bad and cunning.

  3. Nabira M.

    Grandma is kind beautiful lady and she was ill.
    Little red is helpful and sweet girl ❤️.
    She has a red hood.
    The wolf was nasty and silly .
    The wolf got scary sharp teeths and pointy ears.
    The wood cutter was brave and genius.

  4. Aadyan W.

    Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood. She was told by her mother to take the basket full of red, delicious crunchy apples to her grandma’s cottage. Her mother told her to not to talk to any strangers along the way. Little Red Riding Hood skipped through the dark mysterious woods. Along the way she met a terrifying, shaggy, evil wolf. The evil and nasty wolf asked Little Red Riding Hood with his deep, growling voice “where are you going little girl?”. Little Red Riding Hood replied “i’m going to my lovely grandma’s cottage because she is very sick”. The fierce, mean wolf licked his lips whilst feeling very hungry and speeded to her grandma’s cottage.
    The cunning wolf arrived to grandma’s cottage and put on grandma’s gown and got into her cosy bed. A little while later, Little Red Riding Hood gently knocked on the door. The scary wolf said “come in my dear”. Little Red Riding Hood walked into grandma’s cottage into her room and says “ Oh grandma what big ears you have”. The wolf replied “the better to hear you with my dear”. “Oh grandma what big eyes you have” said Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf answered “ my big eyes will help me to see you better with my dear”. “Oh grandma what big teeth you have” expressed Little Red Riding Hood. The wold responded “ my teeth will help me to eat you my dear”. “Help!” screamed Little Red Riding Hood as she realised there was a enormous scary wolf in grandma’s bed.
    A woodcutter was near by and heard Little Red Riding Hood scream. He ran through the mysterious forest to help the little girl. He reached the cottage and hit the wolf on the head with a axe and saved Little Red Riding Hood from the wicked wolf. After that day she never saw the terrifyingly wolf again.
    The End

    1. Aadyan W.

      Question for the wolf:
      How did the wicked wolf know where grandma’s cottage was and why did he want to do what he did?

  5. Aiyla S.

    Once a upon time, there was a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood, she was a sweet a caring young girl. She was taking some red crunchy apples for her old Grandma who was poorly. Little red riding wore her Red cloak and set off to her to grandmas house. She walked through the dark scary woods, but she was a very brave girl. On the way to grandmas the wolf stopped Red riding hood and asked her where she was going and he wanted to help her, she told him she was on the way to see Grandma and she had some apples for her. When she arrived at Grandmas house she knocked on the door and a she heard a little voice saying come in my dear.
    When little red riding hood went inside she said what big eyes you have Grandma, to see you well my dear, what big ears you have the better to hear you with. What big teeth you have, the better to eat you with. The big grey scary looking wolf jumped out of grandmas bed. The brave woodcutter came to save grandma and the little red riding hood. They lived happily ever after.
    The End

  6. Maryam K.

    Picture 1.
    Mum is giving little Red Riding Hood some apples to give to her grandma
    Picture 2.
    Little red riding hood is talking to the wolf.
    Picture 3
    The wolf is running to grandma’s cottage and waiting for little Red riding hood.
    Picture 4
    Little red riding hood walked to grandma’s cottage and it was the wolf
    Picture 5
    Grandma shut the door on the wolf’s head.
    Picture 6
    The woodcutter and grandma saved the day.
    Yellow group
    Little Red Riding Hood is kind and beautiful.
    The wolf is scary and smelly.
    The grandma is lovely and nice.
    The woodcutter is brave and strong.

  7. Noah M.

    Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood then her mum said she must get some apples for her poorly and sick Gramma .
    On her way through the forest she met with an evil and fierce wolf, he has evil ideas. The wolf asked Little Red Riding Hood where are you going? She replied I’m going to my Gramma, the wolf said I’m coming with you. The wolf was faster than Little Red Riding Hood and ate the poorly,sick Gramma and then he changed his clothes into poorly, sick Gramma.
    When Little Red Riding Hood arrived she was frustrated and she said Gramma what big ears you have all the better to hear you with. Gramma what big eyes you have all the better to see you with. Gramma what big mouth you have all the better to eat you with.
    The kind, caring woodcutter heard Little Red Riding Hood screaming and rescued her and Gramma and put some rocks inside his Tommy instead and knited his Tommy and when he woke up he fell in the dirty,deep river and the crocodile him.
    The evil, bad wolf was never seen and everyone lived happily ever after.
    And they moved from fake land to the real city Coventry.

  8. Hudaa M.

    Little Red Riding Hood is making her way to Grandma’s house. Her mum gave her apples to give to Grandma. As she was making her way into the forest she met a wolf that tricked her into picking flowers for Grandma. The wolf then ran towards Grandma’s house and he disguised himself as Grandma. little red riding hood saw Grandma in her bed but this time she looked different. she had big ears and teeth and eyes. The woodcutter saved Grandma and little red by chasing the wolf away. then Grandma and little reed hugged each other because they were so happy to be saved from the big bad wolf.

  9. Zakariyah A.

    Little red riding hood is taking apples to her grandma. She is talking to the wolf and saying that she is taking apples for grandma.the wolf went to grandmas house and was waiting for little red riding hood. When little red riding hood saw grandma she said what big eyes u have, the wolf said all the better to see you with. Little red riding hood said what big teeth you have, all the better to eat you with then little red riding hood ran away and the wood cutter banged the wolf on the head and then Grandma rushed Back to her house and hugged little red riding hood, the end .

  10. Salman O.

    The wolf is nasty and scary.
    The little red riding hood is beautiful and kind.
    The wood cutter is brave and strong.

  11. Ella K.

    Little Red riding hood is lovely and helpful.
    Grandma is trusting Little Red.
    The wolf is grey.
    The woodcutter is nice men.

  12. Advika B.

    Once upon a time, there lived a little girl call little red riding hood. She lived in a village near a forest. One day she ask her mother to get some crunchy and yummy apples. She went to the forest alone in the deep dark woods she met a scary nasty wolf. The nasty wolf trick little red to pick some beautiful flowers. But then he rushed to granny’s cottage and he did a thad thad thad. Granny was afraid and she slammed the door on his nose and the wolf said awoooooooooooooooooooo. But the nasty wolf got an idea and he locked her in the wardrobe, he dressed up as granny and a few moments later little red arrived to granny’s cottage, she said knock knock come here darling, she said what big eyes you have and she said they better to see you, what shrp teeth you have, the better to eat you. But the little red said help help, the wood cutter just came in time, he banged his axle on big bad wolf head, he ran to the forest and happily ever after. The end

    Why did wolf dressed up as granny?

  13. Sarah B.

    Blue group:
    1)Little Red Riding Hood was going to see her Grandma
    2)On the way she saw a big wolf who wanted to help her
    3)Little Red Riding Hood sees her Grandma lying on the bed
    4)The Wolf was pretending to be the grandma and Little Red Riding Hood gets scared
    5)The woodcutter helps her and hits the Wolf on the head
    6)Little Red Riding Hoods Grandma is saved and its a happy ending.

  14. Anu K.

    Yellow group/challenge:

    Little red:
    Little red is kind and she is a brave girl. She also has a beautiful, red hat/cloak. Little red is caring, sweet, and lovely. She is cheeky because she went to the woods alone without her mum knowing.

    The big bad wolf:
    The big bad wolf is nasty and ugly. He is also scary and rude. The big bad wolf can also be mean, cunning and terrifying when he was peeking through the trees.

    The grandma can be described as old and friendly. She is gentle and wears a comfy nightdress. The grandma is nice.

    The woodcutter:
    The woodcutter is brave and helpful. He is also caring and is very strong. The woodcutter is powerful and carries a sharp axe.

  15. Saalihah H.

    Little Red
    Little Red is a nice, beautiful and adventurous girl, who likes to look after her grandmother.
    The Wolf
    The Wolf is very naughty, silly, mean greedy and jealous.
    The grandmother is very old, kind and very ill.
    The Woodcutter
    The Woodcutter is wise, helpful, nice, strong, tall and friendly.

  16. Muhammed I.

    1) Once a upon a time there was a little girl who’s name was Little Red Riding Hood and her mum told her to go her grandmother house.
    2)When she was walking in the forest ,she met the big bad wolf 🐺.
    3)Then, the went Little Red Riding Hood Grandmother house and ate her.
    4)After, The big bad wolf put her pj’s on and went on her bed also he pertend to be Little Red Riding Hood Grandmother.
    5)Little Red Riding Hood enter the house 🏠 She ask”Why do you have big ear?So I can hear you better.” “Why do you have big eyes ?So I can see you better and WHY do you have a big mouth? So I can eat you 😋.
    6)Little Red Riding Hood ask for help and then Man came and shamsh a bat on his head.
    7)Then she saw her Grandmother and Lived Happily Ever After The End.

  17. Emraan A.

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Little Red Riding hood. One day her nice mum give her a red crunchy apple to take to her old Grandma because her Grandma was ill. In the distance there was a big and gray wolf trying to peek Little Red, in a hurry the nasty wolf ran in the grandma’s cottage and pretend to be Grandma. Lovely Little Red arrived in Grandma’s cottage and asked, What big hears you have Grandma? And What big teeth you have? The wolf said its all better to eat you with…
    In a flash Little Red scream and the brave woodcutter came and hurt the bad evil wolf and the scary and ugly wolf ran out of the cottage. They live happily after.

  18. Iqra F.

    Little Red Riding Hood’s mother told her to go to her granny’s house to see her.
    Hi, there what are you doing all alone in the forest? The wolf asked.
    The wolf pretended to be the grandma.
    Little Red Riding Hood said ‘oh, grandma’, and she said ‘what big eyes do you have’. ‘oh grandma’, she said, ‘what long arms you have. ‘oh grandma’, ‘what big teeth you have.’ and the wolf said ‘all the better to eat you with roared the wolf.
    The woodcutter hit the wolf on the head.
    Little Red Riding Hood came out from the wardrobe where she was hiding. Little Red Riding Hood hugs her grandma.

  19. Waniya Z.

    Little Red is a nice sweet girl as she likes to help her grandma. She wears a bright red hood. The grandma is a caring gentle old lady who loves Little Red. The wolf is a big bad meanie who is nasty as he tries to hurt Little Red and the grandma. The wolf has big scary sharp teeth. The woodcutter is a brave hero who saves the day as helps little red and her grandma from the evil wolf.

  20. Jasmine P.

    Once upon a time there was little red riding hood who lived with her mom in house that was in forest
    One day her mom said to her bring red crunchy apple and give to her grandma who lived near the big bushy tree
    There was big wolf who lived in forest when he know little red riding hood is coming to see her grandmother then he dress up like her grandmother
    He put grandmother clothes then he laid in grandmother bed after that little red riding hood came to grandma house she knocked the door..
    wolf said in grandma voice come in my dear.. then little red riding hood said how big your ears then wolf said better to hear you
    How big you have teeth and eyes then grandma came with woodcutter
    Suddenly woodcutter banged on to the wolf head with a wood hammer
    After this they were living happily all together then wolf never ever came back

  21. Latifa A.

    Once upon a time Little Red Riding
    Hood lived next to a forest grandma
    Was sick so Little red riding hood
    Is bringing red crunchy apples but
    the wolf was lurking behind a tree
    the wolf tricked Little red riding hood and ran to grandma’s house and nocked on the door grandma open the door and slamed the door on his nose he cried grandma ran for help the wolf dressed up in grandma’s clothes Little Red riding hood walked in grandma’s room she was surprised she said what big ears you have grandma the better to hear you with what big eyes the better to see you what big teeth you have the better to eat you Little Red riding hood screamed and a brave wood cutter scared the wolf away they all lived happy after all.

  22. Amina I.

    Once upon a time little red riding hood lived in a beautiful house near the forest with her lovely mom. Beautiful Little Red Riding hoods mom told her to get some fresh yummy delicious apples to give it to her sick grandma who lives in the spooky and has big wavey trees.

    Then the big grey and unkind wolf sneaked in the forest, then the wolf spotted Little Red walking down the big lane saying to her “go get some fresh flowers for sick grandma”.

    The big bad rude wolf was running to grandma house, then grandma slammed the door on the big unkind wolf, the wolf said “ow ow owwwww” grandma ran in the back garden cupboard.

    Little Red said “what big ears you have” ,the wolf said “the better to hear you with”
    Little Red said “what big orange eyes you have, the wolf replied back ” the better to see you with”
    Little Red said ” what big teeth you have then the wolf replied “the better to eat you with”.

    The woodcutter hit the wolf in the head, the wolf ran away. THen they finally found the sick grandma she was very scared and frightened and they lived happily ever after.

  23. Bilal U.

    Once upon a time Little red riding hood is in a house wearing a red cloak. Her mum said to take red crunchy apples to grandma’s house.
    she is walking through the dusky gloomy forest and she saw the big bad wolf.
    The big bad wolf said why don’t you pick up some daisys?
    Little red riding hood said ok.
    He ran to grandma’s house and he ate her.
    The wolf pretended to be grandma and then little red riding hood came to grandma house and she said what big eyes you have, what big teeth you have and the wolf said all the better to eat you with. The wolf was about to eat little red riding hood but then the woodcutter chopped the wolf and saved her. The grandma is saved.

  24. Khadija B.

    red riding hood is going to her grandmas house and he like wearing bright red. She carries red apples and a wolf with sharp teeth who is a bully and likes to eat girls comes by granny’s house. Then he pretends to be granny. Which is very scary. And then the woodcutter came by and says ‘don’t eat little red riding hood’ then hit the wolf. The wolf runs away with a bump of his head. And they live happily ever after

  25. Elim F.

    1) Little Red Riding Hood is going to granny’s house.
    2) Hi there what are you doing all alone in the forest.
    3) The wolf pretended to be the granny.
    4) Little Red Riding Hood said granny what big ear you have? How big teeth you have? and the wolf said so that I can eat you up.
    5) The wood cutter hit the wolf on the head.
    6) Granny came out from the wardrobe where she was hide.

  26. Abigail F.

    1) Little Red Riding Hood is going to granny’s house.
    2) Hi there what are you doing all alone in the forest.
    3) The wolf pretended to be the granny.
    4) Little Red Riding Hood said granny what big ear you have? How big teeth you have? and the wolf said so that I can eat you up.
    5) The wood cutter hit the wolf on the head.
    6) Granny came out from the wardrobe where she was hide.

  27. Maryum N.

    Little Red Riding Hood was going to see her grandma in the woods.
    On the way she saw a big wolf who said he wanted to help her.
    She said I am going to see my grandma.
    The wolf got there first he wanted to eat little red riding hood.
    Her grandma saved her and the wolf ran away.

  28. Dhonshan R.

    Little Red helps her mother and she is kindly girl. She has a basket full of apples and she is wearing red cloths. She is talking with wolf about her grandma. The wolf has pointy nose and sharp teeth. It dressed up as grandma. It want to eat Little Red, so she is scared. The woodcutter bang wolf’s head. The woodcutter is brave man. In the end of the story Little Red hugs her grandma and they are happy.

  29. Freya S.

    Little Red Riding Hood is a kind, helpful little girl. She wears a red Cape with a hood.
    The wolf is a mean and scarey animal, with Sharpe claws and teeth. He lies so much to trick kind people in to making them his dinner . He’s known as the big bad wolf . All are scared of him and tricks .
    The grandma is a gentle old lady that wears a night dress in the story . She’s very poorly that why little red riding hood goes to visit her.
    The wood chopper is brave, helpful and strong man .

  30. Maximilian J.

    The forest was deep and dark and had large, brown trees. Little Red Riding Hood was sweet and lovely. Her Grandma was caring and old. The wolf had large sharp teeth and pointy ears. He was mean and scary. The woodcutter was brave and kind.

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