Good afternoon,

Next Thursday, on the 18th of November there will be two Phonic work shops for parents. These will be run at separate times. The first session will be virtual via Zoom at 1.00pm until 2.00pm. The second session will be in person, at school at 2.00pm until 3.00pm. The maximum number in school will be 10, all with masks on.

You have kindly been invited to these sessions. As part of your child’s learning, I will be showing you how to teach phonics and how it is an important part of your child’s reading and writing.

Please could you comment below to say whether you will be attending virtual or in school.

If you are attending in school, make your way to the front Office Reception Desk.

Thank you.

Ms Janjua

16 responses to “Year 1 Parent’s Phonic Workshop”

  1. Warizah I.

    Has the parant meating started on zoom?

  2. Warizah I.

    I will be joining via zoom. thank you

  3. Liyana M.

    I would like the Virtual workshop at 1pm please for Liyana Mohammed Year 1 Blue.

  4. Ravi P.

    Eli’s dad will attend in person.

  5. Dhonshan R.

    I can attend to the phonic workshop in person.Thank you(Dhonshan Rathikumar-year -1 blue)

  6. Waniya Z.

    Hi waniya mum can I attend school at 2/3 please

  7. Noah M.

    I would like to attend in school please if there still a place available.
    Thank you for this kind offer.
    Noah’s mum.

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      We have added you to the list.
      Thank you

  8. Muhammed I.

    Hi Ibrahim can I attend school at 2/3 plz

  9. Huzaifa S.

    I would like to attend the virtual session at 1pm for Huzaifa Shahid Year 1 Red. Thank you.

  10. Iqra A.

    I would like the Virtual workshop at 1pm please for Iqra Ahmed Year 1 Blue. Regards

  11. Yusuf A.

    Yusuf’s mum will be attending the virtual session from 1 until 2 please. Thank you.

  12. Duaa A.

    Virtual please at 1pm for Duaa 1B. Thank you.

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      You have been added to the list and will receive a link to join.
      Thank you

  13. Maryum N.

    Hi Maryum Naz mum can I attend school at 2/3 plz

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      We are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.
      Thank you

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