Hi Year 1,

You can complete your challenge on the blog or on paper.


(Instead of cubes you could use sweets, pasta, lego… any objects!)


35 responses to “Year 1 Maths Challenge Autumn 1”

  1. Aisha A.

    Aisha rolled 1. Its 1 jump to 0 and 9 jumps to 10.
    If you roll 6 and did three jumps you land on 9 and 3.
    When you start from 3 you need 7jumps to get to 10. And when u start on 7 you need 3 jumps to get to 10

  2. James M.


    2 is more than 1
    3 is more than 2
    6 is more than 5
    10 is more than 9 .
    9 is more than 8.
    8 is more than 6.
    4 is more than 1.
    7 is more than 3.
    1 is more than 0

  3. Saliha K.

    10 is more than 9
    1 is more than 0
    5 is more than 4
    6 is more than 5
    9 is more than 8
    2 is more than 1
    3 is more than 2
    4 is more than 3
    7 is more than 6
    8 is more than 7

  4. Oliwia B.

    1 is more than 0
    2 is more than 0 and 1
    3 is more than 2,1,0
    4 is more than 3,2,1,0
    5 is more than 4,3,2,1,0
    6 is more than 5,4,3,2,1,0
    7 is more than 6,5,4,3,2,1,0
    8 is more than 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,
    9 is more than 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0
    10 is more than 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0


    Oliwia rolled a 6. It is 6 jumps to 0 and 4 jumps to 10.
    3 jumps from 6 is 3
    3 jumps from 6 is 9
    3 and 7


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