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Y6 Drayton Manor Parent Helpers

Year 6 are going to Drayton Manor on Wednesday 19th June 2024. We need four parent helpers per class. If you are available, PLEASE SPEAK TO YOUR CHILD’S CLASS TEACHER by Tuesday 21st May.
Many thanks for your support.

9 responses to “Y6 Drayton Manor Parent Helpers”

  1. Kamil N.

    Hello, I was wondering if my older sister can still volunteer as a helper. She’s 18.

  2. Flourish A.

    I would love to go I am so excited 😆😃

  3. Miski M.

    My cousin is able to go.

  4. Tipian I.

    I remember going there

  5. Eman A.

    My mum will be able to come to the trip

  6. Tana I.

    I am so excited to go DRAYTON MANOR I have already been there
    so I am quite familiar with the rides.♡:)

  7. Zahraa Y.

    My mum is more then happy to come along

  8. Ebenezer O.

    I am very excited to go

  9. Ibrahim M.

    Ibrahim parents will be glad to attend

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