Y3 Walk into Town

This Wedensday, Year 3 will be walking into the city centre. They will visit the Transport museum, Herbert Art Gallery and various places in the town. This is to provide them for a stimulous for writing and aid their understanding of the local area.

Pupil’s need to be in school for normal register time and will be back in time for collection at 3:15pm. Children are to wear their normal school uniform but please check the weather incase we are due rain.

If your child has a packed lunch, please bring it in a rucksack or a disposable bag as they will be carrying it round all day. Anyone who has paid for a lunch will have a packed lunch provided.

2 responses to “Y3 Walk into Town”

  1. Aqsa S.

    Ok thank you for information

  2. Sulaiman A.

    Thank you.

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