
Y3 Summer 2 Reading Challenge 2024

Hi Year 3.

In Summer 2 we are going to be sharing the stories of Paddington by the author Michael Bond. Please read the extract below from the story ‘A Bear called Paddington.

If your child is unable to read the whole text, listen to the video instead.


What does it say on Paddington’s suitcase? (page 3).

List two adverbs that are used on Page 5.

Why was Paddington worried on Page 5?


Use a dictionary to create a glossary of the following words found in the extract.







Predict what might happen next to Paddington in the story. Give reasons from the text as to why you think this. Draw a picture of the scene.

We look forward to reading your responses!

72 responses to “Y3 Summer 2 Reading Challenge 2024”

  1. Aqsa S.

    a momentary or partial view.

  2. Aqsa S.

    leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another

  3. Aqsa S.

    a person who stows away on a passenger vehicle.

  4. Iqra F.

    He might be scared because he might be out of the house

  5. Aqsa S.

    Retired -To stop working because you’re old or ill

  6. Iqra F.

    1. Wanted on voge
    2.retire mean to stop working because u are too I’ll or old. Glimpse mean to see something for only a few seconds.
    3.Padditon will sleep after eating his malamod sandwich

  7. Naksh P.

    1.On the suitcase it said wanted on voyage
    2.inquiringly and appealingly
    3.because he had no were to sleep or live

  8. Bilaal K.

    Wanted on voyage

    Proudly and simply

    Because he has nowhere to stay

    When you are not in a job

    When you sneak on a transport

  9. Aqsa S.

    I think something which will happen next is Paddington will get into mischief when he gets on the taxi and then he’ll spill marmalade on . This is because they went on the taxi

  10. Murtaza A.

    Wanted on voge
    Proud applingly
    Because he did not have a home

  11. Shourya N.

    Wanted on voyage
    Proudly and appealingly
    Because he didn’t have any where to live

  12. Sarah B.

    1.wanted on voyage
    Simply and proudly
    Because no one would help him.

    2.retired from employment
    Stowaway: A person who hides in a air boat
    Battered:coated in batter deep
    Emigrate:leaves there country for another country
    Glimpse:A momentary or partial view

  13. Saalihah H.

    It seid PS
    Empty jar
    He doesn’t want the browns to leave him alone

  14. Antonio R.

    Triangle Squer Rantagel

  15. Roshaan K.

    bronze wanted on voyage
    bending starving
    silver glimpse = a momental partial view
    emigrate= to leave someone’s country
    batter = to injure someone
    stowaway = to go somewhere secretly
    retired = when your to old to work
    I think something which will happen next is Paddington will get into mischief when he gets on the taxi and then he’ll spill marmalade on . This is because they went on the taxi

  16. Elgin A.


    Retired- retired means you quit your job.
    Stowaway-you leave a place with lots of people
    Battered-hit something very hard to something

  17. Aurora H.



    2 simply and proudly

    3 Paddington was scared and worried because no whon will take care of him

    Retired means when you sop working or your to old


    Stoway means somewhon travels for eg they haven’t brought a ticket


    Eg damaged

    When you move to a different place


    When you quickly look at something


    He might go to Greenwich cause it is closer to london
    United States

  18. Advika B.

    1.Wanted on voyage
    2.simply and proudly
    3. Paddington was worried because no one might take care of him.
    1. Retired means quite your job or stop working.
    2. Stowaway means someone who travels without paying.
    3.Battered means injured
    4.Emigrate means to leave your country of origin.
    5.Glimpse means someone had a short look at something.
    He might go and explore another city because he got bored of London and then Mr Mrs brown will get worried.

  19. Manuela M.

    1.paddingtons’s suitcase said WANTED ON VOYAGE.
    2.two adjectives: proudly and appealingly
    3.Paddington was worried because he had no home and no food.
    Retired-stopped working permanently
    Stowaway-someone who hides on a ship or airplane.
    Emigrate-leave a country to go live in another one
    Glimpse-strongest matches

  20. Arham S.

    1.Paddington’s suitcase says that wanted on voyage.
    2.The 2 words that are the adverbs are proudly and appealingly.
    3.Paddington was worried because he has nobody to live with and he won’t have any food.
    Retired-Having left one’s job and ceased to work.
    Battered-Injured by repeated blows or punishment.
    Emigrate-Leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another.
    Glimpse-A momentary or partial view.
    Stowaway-someone who hides on a boat, airplane and train without paying.
    I predict that Paddington will go upstairs in the bathroom and Paddington uses the shower,then he uses the toothbrush the take the ear wax outside the ear,then he wanted to flush the toilet but he couldn’t reach it ,but when he reached it he pulled the flush very hardly down and water started coming so fast that that the water in the shower came out fast so as the tap,but 1 drip of water in the bathroom in the downstairs ceiling into Mr Brown tea.When Mr Brown heard the drip he said,”What is that.Is that from the bathroom!”He ran quickly upstairs and opened the bathroom door and suddenly water came out like tsunami and Mr Brown called the plumber and while the plumber fix the bathroom Paddington was drying himself

  21. Aadyan W.

    Because he had no home and didn’t think he was going to be helped.
    Retired-No longer work at the place.
    Stowaway-A person that hides on the thing then hopes that they don’t get caught for going on for free.
    Battered-that is very damaged
    Emigrate-A person that moves to a different country.
    Glimpse-Seeing something for a very short time.

    He might go and explore another city because he might be bored of London and mr and mrs Brown will get worried.

  22. Shayan S.

    Paddington was worried because he might run out of marmalade in a big city.
    silverIt said WANTED ON VOYAGE on Padingtons suitcase.
    The adverbs are bending, down and turn.

    retired means you are not active service.
    stowaway mean you are hiding in a airoplane, ship with out paying.
    Battered means you are injured by a punishment.
    Emigrate means when someone leaves a country and go to another.
    glimpse means momentary or partial view.

  23. Hamasah Y.

    Is means over 67 years old no longer available for working.

  24. Maximilian J.

    1) Wanted On Voyage
    2) Appealingly, Simply
    3) Thought he would be helpless

    Retired – Quit your job, stop working
    Stowaway – Hiding on a way of transport
    Battered – Damaged
    Emigrate – Leave the country or place you are staying at
    Glimpse – Small or short view of something

    He will get home safely but I think as the story progresses he will get into some trouble or mischief.

  25. Iqra S.


    What does it say on Paddington’s suitcase? (page 3).
    List two adverbs that are used on Page 5.
    Why was Paddington worried on Page 5?
    he thought no one would want him and he would be left alone


    Use a dictionary to create a glossary of the following words found in the extract.

    having left one’s job and ceased to work:
    a person who stows away on a passenger vehicle.
    injured by repeated blows or punishment:
    leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another:
    a momentary or partial view

    Predict what might happen next to Paddington in the story. Give reasons from the text as to why you think this.
    I predict that Paddington is gonna go to Mrs Brown’s house and he is gonna take all of them margarines and he will make some buy more and he will go back to his aunt

  26. Ella C.

    1. Wanted on voyage
    2. Appealingly, proudly
    3.oh I shall be alright. I expect

  27. Huzaifah J.

    On Padding Suitcase it says WANTED ON VOYAGE in large letters.

    The two adverbs used in page 5 are Appealing and proudly.

    Paddington was worried that he will run out of marmalade and will be left on his own in a big City.

    Retired: having stopped working at one’s job or no longer being active service.

    Stowaway: a person who hides on a ship, airoplane, or train.

    Battered: hurt by being repeatedly hit

    Emigrate: to leave one country or region in order to settle in another.

    Glimpse:to see something or someone for a very short time or only partly

  28. Haseeb B.

    1. On the suitcase it said wanrted on voyage
    2.the two adverbs are small and hesitated
    3. Because he thought that they are going to be nice to him
    Glimpses- momentary or partial view
    Retired-means you stop doing some thing and you have a long rest like. Mrs Frankish
    Stowaway- hides on a ship 🚢,plane and not paying And not being seen

  29. Dominik B.


    Proudly and apealingly
    Because he didn’t have a place to stay.


    Retired means that someone stops working.
    Stowaway means someone who travels without paying on a vehicle.
    Battered means when something is very broken.
    Emigrate means someone moves to a different country other then the one they live in.
    Glimpse means someone had a short look at something.


    Mrs and Mr Brown will stop having an argument with the driver and find Paddington thinking because The Browns were having an argument .

    1. Hamasah Y.

      1:wanted on voyage
      Simply and proudly because he no one helps him.

  30. Elim F.

    1. wanted on voyage
    Simply and proudly
    Because he thought no one would help him.
    2. Retired:
    Having retired from employment.
    Stowaway: A person who hides on a ship or aircraft etc.
    Battered: coated in batter deep – fried.
    Emigrate: leave one’s country to settle to another.
    Glimpse: A momentary or partial view.
    3. He might go to a different city. I think that because he is in London so closest to Greenwich, united kingdom.

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