
Y3 Summer 2 Reading Challenge 2024

Hi Year 3.

In Summer 2 we are going to be sharing the stories of Paddington by the author Michael Bond. Please read the extract below from the story ‘A Bear called Paddington.

If your child is unable to read the whole text, listen to the video instead.


What does it say on Paddington’s suitcase? (page 3).

List two adverbs that are used on Page 5.

Why was Paddington worried on Page 5?


Use a dictionary to create a glossary of the following words found in the extract.







Predict what might happen next to Paddington in the story. Give reasons from the text as to why you think this. Draw a picture of the scene.

We look forward to reading your responses!

72 responses to “Y3 Summer 2 Reading Challenge 2024”

  1. Warizah I.

    Bronze 1The suitcase says WANTED ON VOYAGE. 2Appealing and proudly

  2. Aiyla S.


    predict he will go back to Peru to stay with his aunt Lucy

  3. Aiyla S.


    The suitcase says WANTED ON VOYAGE.

    Appealing and proudly

    Worried about being on his own in such a big city.


    Retired- withdrawn from one’s position or occupation : having concluded one’s working or professional career.

    Stowaway-someone who hides on a ship, airplane, etc., in order to travel without paying or being seen.

    Battered-injured by repeated blows or punishment.
    “he finished the day battered and bruised

    Emigrate-leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another.

    Glimpse-a momentary or partial view.
    “she caught a glimpse of the ocean”

  4. Kayla P.

    On Paddington’s suitcase, it says WANTED ON VOYAGE.

    Adverbs used in page 5 are
    Small – small key
    Appealingly – turned appealingly

    Paddington was worried because his jar of marmalade was nearly empty and he will run out soon.


    Retired – having stopped working at one’s job or no longer being in active service.

    Stowaway – a person hides on a ship, aeroplane, or train.

    Battered – injured by repeated blows or punishment.

    Emigrate – leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another.

    Glimpse – a momentary or partial view.

  5. Aryan H.

    On his suitcase, it says wanted on voyage.
    The two adverb are simply and appealingly.
    Paddington was worried because his marmalade was almost finished.
    Silver –
    Retired – you have done something for a very long time and you quit to relax.
    Stowayaw- person hides in the plane or train and havent paid for a ticket.
    Battered means being hurt.
    Emigrate : leaving ones country to live in another country.
    Glimple means to look at something for a short amount of time.

  6. Hannah B.

    1) wanted on voyage
    2) proudly and appealing
    3)he was worried about being alone in Paddington Station with nothing to do for food or fun

    Battered – damaged or worn down by hard use
    Emigrate – leave ones country to settle down permanently in another
    Glimpse – a momentary or partial view
    Retired- no longer working due to old age
    Stowaway- a person who goes away on a passagenger vehicle

    Paddington will meet Mrs Bird and he will be shy to meet her based on the description that Mrs Bird is fierce and grumbles. Paddington will also get cleaned and have a bath since he is all sticky and dirty from his long travels and the incident at the buffet with Mr Brown.
    (Drawing is in homework book)

  7. Sulaiman A.

    1.It was a battered up.
    2.Proudly and appealingly
    Retired:having one’s job and ceased to work.
    Stowaway:a person who hides on a ship , aircraft and other vehicles.
    Battered:It been used, worn off.
    Emigrate:leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another.
    Glimpse:a momentary or partial view.
    Paddington might help the house and other people and helps the plants and flowers.

  8. Hassanati H.


    1 please look after this bear .
    what are you going to do now .
    We cannot take him .
    He was worried because his marmalade was nearly finished.

    1 retired mean to leave a job and cease to work.
    2 stowaway a person who hide on a ship aircraft or other vehicle.
    3 Battered mean injured by repeated punishment .
    4 emirat mean to a person who move from one place to another .
    5 Glimpse to see something or some one for a very short time.

    1. Jasmine P.

      1. It was battered up.
      2. Proudly and appealingly
      1. Retired mean to leave a job and cease to work
      2.stowaway a person who hide on a ship aircraft or vehicle
      3. Battered mean injured by repeated punishment
      4. emirat mean to a person who move from one place to another
      5. Glimpse to see something or some one every short time

  9. Latifa A.


    I predict that paddington will go home and Judy tells mrs bird but she doesn’t believe it but when she actually sees him she is shocked and faints

  10. Saanvika M.

    Wanted on voyage
    Appealing hesitating
    he is nervous that something bad might happen
    i pridict that the browns will take paddington home

  11. Gurshaanpreet S.

    The suitcase was old and battered and on the side,in large letters were the wards WANTED on voyage.
    2. He was scared Samthing bad will happen is the second one

  12. Yusuf Amin

    ■ Bronze – It says PB on Paddington’s suitcase

    ■ Gold – He will go to London on Paddington Stations train and will travel to Darkest Peru on a aeroplane and meet aunt Lucy.

  13. Waniya Z.

    1. P.B
    2. Appealing and hesitating
    3.he was nervous that something bad would happen since he was alone on the train.

    Retired= taking a break from finishing a job
    Stowaway= a person who stows away on a passenger’s vechile
    Battered=injured by repeated blows of punishment
    Emigrate=moving from the country u lived in to another country
    Glimpse= a momentary or partial view

  14. Liyana M.

    I predict that Paddington Will go to a garden and there was a sign that says that don’t touch the plants or leaves and Paddington saw a leaf and it was spiky and he touched it and he had a thorn and MR brown got embarrassed so he wanted to go home and paddington begged him to stay.

  15. Liyana M.

    The writing that said on Paddington was WANTED ON VOYAGE
    1. Bending down is one.
    2. he was scared something bad will happened is the second one.
    3. Appealing of proud is the last one
    Retired = if you quit something like you stop working because they will get older.
    Stowaway = if you hide on a ship or aircraft.
    Battered = it means if something is damaged.
    Emigrate = if you leave a country and permintly live in another one.
    glimpse = to see something or someone to see a very short time or partly.

  16. Maryum N.


    On his suitcase it says PB and on his neck it says please look after this bear its because paddington lost his aunty uncle in a disaster and then the uncle died and aunt Lucy was sent in a home for retired Bear and then he went too London in a lifeboat then came to paddington Station after he was found by Mrs brown and the rest they looked after him for a few days and then they called him paddington.

  17. Ella K.

    He was scared because he thought that something so bad will happen and

  18. Ella K.

    Paddington sat on a oak brown and dusty old suitcase and there is a white paper on his neck it says pls look after this bear.

  19. Zenat N.

    Paddington was sitting on his suitcase and around his neck it said please look after This bear.

  20. Hasnaa N.

    Paddington vaunted on voage

  21. Mustafa A.

    Vaunted on voyage
    Appealing and proud
    He was nervous something bad would happen

    1. Shaheer N.

      .Paddington was sitting with this suit case and around this neck it said please look after him.

  22. Abdul A.

    I think wall haappen in stoy paddoington wall tell avreting

  23. Abdul A.


    he Retied to coventry

  24. Abdul A.

    paddington was sit in paddington stayshen

  25. Zakariyah A.


    I predict that Mrs and Mr Brown are going to take Paddington home with them. I think that they will give him a shower because he is smelly and they will let him rest with some nice food.

    I thought this because Mrs Brown thought that it was sad of a little bear being all alone at the train station called Paddington station. When they were talking to Paddington they thought that they could name him Paddington after the station.

  26. Nabira M.

    Paddington bent down as the browns passed
    She turned to her husband

  27. Nabira M.

    paddington was sitting on his suit and sighed.

  28. Nabira M.

    Bronze 🥉🥉🥉

  29. Liliana S.

    Vaunted on voyage

    1. Warizah I.

      1The suitcase says WANTED ON VOYAGE.

      2Appealing and proudly

  30. Hamasah Y.

    Paddington was sit down siyed

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