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Y3 Summer 2 Reading Challenge 2024

Hi Year 3.

In Summer 2 we are going to be sharing the stories of Paddington by the author Michael Bond. Please read the extract below from the story ‘A Bear called Paddington.

If your child is unable to read the whole text, listen to the video instead.


What does it say on Paddington’s suitcase? (page 3).

List two adverbs that are used on Page 5.

Why was Paddington worried on Page 5?


Use a dictionary to create a glossary of the following words found in the extract.







Predict what might happen next to Paddington in the story. Give reasons from the text as to why you think this. Draw a picture of the scene.

We look forward to reading your responses!

72 responses to “Y3 Summer 2 Reading Challenge 2024”

  1. Bilaal K.

    Retired = when you are too old to work.
    Stowaway = when you go to another country illegally
    Emigrate = when you move from one country to another.
    Glimpse = when you have a small look at something.

  2. Bilaal K.

    When you are really tired or when something is unfunctional.

  3. Tala I.

    🏆Bronze 🏆
    Wanted on voyage
    Proudly and starving
    Padditon was scared off nobody was not atlease helping him.
    Regiment pg 12
    Storway pg 15
    Batted pg 17
    Eigrate pg 11
    Glimpse pg 6
    He might explore the city center 🚶🏽‍♂️

  4. Saalihah H.


    Predict what might happen next to Paddington in the story. Give reasons from the text as to why you think this.

    They will take good care of Paddington and let him stay in the Brown’s house because they felt bad that he was out in the cold.

  5. Saalihah H.

    Predict what might happen next to Paddington in the story. Give reasons from the text as to why you think this.

  6. Saalihah H.

    Gold: they will take good care of Paddington in the Brown’s house.

  7. Saalihah H.

    retired: means when someone is very old and has left their job.

    Stowaway: when someone hides in a vehicle like a ship.

    Battered: old and used a lot.

    Emigrate: to leave your country and go to another country.

    Glimpse: is when you see something/someone for a very short time.

  8. Amelia R.

    Wanted on voyage
    Proudly appallingly
    Because he had nowhere to live 😢
    Silver employment
    Stornway a person who hides on a ship
    Coated in a batter deep. Fride
    emigate leave one country to settle another
    Glimpse A momentary or partial View😱

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